The Times from San Mateo, California (2025)

ATHENTON SALE- The owner of this FORCED bedroom, 3-bath home says "Sell." IL with 5 live caks. Reverse 11007 1s On 3 lot On fenced the side with central hall and country kitchen. you want 4 real buy, inspect this home P. At GORHAM $31.500. Estate Counselor Since 1919 GEORGE Rea! 1063 El Camino, R.

EM 133-Atherion) 6-8483 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 33 FOR SALE 331 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ESTATE! LOS ALTOS REAL FUR SALE 331 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ALTOS ESTATE FOR SALE 33 SAN CARLOS 3 2 Baths $18,500 Double with oak trees. VIEW Dishwasher--Disposal RANCH STYLE HOME, 3-4001 or FT 5-8119 Owner. 14-San Mateo Times March 12, 1955. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 33 SAN CARLOS BY White OWNER. Oaks.

Paulo, roams weatherstripped. In exclusive Immediate fo: Inspection. occupancy. 564 Emerald. Price to Open 3-2573, LY 3-6585.

133SC) LY Lee. 5. close in IMMED. side. occupancy.

Dol. gar, central Can $14.150. Assume 137 Vine 40. St; loan. LY Asking: Realtors' the rights of real estate To protect When Buying or PENINSULA REALTY CO.

San Mateo. FI 5-3527 1100 El Camino. LOCATION $19.950 TOP BURLINGAME business demands constant travDRASTIC pftered REDUCTION--Owner's de luxe Burlingume room. home RT full- 50 he has hall, charming Alving terrific sacrifice. Central roum.

Large sun-filed kitchen. 3 twin-sized Ur nard dinine developed lendscaped grounds, Loads For bedrooms. Artistic and Immaculate ciosct and buser who want: the 045L In location, the chiscriminating remember this Is A See today, And spaciousness, Sunday, 1-5: Following Open for Inspection BOULEVARD $24.500 425 HILLSDALE after CREEK SETTING. RANCH HOUSE with 24 plant. Wall ROuss wall of the much soul: Contrail hall.

room reverse with: access to with a delixhtful seclusion secluded that only terrace and beautiful affords. landscaped Modern garden kitchen with charming breakfast PScreek setting Throw large sun-filled brdrooms, includes Price ceptionn! close: corprilng, and store nad space refrigerator. Central heat. 2-cor wall-LO-WAN garace, See today, $25.950 931 EDINBURGH-ARAGON on a large corner lob beauu. In the heart of the Close both district elementury alict parochial schou's, fully developed.

to room. separate dining Alodel cheerContra! hall. lurer cupbonrds dishwasher. Three charmfu! kitchen with Canvassed Inv Lain-sizeil bedrooms: Two-car garage. separate recently redecorated oatstandins: In 3 home.

room. Aragon's Menlo Park, DA 5-0041 MENLO-ATHERTON OFFICE 1035 El Camino, 3 BEDROOMS. 2 Mento Park BATHS $18.500 COUNTRY SETTING--Located tr: close- in section RANCH HOUSE. developed lot roum: separate dining with Jarge Charming breakias: modern room: puneled adjolnu service room; 3 largo loads of cupboard spare. bedrocm: closed-in -9111 and 2 baths, One opras entrance.

Two-rar plus another Dins als two own secluded patios: tAc B3Q: garden porch, 4 turke shop urva: and grounds meticulously much to offer--may we show house. family orchard. So OAKDALE MANOR $39,500 RANCH HOUSE BEDROOMS AND DEN Merlo Park's most exclusive district. 4 In an cak-studded acre with of so much oye appea). RANCH HOUSEOnly few years old Churmine.

beauuful proportioned livias Central Niall plan. richly den with family sized dining 4 bedrocms, two baths, The secladed master and bedroom has corner firepluce and direct eirctric access stove: to large breakconceuled bur: the modern kilchen laundry wired tor Extra laratory; fast yard. area: adjoining heat. The necessibie dre. patto 2 Radiant outdoor hying.

Sce todny. yard will afford the most In PENINSULA REALTY CO. (IREC CAROLANDS BEST BUYS OPEN FOR INSPECTION and Hayne Road Corner of Barbara Way construction And there Is umA This ranch home 13 under 3 lil pick the color of full bath wallpaper rooms, and The cunty room part of 10 nil room. 2 the -purpose home and includes AA extru oven and hall-bach. burners, The birch dishwasher and kitchen includes Thermado: arra.

This 1s contral-anil ping. and room nice has unusual Sued. h-hourth There The living nit excellent view from the room are large wladows with uti There 1 niso A fireplace and ntso the separate chining in barbecue the sheltered the room and 8 built- and there is 811 excellent site lanol. The corner lot 1s cadrunton court. This won't sheltered tor 1a34 at swimming a price pool of only $39.000.

Ball maybe al 665 Darrell Road scheduled 10 be offered tor $42.000. This home was originally contractors hare lowered the Due :0 a chunke that in. makes operation this properly the a repl bona BARGAIN. price to one brick floor, and one ful. side of The entry hall Is unique wih a brick and provides 8 spectacular the livink room 18 in wrinuows a pleasing view ol trees entirely fireptace, Wall to Francisco colling Day 3 bedroprAs.

2 unusually nad the San arcane wardrobe spuce. partially enclosed baths with areat a quantities formica counters for the heated lanal with brick and fireplace convenlent arul hall -both, Tue sheltered barbecue preparatlor. privacy. The owner wAnts half-acce lot has unusual and complete and the present full askIng action and wIll consider trade offers, price 15 110 $1,000 Ares at only WILLIAM WRIGHT CO. Realtors Multiple Listing Office 1471 Burlingame Burlingame DI 4-7146 HILLSBOROUGH 3 BEDROOMS DEN -MAID'S ROONE Club ArcH.

3000 feel, trimmed In brick Burlingame with henvy Country shake Doors open living room to putto. larry kitchen. Every roon: tr: separate attractive home 1: room, EXTRA LARGE. The decor dining is outstanding and planned ty an expert. in at was owner's destened wite's excellent treLe.

