1 LEGO THE PIECE OF RESISTANCE by Chris Miller & Phil Lord Based on the Awesome Toys by The LEGO Corporation2 United...


THE PIECE OF RESISTANCE by Chris Miller & Phil Lord

Based on the Awesome Toys by The LEGO Corporation

United Agency for Talent Beverly Hills, America 310.273.6700

FADE IN: On the awesome WB LOGO made of LEGO bricks. We PUSH through it and find ourselves in a STARFIELD. A COMET streaks towards us. We FOLLOW as it blasts past. The ground plane rushes up to camera. BLACK. EXT. LANDSCAPES - DAY HELICOPTER SHOTS over various landscapes. NARRATOR No one knows where it came from. There had been others. Mysterious relics of another world. But only one with the power to stop the world. SHKBOOM!!! The comet makes impact! A LEGO explosion! We peer into the smoking crater. Fire amid blackness. NARRATOR Many vied for its dark magic. A few brave souls endeavoured to hide it from those who would use it for ill. Until finally, thankfully it was lost to history. Suddenly, we are blinded by a powerful TUNNEL OF LIGHT. It’s an animated LEGO version of the light tunnel in 2001, which was directed by Stanley Kubrick, who knows a thing or two about making movies, so don’t step. We push forwards, headed into a new world. NARRATOR Ours is a story of a world that knows not where it comes from. That cannot imagine what it is capable of. Perhaps you can relate. I know I can. MAIN TITLE: “LEGO: THE PIECE OF RESISTANCE” EXT. AWESOME TEMPLE - DUSK The most killer looking ancient vine-encrusted jungle temple of all time. The whole thing is made of LEGO. CHYRON: “Ten billion years later”

2. REVEAL LEGO INDIANA JONES and two GUIDES. Indy puts up a hand for them to stop. He removes a RUBY RED PIECE from his bag and connects it to the temple. The piece GLOWS. A dark passageway opens, and Indy lights a torch. The flames are made of ANIMATED LEGO BRICKS. The guides are too scared to continue. Indy’s not. INT. AWESOME TEMPLE - DUSK A beautiful room made entirely of GOLDEN BRICKS. In the center is a GOLDEN SARCOPHAGUS guarded by statues of gods from every ancient civilization imaginable. Indy carefully lifts a tablet from a statue of Zeus and places it into the sarcophagus like an ATM card. He pushes a bunch of cuneiform buttons - a PIN NUMBER. The sarcophagus opens.

A white-hot glow on Indy’s face.

BLAM!!! The entire room shakes. The statues are blown apart! The smoke clears. Enter THE BLACK FALCON, the most evil person in the universe. He’s flanked by ROBOT guards. INDY The Black Falcon. I should’ve known. BLACK FALCON Hey Indy. Uch. Who built this place? Must have been a bunch of lazy hippies, sitting around a table agreeing with each other. INDY It was built by the ancients. With more wisdom and artistry than you can ever know. The Black Falcon basks in the glow of the sarcophagus. The Kragle...


INDY That belongs to the Maker. must be protected!


3. BLACK FALCON What a lame boyscout thing to say! You’re standing before the most powerful object in the world and you don’t want to use it? You’re a real nerd, Indiana Jones. The BF motions and his guards carry the sarcophagus away. INDY The MasterBuilders will learn of this. BLACK FALCON And what do you know of them? INDY Only that they will be your undoing. BLACK FALCON Adieu, Dr. Jones. That’s French for ciao. He exits. As the sarcophagus crosses the threshold of the temple, walls shake. The temple is CRUMBLING. Left for dead, Indy uses the falling pieces to build himself a sweet rocket ship and blasts out of the temple. Narrowly avoiding a big rolling LEGO ball, probably. EXT. FIELD - DAY A farmhouse in the hills. Indy rolls up and pulls the teat of a goat, which opens a SECRET DOOR. INT. MASTERBUILDERS SECRET HIDEOUT - DAY Art studio meets SuperFriends headquarters. Badasses are MEDITATING, including GEMINI, a mysterious cloaked figure, and KRAV M’GA, the boss. Indy bursts in. PUSH IN dramatically: INDY The Black Falcon has the Kragle. PUSH IN dramatically: Gemini.

KRAV M’GA Find the Chosen One.

4. PUSH IN dramatically: Okay.


BOOM. Something big just landed outside. Indy looks at his foot. Attached is a blinking red brick. Oh no. INDY They followed me...


KRAV M’GA (to Gemini) NOW!

CRASH! It’s a full scale assault by hundreds of ROBOTS. The MasterBuilders fight valiantly but are overwhelmed. Gemini runs from the fight, then stumbles, overcome with emotion as we hear the battle being lost. Amid the screams, Krav M’Ga’s final words echo through Gemini’s head... KRAV M’GA (V.O.) Find the Chosen One... INT. CRAPPY APARTMENT - DAY Emmet!


DORIS, a dowdy mom, calls through her son’s door. DORIS Did you clean your room?! The cleaning woman is coming today! EMMET (O.S.) Then why do I need to clean? DORIS Because I want her to know what a nice rule-following son I have! Doris walks into his meticulously clean room to find Emmet, 22, a total square, in his underpants. Mom!


DORIS Aw, it is clean.

5. EMMET It’s always clean! DORIS (choking up) Just like I taught you. EMMET What’s the point of having my own apartment across the hall from your apartment if you’re going to check up on me like I still live at home? Emmet “pulls” on a pair of mini-fig legs. Replaces his torso with a shirt. Takes off his hair and puts on a construction hat. Ready for work. Doris is so proud. DORIS I just love you and want my son to be safe and happy. Can’t you work from home? Like a sociopath or children’s book author? EMMET Mom. I’ve spent my whole life here. I need to go out there and follow my dream of fitting in and being like everybody else. DORIS My boy. All grown up. Maybe soon you’ll meet a girl and be married! Mom, please!


DORIS I’m just saying, it’s been how many years since Lucy? EMMET (changing the subject) Mom... I had the dream again. FLASH TO: INT. ART CLASS - DAY EMMET’S RECURRING DREAM: A middle school classroom. Everyone wears blue. Young Emmet wears red. The ART TEACHER walks around, commenting.