Price includes some carpeting. SAN MATEO PARK- -FIVE YEAR OLD HOME $24.950 Close in lot surrounded by trees. A modern home with large livinz room nud dining PR room thai opens to rear lanai porch. 2 EXTRA SIZE bedrooms. and rutapus and room looks room out 014 mAna Thr kitchen is UD to the minute the rear yard for ease of having, BURLINGAME-2 BEDROOMS On a very convenient street north of Burlingame Avenue.

Attracyard with barbecue nud playroom. our Mr. for detolls. IF YOU WOULD LIKE A HOME AND APT: HOUSE $49.500, One of the finest corners Ga the west side in North Burlingamc. The hone Is 3 bedrooms.

2 baths. and hns an APArttient over the KAID The additional vacant property to the north. 1s 85x170 fert which would allow Very larzo Apt. hOuse to be bulll. DAVIS CLIFTON Realtors 49 Park Road, Burlingame DI 4-1745 (J3REC) CHARMING ELAIWOOD COLONIAL.

ONLY $15,250 Here is A VERY CUTE-: HEDROOM. COLONIAL--All 011 1 FLOOR -CLEAN AS A PaN--separate Dintng Room: -lorRe kitchen-centrai hoot -Deautifully an excellent W. SIDE Areand--only BIk. 10 LOCAL DUS. An excellent home for ho smell family or retired couple, EXCELLENT FINANCING can be arranged, SIDE RANCH-3 EDRAIS.

2 SPANKING NEW and FULLY LANDSCAPED: VERY CHARMING Runchhouse has Just become The BIG LR-DR Li with its beautifully PANELED WALLS Opens airectly to cecica pAtio -the 3 BEDROOMS AND 2 BATHS 2-ca: SPARKUNO KITCHEN tend to makr this VERY SPECIAL HONE. Yes, INSULATED-WEATHERSTRIPPED and CLOSE TO EVERYTHING! "DE LUXE" BAYWOOD-3 BDRMS. BRAND NEW on the market. This IMMACULATE HOME Is being ofterrd by original owners for the FIRST TIME. You'll thrall :0 the SPACIOUSNESS this LOVELY HOME wilL 115 CENTRAL HALL--HUGE LIVING ROOM, dining LOVELY -J BIG BEDROOMS plus DEN (opening to GROUNDS CABANA IATA Garden Lover's Delight.

It's ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIC al 427.500, RAYBOULD BARTLETT 10 Third Ave. 4-6808 OWNER WANTS DEAL home In Sau a close to schools and On this spacious 2 bdrm. with stall shower, Central heat. Very transportation, Bath kitchen. beautiful secluded sard with patio.

B1Q and pleasant trul: artes. Reduced LD sel: .514.050 SAN MATEO PARK Colonial horde. 5 spacious living sep. dining rm, nice kitchen. On spacious lot.

Priced 3-cur and guest house. Close tu parochial school. 821,750 n. only H. KENT ATWATER Realtor 1481 Burlingame Avenue DI3-1656 (30REC) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 33; SAN CARLOS Location Important? The: see chis Immaculate bdrm.

home. Lots dining of "L'. Attractive firecharm in Wring with place. eating area in kitchen. schocls, Den: and close parochial mos: everything.

Qulet and public neighborhood, to side Asking $14,050. SAN CARLOS Realtor Multiple Listing LY Broker 3-783D 1406 El 9.C. 1335C1 Home MATEO-BURLINGAME BOARD OF ownership. To be fair Selling, Deal With a Realtor. OPEN 1-5 SAT.

401 PRINCETON BAYWOOD, DRIVE WEST AT THIRD AVE. Princeton to sue this to curare Colonial Fine rounded by other quality homes. California and wan: loan quick: sale nrailable. long -term 5-0331. WEST CHARMING 3-BEDROOM.

condition, Soill built, lop A Insurance company lout. or realistic. Eves, phone Mrs. lovely 2-bedroct This throughout 111 street. near most pleasing Eves.

Dr. Concland. FI 3 BEDROOMS--NOTHING STREET WORK PAID IN FULL. DRASTICALLY REDUCED bul.t under FHA on Lovely hardwood floors, sparkling master bearm. line extra-larco and in -bar immaculate the Vince toons TWO 3-BEDROOM side of distinctionhuvina many special features.

ether. Both cArry homes vre-wa: Inc. W111 hiches: -immedinte term. F1 5-0031. What A bus fulle fonced and deal ter GI.

PHA, 0: Ever. won't Yes. role rikh: STENDER Realia: 1424 S. El Camino Real. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SAN CARLOS.

Open Inspection 1927 EUCALYPTUS AVE. TO VETS Or FHA DOWN Two bedrooms. 2-car decached nancing. garage. Near Catholic andi putlic schools, and transportation.

In process. of redecoration. $13.950. CHOOSE INTERIOR B. JOHNSON CO.

1520 El Camino, S.C. LY 3-314: 133SC Guide and honest with all parties. Only a Realtor Can AND SUN. REAL.TORS PARROTT IN S. M.

007 PARROTT DRIVE 3-bedroom, 2-car Iccattor. and a setting yurOwners moring to Northern There's rent value here at $28.500 Eves. phone Mrs. Terrill, -CLOSE-IN 25TH AVE. financing 2-CAR bit.

FIlA, Gl. bank GARAGE in excellent find. Price, $13.500 is Very real Terril, FA 5-0331. just professionly redecorated Close- in 8. M.

shopping and 5-1413. DOWN TO VET SALE. $12.950 FOR Village IMMEDIATE ranch style foundation (110 sInb), San Mateo tie: jawn, bath completely with fenced. Newly Hollywood shower, This is the best buy LIL condition. Mr.

Copeland. FI 5-1413. Eves, phone SPECIALS earl cart. excellent for 030: 817.500. the location.

$18.500 bulli. double parakes, extra plumbGI financing Eves. phone Mfrs. Terrlil, possible on. occupancy.

WEST SIDE Avenue location! This is a town Twenty landscaped. arranced. DOS- Mrs. vI 5-0331. phone in.

REALTY CO. Listing Member San Matco Fireside 5-3503 A OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 107 E. Hilisdale Blvd. Macy's. Sears, SF Attractive very convenient POORL 10 with built- bookcases commute, school.

Has box. large well constructed with plaster walls and and firewood storage bright cheerful dining room overcellings. 2 twin size bedrooms. with several fruit treps. nice looking the zurden all fenced icr privacy, See this top dollar value.

shrubs. tool house, 363 E. 40th Avenue reach type home has 1o: Located cn A corner attractive with onk CAL: dol. this 5 room of rye appeal. The room: is paneled wall Nod French inost floors.

Maestone decorated. vacan: and wood doors loader.k to secluded patio. Eastera owner wAntS action! Newly ronily tor occupancy. Asking $12,500. Sec 1:.

1054 Oakland Ave. -Menlo Park former model home, There Are A ramuling Fonchor hob n. lovely warden will patio. Has 6 attractive rooms, and weatherstripped. Priced four al $14,050.

central been In nialed Glazenwood close In location. Zeta 1.6 That secluded und desirable where: no 5 SUM: ole: spared. 6 great big rooms plus inside service built La the owner's was basement will 1Cenl for Has porch and R. full designed for easy maintenance. Asking rocm.

A karden HAMANN REALTY CO. 1616 EL CAMINO REAL. SAN MATEO FI 5-3521 (33REC) OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, 1-5 678 Barneson Avenue, San Matco 20-Ico: den with fireplace. Separate living LArge 3 cinine rooms. Diach kitchen with formica counters.

and and proircted patio with BBQ. This 16 a discosal, Larce bill; tome. $35.000. NEW LISTINGS doubt. sho cleunest 3-bedroom home VILLAGE- is without 8 that you can find, Excellent firepinco treatmect; sheltered patio, E's rently beat buy 05 412,250.

bedrooms, separate and dining rooms. 1: transfered. of the terker hones in the 15 also clean. Orixinai ga'ners are This is one district, You just can't beat $13.250. YOU STILL HAVE TIME combinations and There large bedTo choose your volo: off the kitchen.

Large kitchen with birch rooms and family room cabinets. d. and disposal une! Thermador wilts rear sard. Close-In prestine location. Le: anting aren.

show you this ranch home ROCHEX ROCHEX, INC. Realtors Since 1907 Insurors 1106 El Camino Real. San Mateo Phone DI 3-3653 (Opposite Mills Hospital) 133RECi ESTABLISHED AREA: OAK! Adolning AraKon! In one of Wes; San Mateo's prettiest CANTHALLY 2-bedroom home. The living room with ils cozy CORNER LOCATED and near school: compact Aron, Here doors open wide lathFIRUPLACE ells to dining sheltered patio Pride of home-owning will be the BIG area. You'll like the many-cabineted nor sink your OAK that spreads over the expensive backyard, excellent completely eluded by Wholly charmingYours at this wonderful low price! OneS MAY VIEW locution and the best of ELL: desions in rustic redwood! startling vlew both ranch-house from the living room, rustic with beemed ceiling and day and nigh: rulsed hearth.

ceiling-hich fireplace which also acts as handsome divide: from dining room, Three bedrooms Include one that's paneled In ernined wood for Use A den-2 baths! Long kitchenaleaming natural wood cabinets, wired for 220. Covered patio Urads around :0 tons breezewAy connecting house and garage. ExcoCently priced! FOX CARSKADON For 25 Years Leaders in Peninsula Real Estate 12000 El Camino San Mateo FI 5-5711 BOARD AND BATTEN RAMBLER! VIEW! 'Open Tomorrow! 1010 Parrott Hillsboro SHRDLU ETAOIN! Splutterf-f-ftt sal: cit or. 8 mushroom cloud. 14 we les 10050 the We'd really Nd; New master-burl: Illisborough ranch home reully deserves.

"Just the facts" are spectacular: It's the LOCATION: Close La Hillsbordiwork of CONSTRUCTION: Joe Testo, in PUTSOC. ouch, minutes from El Camino whose precisior. construction is and South school. that a cabinet on culet atop akin 50 maker. He put his hear: and dominnting knoll that offers sottl in It, at personal cost.

The sweeping view of Bay and biscest real estate office gave bridges, The neighbors are tops; vaLue $54,500. SUMMARY: It's the Lind homes expensive. of home that reflects Serenity, ranch with and hallPLAN: Central mark of Ideal fo: blodern heavy shake 3 big off livlas PRICE: startlinz, and 2 litdep, la baths, entertaining. -class. TV room.

with bar Breath-taking kitchen tle sad, to realize you car more Inner patlo in tor only 547,350. (Joe says accessible from al! sides. Two grand larceny.) Frontfurcaces. 2 water heaters. landscaping included.

PLEASE. we feel Inadequate in presenting this home. Sea It This Is moce; in the bank for the shrewd buyer Who can self. act CallFRED DUERR REALTY REALTORS 1620 EL CAMINO San Mateo FIreside 5-4877 (NIGHTS CALL SAME TELEPHONE NUMBER) (33REC) We've Got to Move! we're willing to sacrifice our Sc 5-Trd. home on Carcute mElLLA Dr.

Price only $11.950. down. 3-8457. (335C) REDWOOD CITY NEW 3-burm. home, 2-car schcols.

gurage, cr. Nimitz parochial avenue, and oft publie Woodside rand. OPEN SUNDAY. TO 4. 133RCI REDWOOD CITY 924 TAFT STREET Open Sat.

Sun. Immoculate 1-5 Two bedroom. 1. bath, 15 years old. Worth condition.

plastered walls. at £13,750. 5-2056 133RC) G.1. RESALE, garage: loan. lanai: side $13.500: bedroom, and 2-car valence: rugs; repainted.

panels Insulsted: 220 v. 26145 Ohio avenue. Redwood City. 133RCI Emblem of REALTOR HAS PLEDGED YOUR THE REALTORS' CODE OP To use his experience and knowledge interests of his clients, Give You a Complete Multiple Listing Service. CLOSE-IN BURLINGAME comfortable older home.