6. EMMET (V.O.) It was the same as it always is. Seared in my memory... Everyone dutifully draws the same drawing of a hand, but Emmet draws two hands close together so they look like eyes. He draws a mouth and pupils. The teacher stops. BAD ART TEACHER Emmet. This wasn’t the assignment. You’ve got to learn to follow the rules. She holds up Emmet’s drawing for all to see. BAD ART TEACHER Everyone, the assignment is to draw your hand, not a silly face. SLOW MOTION: All the kids in the class GASP. INT. CAFETERIA - MOMENTS LATER Emmet sits alone, crying. The other kids sit at other tables and whisper... KIDS That’s the guys who drew a face. / What a weirdo. / He doesn’t know how to follow instructions. / He’s not invited to my birthday. Emmet ERASES his drawing, a pariah. at him from afar with sympathy.

A little GIRL looks

BACK TO SCENE DORIS I hated that day. The kids were so mean, the school tried to expel you... I promised myself I’d never let anything like that happen to you again. And it hasn’t. So you need to let your memory of that day go. It never happened. EMMET I just want to be normal, Mom. DORIS Listen. You’re my son. And you’re the most normal, regular, average person I know.


You mean it?



EMMET Are you crying? No. Yes.

DORIS Emmet...

She wants to tell him something, but thinks better of it. DORIS Don’t forget dinner. Promise. Be safe. Of course.


DORIS Don’t make waves. I never do.


DORIS And follow the instructions. Always.


DORIS If they weren’t so firm and flush with your head, I would pinch your cheeks right now. EMMET Love you, Mom. Love you.


He EXITS, leaving her alone in the room. She SIGHS.

8. EXT. LEGOPOLIS - DAY Emmet drives into the most elaborate LEGO city set ever. Everywhere are dozens of STREET SIGNS offering detailed instructions for what you should and shouldn’t do. Everyone drives the same speed in the same direction, listening to the same station, moving to the same beat. MUSIC: An insanely catchy pop song. RADIO DJ It’s another beautiful day in Legopolis and on Empura Radio. Reminding you don’t forget to reelect President Iamnotarobot for President of the City on Tuesday. Now, for the 258th consecutive week at #1, here’s the No News Gnus with their hit “Everything is Awesome.” EMMET Yeah. I love this song! does everyone else!

And so

In what feels like a musical number, Emmet drives past vignettes of citizens happily going about their day and loving this song! BILLBOARDS everywhere advertise EMPURA, a company which apparently owns everything. EXT. ALTERNATIVE AVENUE - DAY Everyone walks in the same direction and goes in to various identical-seeming coffee shops. SECURITY CAMERA FOOTAGE: A camera scans for something, or someone, but can’t tell Emmet from the rest of the crowd. INT. KREATIVE KOFFEE - DAY A Starbucks by a different name. Mixed with a Hot Dog on a Stick. Emmet arrives at the counter. Hello.


BARRISTA What’ll it be? I’m Emmet.




EMMET Well, Larry, I’ll have one coffee please. BARRISTA Cappuccino, macchiato, espresso, americano. EMMET What are those? Sounds a little foofy. BARRISTA They’re all coffee. EMMET Oh. Well, whatever isn’t too wild. I don’t know, what do you think? (laughs nervously) BARRISTA

A decaf. Okay, yeah.


BARRISTA Venti, Grande, or Super Grande? EMMET Oh, goodness. So much selection. So hard to decide! You pick. BARRISTA That’s a personal decision that only you can make. EMMET Uh. Gosh, which is the most popular? Super Grande. medium.

BARRISTA It’s Italian for

EMMET Medium. That’s what I’m havin’! That is my style. Fantastic.


10. EMMET You creative types! So delightfully sardonic! BARRISTA I push one of two buttons on a machine. I would hardly call that creative. I would call that following instructions. EMMET But it says Kreative right on your shirt! With an extra “kreative” spelling aberration! I totally don’t get it! EXT. ALTERNATIVE AVENUE - DAY As Emmet exits the shop and passes an EMPURA billboard asking him to reelect President Iamnotarobot. A television in a shop window shows highlights of a debate between Iamnotarobot and Stooge Strawman. Emmet finishes the drive to work. Everyone pulls into their parking spaces at the same time, like clockwork. Emmet walks out and looks at his new work place. His breath is taken away as he gazes on a beautiful... EXT. INSTRUCTION SITE - DAY A fantastical construction site. Super-awesome cranes. Emmet walks and talks to his new boss. Alright, kid. Ooh, great.

FOREMAN Here’s the rules. EMMET

FOREMAN Stay on your feet-Mmm hmm.


FOREMAN Stick to the instructions-Uh huh.


11. FOREMAN And don’t get creative! Emmet GUFFAWS like that’s the craziest idea ever. EMMET Oh, Steve, don’t worry. I’m not some kind of foofy weirdo, Steve! The laugh together for a LONG TIME. It’s Sean.



EXT. INSTRUCTION SITE - MOMENTS LATER They walk past BIG STACKS OF PIECES moved by MACHINES. FOREMAN The pieces get sent down from corporate bundled together with the instructions. Take the one with your section on it and follow it to the letter. Keep track of all the pieces. If you lose one of the special ones it’ll seriously drive you crazy. EXT. INSTRUCTION SITE - MOMENTS LATER They casually step across girders high above the city. FOREMAN Today you’ll be putting together an artists’ loft. EMMET Is it for an artist? Oh, no.

FOREMAN It’s for an accountant.

Oh, great.


FOREMAN Pretty soon, the whole city will look like this. All part of some big master plan from Central. Wow...