In REDUCED PRICE $12,500 Transferred owner must sell this GIc. schools, 1: has 2 neighborhood sleeping near room. shopping Nice InTRe kitchen and separate rocms and an extra on the "Sunny Side of the Street." dining rocm, and LARGE DRY BASEMENT West of the highway in Burlingame this spacious 2-bedroom home near the Adeline shopping district and ail bus transportation, old to the most rigid Is approximately 13 years hall plan. large living room and dining requirements, cheerful kitchen, This home Is el! on one ficor, was featured in garden mORABId several years the fruit trees and rare plantings intrigue. lundscoping zines.

The copuliered in the reilr. Owners 874 Ir. additior. there 18 KUrS; $21.500. collage movinz from the Peninsula.

FOR GRACIOUS LIVING hor.c 18 In This truly authentic Spraish full -panced den. Hills. There are maid's room and rumpus room with bor. room hus a panorumic vlew bAch. entire huge bay entry arra.

hall, The entire come has been recently redecoruled 20x30 Ilving of completely new and modern (dishwasher, and the kitchen Is This exceptiocally well-built home disposal. formica Inspection counters). by only. 143.500, Is avallable tor RAY PARK DUPLEX Custom Designed Individual ronch homes with 2 bedrooms each. Like Larze living room and ulaine root 2 amart separated oy fIreplaces, generous kitchens with breakfast areas.

central center garages. healing. goad closets. Each unit opens 10 a private patio, excellent The wide corner lot la completely lawn spr.r.klered. This Is an income.

Priced for Immeclate sale. $28,150. hone WILLIAM WRIGHT CO. Multiple Listing Office Realtors Burlingame DI. 4-7146 1471 Burlingame 133RECI unil 2- Superior Construction 6 61.

years old. Close 10 shopping ur.d bus or IM. MACULATE CONDITION. on investment 9.5: wIll on eqully up Owner heir with 13,3 nancing. Offered at 549,790.

Lovely 2 year qualily RanchHillsborough Beauty house. insulated. 3 bedcompletely landscaped, rooms weatherstripped. plus optional den or maid': room; 21 for cen. DE LUXE home baths.

Third bath easily throughout on the acre of property and worth Close-In Hillsborough sparklink interior home ol this The completely modernized deliart This the Is mos: truly Interio: person. IL 1:4 very nine and best. Think of a firing to x1VC Inz room, EnG den entertaining spuce. 50 tr. of 3 ters, of course.

Walking distacce bedrooms -maid's Sihway and school. Wouldn't to you lIke to make an appointment (0 see this fascinating home? GATES ETIENNE REALTORS The "Big Red House" Cumino, Burilacame; Di 133REC) 4-570G 308 El OPEN 1-5 P.M. SUNDAY SAN MATEO PARK 133 San off Corta Rice, beJuan Court. On this quint cul-de-snc, east and Warren, 14 A tween redwood abc Barriohle: stucco ranch home. old.

Six rooms, 3 bedonly 3 years separate dining rooms. 2 baths, service ba: lol formica breakfast kitchen, A breezeway leads! 2-cur garaRe to the kitchfrom the Yes, there iS covered eD door. BBQ In a sheltered and patio fenced with rea: yard. Price $26.150. 2507 Poppy drive.

Al large fumily nome that has everything. West of the highwas, bedrooms. 12 buths. dea, full baseingnt wIsh recreation room. 2-CHT gorace.

central hunt plus a floor fur2HQ and patio In sheltered rear gord. Prisc THE K. E. PAUL CO. REALTORS MLS BROKERS Established 1921 1419 DL Avenue 4.0244 DI 3-5639 133-REC) NICK CARTER SAYS A SHOPSMITH to: Dad with wul Lols be big no 2-car problem.

parake. 2-bedroum home In A xocd wes; location, Mom wIll of the bich-! way shadow cox wall for he: love the separates the knick- kitchen knacks and dining that room. The whole en! the big Erick family the Prench Till BBQ from the dining room. off lending sell fast at $13.950. Call Priced to A 11L E.

FIfth NICK avenue, San MAted. DI 4-5787. CARTER sort ol home 3 couple PETITE and PRETTY! Just the should Nice sarden for have! bedrooms, outdoor ranch WEST' SIDE. just a short wAlk to depot. Wr.e:: could and J.

for Inquire vol 41st Avenue El Camino, Son Mateo at (in Cadillac bidz.) MATZO INVESTMENT CO. 5-3584 SAN Realtors (33RFC) teep-agers, A For lovely you: 5-Im. IN-LAWS home or with: 4 SEPARATE 2-room and very shoppink. A convenient :0 schools, offered nog 8t transp. value $17,500.

DI 4-517D. RUSSELL REALTY SELL -Multiple IT'S RUS-SELL' "BLY OR Burlingume Burlingame Phone DI 4-0273 or DI 4-2549 IT'S MODERN the country. being -close to able To combine live In the old with the new enough to the city enouch for shopping and for such, but living. A dream kitchen. far with peaceful dishwasher, garbare disposal.

built-In Thermader Hills oven. Situated $26,300. in Burlingame A.V.R. REALTY: Broadway. Burl.

DI 2-2073 :163 133RECI home. Living room with HILLSBOROUGH BUY Ranch-type picture windows has spectacular panoramic view the On bay. 1 2 fine acre site. bedrooms and DEN. 3 baths.

vAlue at only $28.500. WM. E. DOUD CO. San Mateo 74 Phone Third PI 4-5311 Realtors since 1007 (JUREC) TIME AND EFFORT SAVE.

HAVE THE PICTURES of more chon 200 properties San Mateo and Burllocame priced from $6950 CO $95.000. Come to our and shop in comfort for home or income property, See FARLAN the REALTOR 539 3rd Ave. 843 Mateo DI 4-6393 (33-REC) I You Asked for it Los Altos Sclicol District. bedrcom5, log with beautiful trees. 2 buth: with: 24x20 r1- rage.

New reverse pion home Only $15.950. FHA Los Altos Country Club central bent. 5 years old. Patio, 3 landscaped bedroom, lot bath. 50x147.

Bargain priced. $13,250. shrubs, Nice but Cheap bedroom. 1 both, has central heat, garage. Landscaped.

2 FHA, $500 cown and you move ID. $8000 loan. commitment THESE AND OTHER GOOD BUYS TO SEE TIMES WANT ADS BRING RESULTS Integrity THROUGH ETHICS for the best Baywood Farmhouse 4 Bedrooms, 3 Baths Den Family Lanai This heme had the distinction of being the MODEL HOME beautifully appointed and decoratedwith wrong. many extras, such 85 the bulit-in cleaning SYSeiectric inches Apart tem. around the baseboards cor.

cenled bar in the delightful den, large opens to lovely warden with large torely plant- pond: lawnS. fruit trees and Owner anxlous to sell. going East. Priced al $39.500. Money Maker Studio Duplex $155 Mo.

PROBABLY WAS THE CARRIAO5 HOUSE war back Now rebult into this Interesting Studio Duplex two arca: big rooms and bath upstairs, kitchenette, etc. Downstairs will amaze you! Large central room, plus three bedrooms, bath and kitchen. Never vacant. One block to San Mateo drive bus, or Camino, Poplar. Must Sell San Mateo Park All 011 one fioor mediate possession condition.

Very large rooms. gracious ectronce Joyer living room really Is be Hut Dit floor-ic-cellIns windows on two sides; dinin routr. gill accommodate large suite. Three KINO SIZE bedrooms. LWO rounded baths.

completely Enchish by A desten: beautiful Cash put trace at Rancho. $29,950 nrw lived lone enouch to have all a ors: hard work: done nestled 011 secluded kool: Al: 1:5 own. Von'! thoroukhly enjoy che cI living and which hAve xorgeous vlew, and open wide to the polio -three bedrooms, two baths. Clever modern kitchen wIll aleal your heart awAy. YOU GUESSED IT.

IT'S DIFFERENT COMPACT AND CUTE AS CAN BE. COME AND SSS! John B. Cockcroft Co. REALTORS INSURORS 1310 Howurd Avenue DI 4-1778 Members San Board of Reallors Multiple Listing Service (33R2C) lows for this. THIS HAS EVERYTHING Sparkling butchrn breakfast: urea.

comfortable living Ing room. two bedrooma and par. eled rumpus room: oversize double ratage, This home has been freshly decorated both Inside und 4: 1:21 the professional touch. 'The convenient West Side location makes AL stand $10.850. Oh yes, we neerly overlooked the view -it's amply marvelous.

HILLSDALE BEAUTY Walklas distance to the new Hillsdale shopping center And depot. A very attractive 2-bedroom, 2-etr Karate buth with stal: choice west side location. Neede some redecorate. but transferred oWNer says sell $16,600 which RI- PATTERSON REALTORS MEMBER M.L.S. 2700 El Camino, S.

M. 5-3546 (33REC RETIRING? so. let us show you this spacious 2-bedroom hone In San Mateo Park. The originel owner -builder has kopt this home Immaculate tor The beau: Innd, 26 yURTS. scaped yard with BBQ.

sheltered pallo and lath house makes this ideal for the outdoor couple. The large basement 11-S 2 workshop. full both, and apace for an extrA room. Prepare yourself to see vary keep all the you Have livable home where you cnn collected through the sears. Asking $21.500.

EDWARD E. WRIGHT 11203 Howurd, DI 4-5774 LOW and RANCHY! 13 the word for this ATTRACTIVE 2-bedroom: home! porch MC POSS front. desiza with 30-10. Ilvlak lundscaped selling. Spacious and darE Lots storage apace.

Sun-swept for outdoor living. LOCAWest right close 10 patio TION? shopping center! A top at $14.950. Call us TODAY! 25th Avenue El Comina. San Mateo Fireside 5-1621 BAN MATTO INVESTMENT CO. Realtors OPEN SUNDAY.

2-5 620 Woods lock Hillsborouch in location, Superb liv. BEAUTIFUL, home. fine close. Fm. with rauited coiling over1ng sheltered garden of looking and flowers.

3 extra large shrubs bedrooms, Qulet And relaxing 2 Laths. maid's room. and DrAT; or DEN. Just redecorated. Price 15 only WM.

E. DOUD CO. San Matco 4-6311 Realtors slace 1907 74 Third Phone DI I3JREC) OWNER TRANSFERRED 3 bedrooms. bath, 1-car 6 rooms. Close schools and Well karage.

Askinu $14.250. INCOME One five-room unit 2 bedtiled bath: and two 3-rcom room.s. Income 3280 per very condition. Close to Broodway. 327.950, ISCOTT THOMAS CO.

30 1445 Years of Burlingame Burl. Real Really Service" DT 3-2726 (33REC) Reduced $1500 3-bedroom home. In ciful condition. Landscaping Blue glass 20 18 cellent, bedroom. fruit would make nice den.

trees. 1 nice hame. No down ment GI. Low down payment on Bee to FIA. Reduced from $13.900 to 400.

NELSON REALTY Shoreview Shopping Center DI 4-9620 07 DI 3-4136 133RECI R. V. JONES CO. 4500 El Camino, Los Altos Open Sunday Eves. WH 8-6070 'WH 8-4473 SAN NAN CARLOS SAN CARLOS TERRIFIC DUPLEX BUY 173 175 ELM SAN CARLOS $19.250.

Income $2340 per Price reduced-NOW annum. Existing interest may be assumed. F.H.A. loan of approximately Payinclude taxes and insurance. $10,000 at ments bedrooms each with tile baths, stall showers, of $100 mo.

Two 1 separate garages. ED CHRISTENSEN Carlos LY 3-0356 620 El Camino Real, San After 6 p.m. Phone DI 3-3995 (33SC) EATON AVENUE CENTRAL HALL plan of excellence Almost new with REVERSE cabinets-One of the THREE BED. LIVING with mahogany can be used as a den as it is mahogany LUXE BATHS. Includes exROOMS paneled.