12. They arrive at the COOLEST CONSTRUCTION MACHINE EVER. Emmet opens up his actual size LEGO instructions. EMMET What if I mess up or lose my place or something? FOREMAN Just do what everyone else does. Keep your head down, follow instructions, and you could get promoted. Central’s got some big project coming up overseas. EMMET Overseas? I don’t know. I’m not big on travel. FOREMAN Whatever, kid. EMMET One more question. Emmet puts a hand on his shoulder. EMMET Thank you. For making my dreams come true. FOREMAN Is that a question? EXT. INSTRUCTION SITE - LATER Emmet puts his hands on the controls, savoring this moment, and finally puts his first brick in, according to the plan. It’s an awesome feeling. Another. Another. He gets in the zone of building. This feels right. EXT. INSTRUCTION SITE - DAY Lunchtime. Emmet looks at a heart-shaped COOKIE his mom baked for him. “I love you” in frosting. He flips it over. “Be Safe!” He looks over to the other INSTRUCTION WORKERS, eating lunch. So. Silence.


13. EMMET How about that local sports team? What do you think of how they played the other day? LUNCH CONSUMER Ugh, they were awful. EMMET Right? They should make a personnel change of some kind. That coach--


EMMET Yes, the coach! LUNCH CONSUMER He’s the only good thing about that team. EMMET They should so keep him! LUNCH CONSUMER We’re all going to watch the game after work. Eat a little grub. Want to join? EMMET Really?! (catches himself) Actually, I’m supposed to have dinner with my-- What the heck? I’m in. Alright then.


EMMET Definitely cool. (then) Hey did you hear that song on the way in to work this morning? Cool.

LUNCH CONSUMER Everything is Awesome? I love that song. Me too!


14. EMMET I think I know why I like that song so much. Why’s that?


EMMET Because everything is awesome. LUNCH CONSUMERS Oh yeah. / Good point. / I never thought of it like that. Emmet smiles his butt off. EXT. INSTRUCTION SITE - LATER Emmet is back to building. He takes a look at the city from the highest height. It’s beautiful. He’s downright INSPIRED looking at it. He sees the LEGO brick clouds in the sky slowly form the shape of a FACE. We ZOOM IN to Emmet’s MIND. We see LEGO SYNAPSES firing. A CONNECTION between two halves of the brain. An IDEA. We pull back to REVEAL that Emmet has accidentally built, instead of a window, a SMILING FACE, reminiscent of the one he drew in class all that time ago. FOREMAN Kid! What the heck is that?! EMMET Oh, uh. I don’t know. What? FOREMAN That’s not the instructions. EMMET I don’t know what happened. I was just looking out at the clouds, and-- It was an accident. The Foreman picks up the phone. FOREMAN (into phone) We got a loose brick! Code Danger! EMMET Code Danger? What’s so dangerous?

15. Just then, A CRANE OPERATOR notices the happy face. His distraction causes the crane to go in the wrong direction and SMASH a wall. The falling bricks cause an elaborate chain reaction that tips the structure over. Oh.


Chaos! Instruction workers run away for their lives! INT. POLICE CAR - DAY Loose brick! Loose brick! Loose brick!


The cops throw their lunch out the window, shattering it. They pop the sirens and take off! EXT. CITY STREET - CONTINUOUS The cops hit the gas! We PULL WIDER revealing dozens of other POLICE CARS doing the same. Sirens blaring. EXT. INSTRUCTION SITE - SAME TIME The condo tips over an adjacent condo (with someone living in it, of course) which hits another and another, the buildings going down like elaborate dominoes. Thirty COP CARS, an AMBULANCE and FIRE TRUCK screech in. Cops run full tilt to keep the buildings from falling. POLICE CHIEF Stop that building! The cops jump out and stare up at the last domino, which falls on them. SMASH! The remaining cops look at Emmet. INT. POLICE CAR - MOMENTS LATER Emmet is in the back of the car.

16. EMMET --unbelievably sorry. I am honestly the last person who would do something like thi-INT. POLICE STATION - MOMENTS LATER Emmet is being booked. EMMET --eriously, a model citizen. I got straight As. I vote! Even in the off-year elections, for school board and stuff-INT. INTERROGATION ROOM - DAY Emmet sits chained to a desk in the shadow of two DETECTIVES. They look slicker than the others. EMMET --swear, I’m not special at all. Just ask my mom! I’m a totally average normal person! BAD COP Oh yeah? What size coffee do you drink? Super grande. Dammit!


BAD COP I can’t break him.

EMMET You don’t need to break me! I’m just a regular old totally unspecial law-abiding-SFX: SLAM! INT. LEGOPOLIS CORRECTIONAL FACILITY - NIGHT Emmet is in jail.

He has a huge scary convict roommate.

I’m Emmet.

EMMET What’s your name?


17. BLACK. INT. EMMET’S APARTMENT - SAME TIME Doris sits at an empty dinner table set for two. She picks at her food and sighs. Her only company is the TV. TV ANCHOR ...we’re still following the story of the construction worker who got a little creative on his first day on the job. The subject was described as looking and acting exactly like everybody else... Police have taken the nondescript suspect into custody, and he is being held in the city jail. Doris sees the brick happy face and knows it has to be Emmet! She looks worried. Then oddly STEELY. INT. LEGOPOLIS CORRECTIONAL FACILITY - NIGHT Emmet lies awake, sad. EXT. LEGOPOLIS CORRECTIONAL FACILITY - FIRST LIGHT Something is moving in the field outside Emmet’s Cell. It’s DORIS! She pulls apart bricks in the ground. INT. EMMET’S CELL - MOMENTS LATER CLOSE ON A RACQUEL WELCH POSTER. A blowdart gun emerges from her belly-button. TH-THOONK! Two guards outside Emmet’s cell go down. DORIS bursts through the poster! The following conversation is WHISPERED. Mom?

EMMET What are you doing here?

DORIS I’m breaking you out. EMMET But, that’s breaking the rules. You told me never to do that.

18. DORIS Well I’m temporarily reversing my position for reasons of convenience. What?


DORIS The rules are different now. EMMET But I did something really bad. DORIS No you didn’t. EMMET Mom. You taught me to be a person of principle, and I stand by my principles of doing whatever authority tells me to. DORIS Great. Fine. Would you mind holding my purse? Sure.


THOONK! Doris blowdarts Emmet, who passes out. drags Emmet by the purse through the hole.


INT. GROCERY STORE - MORNING Doris and Emmet tunnel in, to the surprise of CUSTOMERS. Doris tries to make Emmet seem like a normal shopper. He is still holding her purse in a coma-grip. GROCERY SECURITY CAMERA: zooms in on Doris. We see face recognition graphics, then zoom in on her BIRTHMARK. EXT. GROCERY STORE - CONTINUOUS Doris pushes him in a shopping cart through the parking lot and into an ALLEY. Emmet comes to. Wh--

EMMET what are you doing?

DORIS Saving your life.

19. EMMET Where did you get a blowdart? DORIS That’s not important. EMMET Half my body is numb! My hand is stuck shut! That seems important! DORIS I just broke you out of prison! EMMET For a misdemeanor! They didn’t even decide how long I’d be in there for yet. DORIS They won’t ever decide. You don’t understand-EMMET You don’t understand! I was having the best day of my life today. I was one of the guys. We were going to go to a dinner and talk about life and stuff-DORIS You were supposed to have dinner with me. EMMET I was going to call. DORIS Well it feels amazing to spend twenty years loving and protecting someone and the first day out of the nest they wind up on the news. EMMET I made a mistake. I’ll explain it to the judge tomorrow and everything will be fine. Only it won’t because I can’t because suddenly I am an ESCAPED FUGITIVE! DORIS It’s for your own good.

20. EMMET You can’t protect me my whole life. DORIS You wanna bet? Come on. A beat.

Doris continues but Emmet doesn’t follow. EMMET Mom, I’m going back to jail to repay my debt to society. A society that I would like to be a part of. DORIS You have to trust me-EMMET You have to trust me! I’m my own person. You have to let me grow up and make my own choices-DORIS I tried, and look what happened! EMMET Maybe if you didn’t mother me so much I’d have been a little better equipped. Ever think of that? DORIS As a matter of fact I did. the time.


EMMET Ugh. You know what you are, Mom? You want to really know? A real pain in the elbow! He turns away from her. Behind Emmet, three ROBOTIC NINJAS silently land, and shoot a human-sized RUBBER BAND from a bent PAPERCLIP at Doris-- it wraps around her, tying her up! They grab her and pull her into a SLEEK BLACK CAR! Emmet!


EMMET LEAVE ME ALONE! He whips around just in time to see her being taken.


EMMET!!! Mom? Mom!!!!


Emmet is TACKLED by a hooded figure: GEMINI. GEMINI Where did she go?! EMMET What’s happening?! Gemini grabs a mailbox and STARTS TAKING IT APART! Does the same with the shopping cart and other nearby items, REBUILDING them into an awesome mailbox-style SUPERCYCLE! How did you--


Gemini takes OFF! Emmet, in pursuit, runs into TRAFFIC. He flags down a DUMPY CAR. EMMET My mom got kidnapped by ninjas then a lady turned a mailbox into a motorcycle and now we have to catch up to them! Oh, hi, Larry. It’s the guy from the coffee shop. BARRISTA Get in, I guess? Emmet gets in and slams his foot on the gas! BARRISTA What’s with the purse? EMMET (overlapping) It’s my mom’s. EXT. LEGOPOLIS - CONTINUOUS Everyone is going in the exact same direction. Except three cars driving madly against traffic! So begins the craziest, most wonderful LEGO CAR CHASE OF ALL TIME!

22. INT. ROBO-NINJA CAR - CONTINUOUS Doris is tied up in the back in the rubber band. DORIS What do you want with me?! NINJA #1 You know what we want. DORIS You have the wrong person! Do we?


He pulls back her sleeve, revealing the star-shaped mark. EXT. BUSY STREET - CONTINUOUS Gemini tries to keep up with the ninja car. Emmet, in Larry’s car, catches up. They are going super fast and dodging cars while screaming across traffic. Emmet leans out of the car. EMMET Mom! I’m sorry! Don’t worry, I’m going to save you! GEMINI Stop, Emmet! You’re going to screw everything up! EMMET No, I’m not! How do you know my name? He loses control of the car and CRASHES INTO Gemini! The cars tumble in a big heap. You can’t tell where the car stops and the motorcycle begins. Larry and Emmet are upside down in seatbelts. Gemini is thrown from the cycle during the crash, but gets up and rebuilds the two vehicles into one SUPER CAR CYCLE that’s a mashup of both! Gemini is in the driver’s seat, Emmet in passenger, and Larry in the back. LARRY What the FLIPPING FLIP IS FLIPPENING?! They crash through an EMPURA BILLBOARD.

23. SLOW MOTION: The car smashes into pieces and Gemini rebuilds them, incorporating some of the billboard pieces into the restored vehicle. The new vehicle hits the ground and continues in pursuit. EMMET You’re breaking the speed limit, you know. Not to mention several other laws, as a well as a few other things that are not written into law per se, but are accepted social practices. Emmet.


Gemini drops the cloak hood, revealing... Lucy?


LUCY It’s Gemini now. Are you a DJ? No.


She builds the glove compartment and antenna into a CROSSBOW and ARROW. EMMET So, uh, how have the last seven years been? Okay.


Lucy shoots a tethered arrow at the NINJA CAR. Bullseye. INT. ROBO-NINJA CAR - CONTINUOUS Doris, tied up, sees Lucy and Emmet in pursuit. DORIS Emmet?! (to Robo-Ninjas) Don’t you dare hurt him.

24. The ROBO-NINJAS LAUGH as she struggles against mysterious restraints that, strangely, cannot be broken! EXT. STREET - CONTINUOUS The two cars are TETHERED TOGETHER as they race through the streets, making the chase even more BADASS. So.

EMMET I have a lot of questions.

LUCY Is this really the best time to talk? EMMET Well, so far... Fine.



Lucy pulls out a pistol, leans out the window, and returns fire as the bad guys shoot at them. EMMET Why did those ninjas take my mom? Why are there ninjas? Are they robotic ninjas? Where have you been the last seven years? When did you gain magical superpowers? Why did you change your name to Gemini? Sounds pretty foofy if you ask me. Also, have you been following me around this whole time? Because that’s pretty weird considering last time I saw you was when you dumped me for absolutely no reason. BARRISTA You guys used to date? Hardly.