TWO DE WALL TO WALL CARPETING and cellent attractive quality drapes. $24,500. It's our EXCLUSIVE! The FRATERS, Realtors 530 El Camino, (33SC) San Carlos LYtell 3-7815 Lanser Has the Answer used Distinctive brick board exterior and make batten this A handsome NEW Ponoramic family view home. of Truc the centra: hall. bay areA, Lovely panel CALSTONE living FIRE- room wall PLACES.

Citra modern kitchen and TWO complete wIth GE custom bunt DISHWASHER BIRCH CABINETS FORMICA TOPS. DISPOSAL Three sun-drenched bedrooms baths vanities. Extra generous closet with colored fixtures birch space. Many with: such chest BS of huge 19: the muster bedrocm. Lable drawers FAMILY ROOM occles storage space, Heated double gn1114 recessed laundry ArCh.

220. Reynoids L' Wired not rash eliminates rust. Op 87 85-loct tearing churches fruit trees. Near Assessments, Sully paid. SulL 3 few days tel: to select your colors $24.950.

YOU RY. CO. Rentor Member M.L.S. Camino, Sant Mated FI 133H2C 5-4858 7.1 Gigantic Homemaker's NO DOWN 3 BEDROOMS 10 a vetNO 9'5 DOWN new RANCH A HOME. sparkling, IT'S INSULATED AND Large PICTURE WINDOW livink room; fleestone fireplace, trench doors from cining parquet area floors, to well-planted rent yard And wardrobe closets, Illuminated A PATIO, LaTke VANITY BATH.

ensy 10 work tr. kitchen. SEE THIS Priced Village Broker SAT. MALCO 341 Ease 04 5-4839 (33REC) LUXURIOUS LIVING One of benutifu: Hillsborough's close-in only A ranch stele home. 5 den: years Ci: plus room used h5 And 3 muld's room.

full baths. tr.u be gracious reverse plun living pollo roc: B3Q. opens A lovely garden. A onio IL delightful 1:2 bor in the rumpus room and other truly cutstanding attractive and luxurious features complete 8 We consider 14. a real home.

$47,750. financing. dL Harry Hoefler PENINSULA'S Camino Heal. LEADING San BROKER Mateo 1618 El Phone FL 5-5186 133REC) HILLSDALE RANCHER red wood, for 3-bedroom home! Rustle this brick-trimmed styling You'll with love Long. Only 3 perch.

A beauty inside ar.d olc, Wonderful Location fo: children, rose to new you see 10 SOCN! school and city We recommend 25th Avenue at El Camino, Son Mateo FIreside 5-1657 SAN MATEO INVESTMENT Realtors 133RZCI IDEAL LOCATION Close-in. BROADWAY Immaculate BURLINGAME 5-room home. completely redecorated. and Central ready for Immediate occupuncy. heal, beautifui sunroom.

GAraRC rebuilt don't want too much with new overt.end doors. If you ground this 10. $14.350. EASTON REALTY CO. Diumond 3-5639 Realtors 1404 133 RECI $9900 -No Down Payment of app.

$69.50 Include Monthly taxes, payments and Ins. This 2-bedroom Shoreview home everything. 13 rears oid and close Lo Vets, here Is below market value opportunity to buy 8 nome with payments less then real. DON BUSA REALTY Third San Mateo: Di 3-8357 133-REC' A GRAND HOME good central Sun Mateo 10c9- In biks. east of El Camino.

3 bedroom, pist. rm. Central heat. Pretty tile kitchen. Nice flower garden.

Pruit trees, WIll conside: is larger home. Price exchange $11.500. WM. E. DOUD CO.

Third Sar. Moteo Realtors since 1907 Phone Di 133RSCI Duplex 1 Floor Deluxe ranch style duplex, 1 bedLee. modern kitchen. Private patio. $25.500.

HOWAY AGENCIES 100A El Carmino, Sun Mateo DI 3-3514 (Opposite Mills Hospitali 133 REC: Hillsborough Priced View for Lot 100- acre, closemediate sale at $5400 TONY ROSSI REALTY 19th Ave 53. PI 5-1508 304 Camino, OX T-4404 03REC) NOW IT CAN BE SHOWN Onks. on onlstanding Unde: construction, In White iwo de luxe batts. Garge home three dining brdrcoms, room. roomy kitchen wits umpir iving and disposal.

formuca counters, dir 1a dishwasher, 220 three twic-sized ported nalural wood large closets. cubmels. Sliding door from dinin8 room bedrooms Central hall, central heat. 3 C37 ROTagE, Jeading to covered exterior. Buy now and choose your shuke roof.

board are batten Mrs. will love the IntRe service porch own colors and tile. The Outstanding value AL 134.950. Excellent the kitchen. financing.

YEARING REALTY CO. San Carlos LYtell 3-2191 642 El Camino Real, (30SC) Beautiful Linfield Oaks SIESLO PARK OPEN FOR INSPECTION. SPAT3 and 4 bedronm, and klick new bath: 1: QUALITY spenks for Itself. LOCATION that: be brat, close-in and in tine DESIGN, the Intent cI pleasant environment of other homes, floc: p.ars. some with family! In electric ovens and rcoms, SCHOOL DISTRICT.

the built best. rRnses. VALUE -drive through the coinhleted part of the subdivision and you be the sudke. Dishwashers. fencing included In prices that sarbure disposals.

front lawn, from $22.750 tO $30.150. PA and c' Moons Claude T. Lindsay, Inc. 291 Linfield Drive Menlo Park Linfield Oaks DA 3-4118 133MP: OWNER--Modern ranch Chree-bedroom, 2-bath. style in view Mancr.

living Separate dinSpacious room. Model room. kitchen: yonrs old. 100 ft. lot.

Sprinklers: PRINCIPALS Park. ONLY. Phcce 1140 Colton Menlo Securday and Sunday. DAvenport Parki 5-0130. 3 bath.

SpRc. liv. ranch style. Hillylew OWNER-Mod. Manor: 3 312 rm.

Sep. years din, old: front. Sprinrm. Model kitch. Only $29,500.

No brokers. 1140 klers: St. Phone San, Sun. Cotton 5-0130. (33-Menlo Park) PALO ALTO Owner Ses Let's Trade! 3 bed 2 baths dr.

He wanla: Redw'd Pk. area. -n J-both home. excerzionally clenn. What do you have? DA Russell Realty Company "BUY OR REALTORS SELL IT'S INSURORS 4984 El Camino Real.

Los Altos Phone YO 7-1323 or 1-3998 $500 DOWN-3-bedroom home, Blower furnace. glass enc. tub, ONLY antio. carpet teaced beck yd. Drive by 112 D.

r. hall: 2-car Gardena way, Palo Alto coil EBsl Polo Alto. If interested Gaulein. FI 5-3546. Mrs.

OPEN 5nt. beaut, cor. Sur. home, $57.12 alt. 1 p.m.-3-bed.

rm. 17.0, paymis, yr. old. 220V, sprinkier gub. disp.

395 Larksou: dr P. A. Gardens: JU 6-1893 eves. 133-PA) LOS ALTOS. AN ESTATE 3 pedroomrs.

214 baths, den. pieces. House Is rustic brick with shake root and has and Acres of land. Acom for pool horses. There are many features such as a bAY in the dec, Larkin tile In kitchen.

plus Thermador, dishwasher and electric grill, Good terms LO qualilled buyer. Los Altos Properties Main Los Altos Cor. 2nd WH 8-6528 Eves. YO 1-3613 133LAI UNDER CONSTRUCTICN TIME TO MAKE SOME CHANGES AND SELECT COLORS school district, well17 L.A. planned 3 2 bath.

plus 520- clous family room-ON fine builder. Nearly 2000 A. 108x138 PLOT 5Q. -by ILL only $21.950. chis! Priced colichtful home 15 10 your price call with easy financing JOHN EVANS.

EM 8-6465 Cres. WHITMYRE 4898 Si 133 Camino, LA L.A. WH 8-6515. OVER 33000 OF EXTRAS In home this fine immaculato inc. Insulation, 2-bath on fence.

landscaping, luxurious carkit. cets. and drapes: many others. ONLY $18.950. buffet Well worth JOHN EVANS has WHITMYRE the key--Eves.

4898 El Camino, EM 6-6466 Los Altos. WH B-6615. 133-Los Altos! CLOSE 3 2 bath TO RANCHO MARKET A very $25,000 to $35.000 neindispacious home in A only $19.950. A little borhood for color scheme Quisido different could make this worth much more. and look.

pt chis. Be sure EM 8-64G8 Eves. 15 WHITMYRE 4898 El JORN EVANS. Or mino, Los WH 8-6615. (33LA) 'OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY' Builder's own home, charming verse baths.

Walk Co stores. $16.500 bedrooms plus FHA commilment. 23406 Corta DEMMY LAMSON, Peal: or LOS ALTOS, WH 2-6757 1335.4) 11500 3-bedroom ranch OR 1 acre. Cedar-liced closets, 14 DE etc. WE 8-6506, Agect, EVES.

WE 8-6355. 4298 El Camino. (33 LOS ALTOS beaut. ranch- type home, Lee. lot, landscaped front rear.

Fruit trees, Covered patio for outcorne: El Monte. Owner, WI B-7404 door limne. $18,500. 300 San Luis. MOUNTAIN VIEW R.

V. Jones Co. MT. VIEW OFFICE bedroom. 1 bath.

wellkopt. and In exceilent condition. lot, fenced, large patia, Corner wading pool. close LO school ard trar.sp. bedroom.

bath. dicinx "L' and Alving room. 2-car gArBin with breezeway, covered patio, large fenced landscaped. This is our REST BUY. 7 3 tedrooms.

newly completed home. Canbaths. hall. onk Doors, 2-cor RATaKE, 200d district. soULl: of aCre.

Central heat, heavy hubway. roof. fireplace. NEW FHA stoke TERMS. $20.950 LIKE NEW.

3-bedroom. home, 114 baths, cutdoor pftlo, BBQ, fruit trees. extras. In lovely location near Los Altos, $4500 LOTS acre 1001 El Camino, Mt. View YO 7-5796 133MT and best 11203 old.

und Den A und value yeArs out. park. New Homes by Owner Louis Moore, developer and builder, 16 proud to offer for your inspeetian and comparison. homes-3 baths. Ideal location.

Mt. View, Purrim off El Monte, Phone YO 1-9174 CUPERTINO everythink. Only 3 yrs. old. OWNER--Lovely 5-room home; BY close to Landscaped.

Nice patio. 20556 Scot.old drive, Cupertino. (33-Cupertine) REAL ESTATE WANTED 35 CASH HOUSE fo? or 1 LEASED good STORE BUILDAPARTMENT 1635 S.M. Times. 135) INC.

Box Residential level lot, 100r WANTED San Muteo or Belmont. Call 100, 5-1583 after 7 p.m 135) In PETS, POULTRY, LIVESTOCK 37 DALMATIAN PUPS Honch Haised HALF MOON BAY 4373 1371 PIGEONS Rollers. F. tipplers, 5-0923. 131) turbils.

Oriental frilis. CHOW PUPPIES Black, AKC rewistered. Champion stock. 1106 Johnson (31) P.edwood CO. ENGLISH BULL PUPPY AKC realstered.

Champion Male. 3-U288, call eres. or stock. 137) week ends. HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED 39 HIGHEST PRICES to: sour furniture.

complete furnish- homes ar smaller lots of home InF5, ranges. rugs. Frigidaire, bric-m- garden etc. furniture. We also soli furniture.

kitchenware brAC, CALLS ANSWERED PROMPTLY SPOT CASH San Mateo Trading Post South El Camino SAD 4-4180 Matro FI 5-3033: after 6 D.ID. DI 1917 Days, 139) THE BROKEN CHAIR WANTEDMISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Single Pieces or HousefuL. WE BUY AND SELL 1502 El FURNITURE Camino, 8. PI 5-2724 REPAIRED 430) MAKE ME PROVE IT That we pay the bighest prices for good bric-a-brac. Cash 12 5 minused appliances, utes.

rugs, Call BELMONT TRADING POST. LY 3-9380. Call day of eves. (39) OPEN FOR INSPECTION Sunday, 2-5 325 E. Popiar, San Statec Close- In location, with one-floo: fireplace.

plan. Large Central furnace. Sepurate dinGiving room gas Ing room, bath. 2-ca: garage. Price 15 2 large bedrooms.