EMMET Oh try all of 8th grade! Burn.


Lucy BUILDS a barrier between the front and back seats.

25. BARRISTA (muffled) How do you do that? LUCY By the way, I’m seeing someone now, so don’t get any ideas. EMMET I never have any ideas. SIRENS! EMMET Oh, thank goodness, the police are here. The cops start to shoot at them. Never mind.


Now the cops are chasing them while they chase Doris! Dozens. Blues Brothers meets Freebie and the Bean, only when these cars crash, they break into LEGO PIECES! LUCY You don’t get it, do you? EMMET

Get what?

LUCY They’re here for the Chosen One. EMMET The Chosen One? What the heck is that? Wait, you mean me?! I keep telling everyone- I’m just a regular guy! Not you. Oh.

LUCY Your mom.


Ha ha, burn.


LUCY I was sent to get her, but they got to her first.

26. EMMET You’re sure I’m not the Chosen One? LUCY Emmet, your mother is the most powerful being in the universe. EMMET But-- how-- she has cankles! Don’t we all.


The two cars fly off an OVERPASS and land on a MOVING EL TRAIN that goes all through LEGOPOLIS. It’s a car chase on a moving train... IN 3D! LUCY She and I belong to an ancient brotherhood of MasterBuilders, who create from our imaginations, not instructions, forced underground by evil forces. She has long been in hiding to protect you from those forces. I was sent to summon her, but when I showed up she was too busy breaking you out of prison. This sinks in. EMMET Okay I did not understand a lot of that. LUCY Just hold the wheel. Lucy jumps out the window and goes out onto the tether.


BARRISTA (muffled) What’s happening?

EXT. EL TRAIN - CONTINUOUS This is insane. And they are running out of train. Lucy gets onto the ninja car. Smashes the window. The ninjas beat on her. She tries to take the car apart to build a weapon but it’s somehow STUCK TOGETHER!


How... Emmet!

LUCY Jump!

At the last possible second, Lucy jumps off the car. Emmet jumps out of his car. The ninja car flies off the end of the train and through a BUILDING. Nothing happens to the Viking car, but Lucy and Emmet’s car SMASHES into a thousand pieces. They land with a THUD. Mom!

EMMET I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.

LUCY It didn’t break. How? EMMET She’s gone. I can’t believe she’s gone... because she tried to protect me...? Lucy pulls Emmet behind a DUMPSTER as the police arrive at the scene and COVER UP the hole in the wall. BAD COP Send everyone you can out hunting for that kid and whoever is trying to help him. You hear me?! (menacing) He’s wanted... broken or together. Lucy and Emmet run away. Larry the Barrista emerges from the rubble, unseen by the cops. LARRY I need a coffee. He gets up and walks O.S., right past an open sewer grate where Emmet and Lucy once were. INT. SEWER SYSTEM - CONTINUOUS Emmet and Lucy wade through the sewers. EMMET Who exactly are these evil forces my mom was trying to protect me from? And why are the cops in league with robot ninjas? LUCY You have a lot of questions.

28. EMMET I’m just getting warmed up. LUCY They all work for the Black Falcon. EMMET The Black Falcon? LUCY Otherwise known as Rodrigo Falcone, the C.E.O. of Empura? EMMET Empura? I love their stuff. LUCY He is also the self-declared Emperor of all known LEGO realms. He kidnapped your mom because she is the only one who can stop him from destroying us all. EMMET My mom. My mom? LUCY Emmet, did your mom have a safe deposit box, a safe, something where she would have hidden something very valuable? EMMET No. The only thing she had that was worth anything was her purse. She takes it with her everywhere. Unfortunately it’s now melted to my arm. Ow! Lucy yanks the purse towards her. She opens the purse and starts removing items. A lot of items. Like A LOT. LUCY (pulling out items) No...no...no...no...no...no... No...no...no...no...no...no... EMMET Well, I guess it’s not in there-LUCY No...no...no...no...no...no...

29. Finally, it’s empty. LUCY It’s not in there. Emmet pulls it away.


Lucy pulls Emmet back and finds a FALSE COMPARTMENT. it is a lock box. It has a combination lock.


LUCY What’s her birthday? EMMET November twenty-second. That’s not the combo. LUCY Of course. Your birthday. January six. EMMET (touched) You remember? LUCY Not by choice. Lucy opens the case and lifts out the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen: a single PIECE that has studs on all sides, and continually changes colors as if by magic. LUCY The MasterPiece. EMMET What is this thing? It’s... beautiful. They bask in its glow. LUCY Some say it’s the first piece ever. No one knows exactly what it does, but it is said the Chosen One will use it to one day save the world. EMMET And by that you mean my mom. LUCY There’s an inscription.

30. There is an inscription. Etched all around it. EMMET One will come from land afar, With hand besmirched in shape of star. One to confront a great forsaker, And build a bridge to meet the Maker. This one will make the world right, But first there’ll be an awesome fight. LUCY The prophecy of the Chosen One... EMMET Who is my Mom. LUCY Yes. We have to get this to your mom so she can fulfill her destiny and stop the Black Falcon before he destroys us all. EMMET And if it weren’t for me, she’d be here and everything would be okay. Lucy doesn’t say anything.

It’s her way of saying “Yes.”

Emmet goes up to the MasterPiece, upset. He touches it, feeling sorry for himself. The second Emmet touches it... WHAM!!!! SMASH TO: INT. BAsem*nT - DAY A fuzzy vision of strange creatures. Are they... HUMAN? We see them very close up. As though the cameraman were a minifig. And he were underwater. CREATURE Finn? I thought I told you not to touch anything... SFX: GASP! BACK TO SCENE Emmet lets go, catching his breath. free from his hand.