Nice tile only considered. WM. E. DOUD CO. San Mateo 74 4-6311 Res)tors since 1907 Third Phone DI (33REC; THE FAMILY.

In attractive FOR Suanybrae district, Sid Moles, CEN. Charmior ranch type bome. TRAL HALL PLAN. 3 bedrooms. Cheerful livinz room, dining room.

Conventent kitchen. Tile bath. Owne: 700. movicE WILLIAM south. E.

DOUD 14 Price is orly Third Ave, SAp Mateo. Phone DE 4-5311. (33REC) SELL ME your living. dising room sets. Rugs, dishes, sloves.

reIrE. odds and ends. anticues. part or complete household Ph. OX 7-2419.

Call betw. 8 p.m, 139) Cali CALL US BEFORE SELLING CA- We BUY household bric-8-brac misc. Items. For free estimates. LY 1-0591.

(39) HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE 41 LARGE 8-pc. blonde mahoc. din. set, orlY. mod.

Wbiddcomb Chartreuse and fuchsia 3-1088. seat corers. 141) Sacrifice, $150. LY CONSOLE, 21-in. Traveler, Duncan $100; TV Hollywood bed.

1amps. celianeous. Pr. OX 7-4200. (41) stands, Encyclopedias,.

The Times from San Mateo, California (2025)


Why is San Mateo, CA so expensive? ›

With a higher supply of large homes than San Francisco, and a more central location to technology and life sciences firms than Marin County, the area attracts buyers willing to pay a premium for access to both.

Is San Mateo a nice place to live? ›

San Mateo is in San Mateo County and is one of the best places to live in California. Living in San Mateo offers residents an urban suburban mix feel and most residents own their homes. In San Mateo there are a lot of restaurants, coffee shops, and parks.

How expensive is San Mateo CA? ›

San Mateo is ranked 3 out of 273 cities across the US in terms of cost of living. The cost of living in San Mateo is 169.9% of the national average.

What is a fun fact about San Mateo? ›

Sheltered by hills from ocean wind and fog, San Mateo enjoys a mild maritime climate. The area was first inhabited by Ohlone Indians. A Spanish exploring party (1776) named a creek at the site after St. Matthew, and in 1793 a Spanish mission hospice was established along the creek.

What is the rich area of San Mateo? ›

Check Out The Top 10 Most Expensive Neighborhoods To Live In San Mateo:
  • Baywood. With a median home price of $3,201,098 and a median rent of $3,009, Baywood is the most expensive neighborhood on our list. ...
  • San Mateo Terrace. ...
  • Sunnybrae. ...
  • San Mateo Village. ...
  • The Lanes. ...
  • San Mateo Knolls. ...
  • Beresford Manor. ...
  • San Mateo Park.

What is the most expensive city in San Mateo? ›


With a median home price of $10,170,530 and a median rent of $3,501, Atherton is the most expensive city on our list. Based on the growth in home prices in Atherton over the last 3 years, it ranks No. 1 among all the cities in San Mateo County.

What is the nicest part of San Mateo? ›

Aragon. Aragon, along with San Mateo Park and Baywood, is one of San Mateo's most desirable neighborhoods. Comprised of tree-lined streets and large, well-built pre-war homes,...

Is San Mateo cheaper than San Francisco? ›

While still expensive compared to the national average, housing and general living expenses are lower than in San Francisco. This relative affordability makes San Mateo an attractive option for those who desire proximity to Silicon Valley and San Francisco without the steep price tag.

Is San Mateo more expensive than San Jose? ›

The doxo report only considered the top 50 largest cities, but the data analyzed shows some smaller Bay Area and California cities with at least 40,000 households have even more inflated monthly bill costs than San Jose. San Mateo's monthly bills ranked the highest at $3,521, with Sunnyvale just behind at $3,468.

How rich is San Mateo? ›

2020 census
RankCounty or EquivalentPer Capita Inc
6San Mateo County$69,919
8Gilpin County$66,627
9Teton County$66,296
12 more rows

Can you drink the water in San Mateo? ›

As a result of this extensive water treatment, the tap water throughout San Mateo County meets all safety standards and is generally considered safe to drink. In fact, many people consider the water quality in the Bay Area to be exceptionally clean and good-tasting.

How to afford a house in San Mateo? ›

San Mateo becomes only county in California where you need to earn more than $500K annually to afford a median-priced home. $518,400 – that's how much you need to earn annually to afford a median-priced home in San Mateo County. In neighboring Santa Clara County, you need $468,000.

What famous people are from San Mateo? ›

Famous People from San Mateo
  • Alicia Silverstone was born in San Francisco and attended Crocker Middle School in Hillsborough and San Mateo High School, but she didn't complete her high school studies. ...
  • Tom Brady. ...
  • Merv Griffin.

Can you live in San Mateo without a car? ›

Just north of the downtown area of San Mateo is the neighborhood known as Hillsborough. While the Western portion of the community has little to no public transportation, with the exception of a few school bus routes, the Western part of Hillsborough is an ideal place for someone without a vehicle to take up residence.

What is the race population in San Mateo? ›

San Mateo Demographics

White: 44.28% Asian: 26.99% Other race: 12.88% Two or more races: 11.57%

Is San Mateo County wealthy? ›

San Mateo County is the second richest in California, with a median household income of $149,900 and an average home value of over $1.6 million.

Why is it so expensive to live in the Bay Area? ›

The main reason San Francisco, California is ranked as one of the most expensive cities to live in the US is because of limited supply. There is high demand for homes in San Francisco because so many people want to live there. The location of the city prevents many suburbs as it is restricted by water on three sides.


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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.