The purse is now

31. EMMET What was that? LUCY What was what? SFX: VOICES. LUCY We have to go. NOW. COPS enter the sewer. Emmet puts the MasterPiece back in his mom’s purse and wears it like a backpack. Lucy and Emmet dash out. A FOOTCHASE ENSUES between the cops and Lucy and Emmet. Lucy uses her powers to dash through buildings and shops and lose the cops, breaking apart walls and rebuilding them behind her. Emmet keeps up, barely. EMMET Where are we going?! LUCY We’re going to take the MasterPiece to someone who can help. EMMET The MasterBuilders council? No.

LUCY They’re gone.

All of them.

She turns away, remembering. It’s painful. Then who?


LUCY Vitruvius. He was once a great MasterBuilder, now he’s...retired. But he’s our only hope. EMMET Can’t you do it on your own? You were all like, heh-hoo-hiya! Emmet lamely imitates her quickbuild kung-fu. LUCY I can’t, I’m...still in training. I’m not a full-fledged MasterBuilder yet. Technically, I’m an intern.

32. EMMET Well well well-The cops are closing in. and run smack into...

They turn around a blind corner

EXT. LEGOPOLIS CITY LIMITS - CONTINUOUS There’s a big sign that tells us “CITY LIMITS. NO EXIT/NO ENTRY.” And a literal line across the ground. Emmet stops short of the line. EMMET You’re not going to cross the city limits, are you? LUCY Don’t be a putz, Emmet. EMMET Everyone knows you’re not allowed to go Out of Town. It’s dangerous, uncharted and no one should ever go that’s what everybody says. Can’t we just explain the situation to President Iamnotarobot? LUCY Iamnotarobot is one of the Black Falcon’s robot henchmen. Ever notice how metallic he looks? EMMET Come on. He’s just very fair skinned. It says “Iamnotarobot” in his very name! Besides, he’s way better than Councilman Strawman. That guy is the pits. LUCY Don’t be naïve. What’s naïve? That.


She steps across the line.

Emmet GASPS for a long time.

LUCY Look, just give me the MasterPiece and I’ll take it from here.

33. EMMET My mom gave it to me and I’m not giving it to anyone unless their name is My Mom. LUCY Well then I guess you’re going to have to cross that line. EMMET Well then I guess I am. LUCY Well then go ahead and do it. EMMET Well then go ahead and do it I shall. Beat.

We can hear the cops and their DOGS BARKING. Dude! Okay, okay.


Emmet deliberately and meaningfully, in super slow motion, crosses the line. He EXHALES DRAMATICALLY. another step. Then another, then-- SLAM!


Emmet has walked straight into an INVISIBLE WALL! Camera COMES AROUND revealing a trompe l’oeil painting on bricks that go up as far as the eye can see. LUCY Not everything is what it seems... Lucy reveals an odd-shaped DEPRESSION in the wall. She takes apart a nearby VENDING MACHINE and rearranges the pieces into the shape of the depression, puts it in, filling the negative space...and it opens a door. Lucy pulls Emmet into the door and into... A TUNNEL OF LIGHT - just like at the beginning of the movie. It seems peaceful, until we see that Emmet and Lucy are hurtling towards a monolithic wall. They BLAST THROUGH IT and into... EXT. LEGOPIA A beautiful, breathtaking place that looks like LEGO New Zealand. It’s beautiful. Until...

34. Lucy and Emmet crash land into a bunch of HOBBIT HOUSES. They get out of the ship and look around. They see a lot of hobbits yelling at them for destroying their shire. EMMET Who are those guys? LUCY Annoying short whiners. Plus they reproduce like crazy. It’s a real problem. EMMET Where are we? Where are all the buildings? And coffee shops? LUCY Legopolis is only one realm in the Black Falcon’s dominion. He built walls around all of them so he can keep them separate. If the walls came down, he’d have a hard time controlling the results. The MasterBuilders built secret passages through the walls so we could travel between lands. A SCARY NOISE. The Hobbits scurry into their houses. Emmet and Lucy get down just before an army of robots riding robo-horses marches by. Who are they?


LUCY The Black Falcon’s sentries. They’re looking for us. EMMET So he controls all these worlds? Shh!


A robot turns its head. Almost spots them, then moves away. Lucy bonks Emmet on the head and they dash away. EXT. VOLCANO, EMPURA TOWER - NIGHT An evil volcano with a slick office tower rising out of it. A big Bauhaus cork holding back inordinate power.

35. INT. EMPURA TOWER, WAITING ROOM - NIGHT Doris is strung up in the rubber band, and now also chains and strapped to a board. ASSISTANT The Black Falcon will see you now. Guards wheel her into... INT. EMPURA TOWER, THE BLACK FALCON’S OFFICE - NIGHT The office of the worst boss you’ve ever had. Doris lunges at him but is restrained by her shackles. Doris! water?

BLACK FALCON Did someone get you a

DORIS You’ll never get away with this. BLACK FALCON “You’ll never get away with this!” What a cliché! You don’t even know what it is I’m trying to get away with. Maybe you should listen more. I’m all ears.


BLACK FALCON Truly? Because listening and hearing are not the same thing. DORIS I’m listening. BLACK FALCON Excellent. (then) Behold, the Kragle! Doris GASPS as BF unveils the sarcophagus we saw earlier. A Robot Ninja opens it. Inside is a TUBE OF KRAZY GLUE with some of the letters rubbed off to spell “KRA__GL_E.” DORIS The car in the city. it didn’t break...

That’s why

36. BLACK FALCON Very good. But there’s a lot more to my plan than that. Check it: Black Falcon saunters over to a STAGE SET, with a lifesized DIORAMA with living minifigs playing out a residential tableau. BLACK FALCON Here is your typical family. You there. Move your arm a little higher. A little higher... NO NO NO that’s too high!!! Ugh you are all PATHETIC LOSERS! The Dad puts his arm down slightly. BLACK FALCON Perfect! Wonderful. Don’t move an inch. You see how hard it is for me? I have to make all these plans and rules and enforce them on people. It’s whack-a-mole. I get one thing perfect, and then another thing gets messed up. Ay ay ay I get so tired! DORIS You never did understand the way of the Maker. BLACK FALCON Sure I do. There’s one right way to do everything, and I know it, and everyone else is wrong and is trying to screw me up! Until now. Some NinjaVikings lower the Kragle into a cool looking KRAGLE CANNON, operated by a ninjaviking in a helmet. The cannon whirs to life, directed at the diorama. You.

BLACK FALCON Introduce yourselves to me.

I’m sorry?


BLACK FALCON Like, you say to me “Hello Black Falcon, I’m Dale, and this is my wife Mary and our children Mark and Lisa.”

37. “DAD” But you just said it. BLACK FALCON Well, just-- you say it now. “DAD” Hello Black Falcon, I’m Dale, this is Mary-My wife Mary.


“DAD” (beat) My wife, Mary. BLACK FALCON And our children... “DAD” And our kids-Children.


“DAD” And our children Mark and Lisa. BLACK FALCON All together now. “DAD” Hello Black Falcon I’m Dale, this is my wife Mary and our children Mark and Lisa. BLACK FALCON Well, hello, Dale, Mary, Mark and Lisa. I’m Black Falcon, and I’m very FREEZE TO MEET YOU! He points to the operator, who pulls a lever on the Cannon, which ZAPS them with KRAZY GLUE, freezing them! BLACK FALCON Exactly how I planned! BAHAHAHA! And it’s totally permanent! DORIS You want to do this to the whole world?

38. BLACK FALCON So the whole world will be exactly how I want. DORIS But-- I’ll never see my son again. No mother will ever see her son. BLACK FALCON Unless they’re frozen when they happen to be looking at each other, exactly. Oh Doris, I’m so glad we could finally meet again, after all these years. DORIS What do you want from me? BLACK FALCON Isn’t it obvious? I want you to make me a better Kragle-Thingy! DORIS That’s really dumb. BLACK FALCON I mean this works okay, but it doesn’t have a wide enough spray. I need to make like a big cloud of sticky mist. And it’s not scary enough. And I hate the color. DORIS You’ll never get aw-- You’ll not achieve that which you have just described! BLACK FALCON What, do you think your pathetic son is going to save you or something? He can’t even put two bricks together. DORIS (lying) I’ve trained him. Secretly. BLACK FALCON Did you? I think you protected him. Because you were afraid to have him live under the spectre of being found out. Of being hunted. You wanted him to fit in. To feel normal, isn’t that right?

39. Doris can’t look at him. BF shows her a poster with a goofy image of Emmet. “Wanted: Broken or Together.” BLACK FALCON Big mistake, Doris. Thanks to that call, he’s going to get his butt kicked. He’ll fit in, alright. Into a coffin! DORIS Leave him out of this! BLACK FALCON I would, but I’m pretty sure he has the MasterPiece. It wasn’t in your apartment, and it’s not on you. But your son seems to have interesting taste in handbags. He grabs a LEGO MAGNIFYING GLASS from his desk and shows Doris the out-of-focus PURSE Emmet’s holding in the Wanted photo. BLACK FALCON So, just to tie up all the loose ends, I’ll have to kill him and take the MasterPiece so the prophecy will never come true. DORIS No! Don’t, please! I’ll do what you want, please don’t hurt him. BLACK FALCON Oh, don’t worry, dear. You’ll do what I want regardless. I’ll simply use my very special electromagnetic machine to extract your thoughts and steal your ideas like I’ve done for all the other imprisoned MasterBuilders. No!


BLACK FALCON Yes. Send her to the THINK TANK!!! As Doris struggles, the guards take her away.

40. EXT. LEGOPIA - DAY They come upon a majestic canyon with an immense LEGO waterfall (clear pieces tumbling down). Lucy climbs up the rock wall. Emmet follows. EMMET Is it much farther? LUCY Do you ever say something that isn’t a stupid question? EMMET What’s that supposed to mean? I guess not.


Two-thirds up the canyon wall is a ledge with a cave behind the waterfall. And a sign. “Beware of Dragon.” Gulp. YAPYAPYAP! DRAGON, a nasty yippy DOG startles them. LUCY That’s Dragon. Lucy knocks on the door of a garishly painted SHACK. EMMET Who could live here? A blind man.


A homeless-looking man opens the door, facing the wrong direction. This is VITRUVIUS, Ben Kenobi meets Mr. Magoo meets Gandalf meets Columbo. Hello! I see.



INT. THE UGLIEST HOUSE IN THE UNIVERSE - DAY Looks like it was decorated by a blind man. And it was. Vitruvius opens the shades, revealing a window view of a rock wall.


Lovely place.


VITRUVIUS Thank you. I am deprived of my sight, but my hearing is so acute that I can still perceive the physical world using echolocation. EMMET Like an old bat... VITRUVIUS Precisely. I see with my ears. Now, how can I help you, extremely tall and fat stranger? EMMET My mother has been kidnapped and it’s all my fault. VITRUVIUS Mmm...Hard pass. Not interested. LUCY His mother is the Chosen One. I was sent to summon her. The Black Falcon got to her first. He has the Kragle. Vitruvius stops. VITRUVIUS Oh my. That is grave news indeed. But I’m afraid I’m retired. I’m sure the active MasterBuilders are more than adequate. LUCY The other MasterBuilders are gone. VITRUVIUS I guess I’m not redundant anymore. EMMET Why is he being so weird? VITRUVIUS The Black Falcon was my student. PUSH IN ON VITRUVIUS. A STYLIZED 2D LEGO FLASHBACK tells his story:

42. VITRUVIUS (V.O.) He was clever and smart. It was the age of the MasterBuilders. The world was a fluid, creative place. The most gifted were enrolled in MasterBuilder High School... Hey Rod.

TEEN DORIS What’s that?

TEEN BLACK FALCON An awesome secret lair, b’doy! It’s the best thing I’ve ever built. It’s perfect. All I need now is a cool nickname. VITRUVIUS (V.O.) I only aimed to teach him a lesson about the impermanence of creation. LESS OLD VITRUVIUS pulls out a cornerstone brick in the lair and the whole thing topples over. No!

TEEN BLACK FALCON My precious precious work!

LESS OLD VITRUVIUS Building is rebuilding, Rodrigo. You must learn to embrace the practice, not the outcome. TEEN BLACK FALCON What a bunch of bunk! That thing was AWESOME! We see his animated metamorphosis from teen to the Black Falcon of today. VITRUVIUS (V.O.) He became enraged. Instead of improving his work, it became stagnant and weak. He began to amass power, and hunt down MasterBuilders. Harvesting their ideas. Forcing them to write instructions for him. Instructions that he in turn forced on the world. The remaining MasterBuilders went into hiding. I was encouraged to retire. END FLASHBACK

43. VITRUVIUS They were probably right. EMMET You taught my parents... VITRUVIUS Your mother went into hiding to protect you. Your father never had a chance... LUCY Vitruvius, you can still help us. VITRUVIUS That’s flattery, my dear. We both know you’re only here because you have no other place to go. EMMET We’re here because we don’t know what to do and you might. Sir, all I’ve ever wanted was to get along with everyone and be a part of the world and now I don’t know if there’s going to be a world to be a part of. That is, unless you help me fix it. And I bet if you do, they’ll forget all about what they used to think of you. This gets Vitruvius’ attention. VITRUVIUS I wish I could, young man, but he has the Kragle, and he has the Chosen One, and if he has the Chosen One, he has the MasterPiece. And without that, there is no-Hope?


Lucy holds out the MasterPiece. This changes the game. Vitruvius walks reverently towards it. Then past it. INT. UGLIEST HOUSE IN THE UNIVERSE - LATER Vitruvius has created a chart to explain his plan. VITRUVIUS The Kragle is the most powerful relic of the Maker.

44. EMMET Who is this Maker you guys keep talking about? Emmet and Lucy sit at a “table.”

AKA a pink ERASER.

VITRUVIUS The Maker. The being who put us all together and watches over us. Only by following the inspiration of the Maker can one become a true MasterBuilder. EMMET Okay that sounds super weird. VITRUVIUS It is, but then all the best things are. EMMET And what’s the Kragle again? VITRUVIUS Every so often, the Maker drops a piece down to us that is unique, unlike any other. This crystal table is but one example. Some of them, in the wrong hands, can be weaponized. The Kragle, if harnessed, could-EMMET --destroy the world? VITRUVIUS Yes. The Black Falcon has taken your mother, the one person who can stop him, and imprisoned her. He gestures to a map. For once it’s what he says it is, but as he’s talking, he points to the wrong places. Lucky for us, the camera follows the map correctly. VITRUVIUS If we can travel across sea and land, penetrate his heavilyguarded fortress, unkidnap Master Doris, and bring the MasterPiece safely to her, she can use it to destroy the Kragle, and set the world right.

45. EMMET Oh is that all we have to do? That doesn’t sound too hard. Oh wait, I forgot to mention, I am saying this with a sarcastic inflection. LUCY That’s super constructive, thank you. VITRUVIUS We need to assemble a team of all remaining MasterBuilders hiding throughout the lands. We’ll scour the countryside high and low, overturning rocks, hiding from sentries, avoiding the major roads and air.. LUCY We don’t have that kind of time! VITRUVIUS Or we could send out a mass email to the MasterBuilders list, and have whichever ones are remaining meet us at the midpoint. Better.


VITRUVIUS And then, we sail for the Land of Unused Parts! (then) Anybody got a ship? EXT. PUERTOPIECEO - DAY A bustling colonial-era port, but with every possible kind of ship, from aircraft carrier to canoe. Emmet, Lucy, Vitruvius, and Dragon sneak down a DOCK disguised as FISHERMEN. Dragon is disguised as a FISH. EMMET How long has your boyfriend had his own ship? LUCY Why do you care?

46. EMMET I just think it’s interesting that you’re attracted to someone with his own vessel. Fairly superficial to date a guy with his own yacht. LUCY It’s not exactly a yacht. They come upon a really cool PIRATE SHIP. NECKBEARD, a pirate, sticks his head through a porthole in the ship. NECKBEARD Ahoy! Welcome to the Sea Cow! Huh.

EMMET Not what I expected.

Neckbeard hops out onto the dock, revealing he HAS NO BODY. He’s just a head. And a beard. EMMET Really not what I expected. NECKBEARD Arr! Come give your weary boyfriend a kiss! She does. Wow.


Neckbeard and Lucy begin MAKING OUT. EMMET Okay. That’s-- okay. LUCY Gosh, where are my manners? Emmet, this is Neckbeard, my boyfriend. Neckbeard, this is Emmet. We used to date a million zillion years ago. It meant nothing to me. You have heard of Vitruvius, of course. NECKBEARD You’re the teacher that made the Black Falcon who he is, then? VITRUVIUS That was a long time ago.

47. NECKBEARD Farrr be it for a pirate to judge a man with an unsavory reputation. EMMET That’s surprisingly gracious-Suddenly, Neckbeard somehow gets up in Emmet’s grill. NECKBEARD Stay away from me lady. Alright.


NECKBEARD Say that to my face. Alright.


He gets somehow closer to Emmet. Mouths almost touching. NECKBEARD I was once the most feared MasterBuilder in all the lands. I lost the rest of me body fighting off a hundred of the Black Falcon’s men. You cross me, and I’ll make it an even fight, if you follow. EMMET Thank you for your clarity. Neckbeard slowly hops back past, eyeing Emmet the whole time. Emmet looks to Lucy: “How can you be with him?” LUCY He has an incredible mind. NECKBEARD Everyone hop aboard. Meet me crew. This be Orangebeard, Brownbeard and Nobeard, and me First Mate, Chewbacca. You can call him Allbeard. As they board the ship and meet the ragtag crew including Chewbacca, the BAD COP from 20 pages ago watches them from the dock, comparing Emmet to his WANTED POSTER.

48. EXT. THE SIX SEAS - DAY The Sea Cow sails across a sea made entirely of LEGO. Waves animating with thousands and thousands of LEGO bricks-- if the audiences have reassembled their minds from being blown before, they just got blown again. INT. THE SEA COW, BRIDGE - LATER Neckbeard pores over a chart explaining their heading to Lucy and Vitruvius. Emmet swabs the deck. NECKBEARD The route be stuffed to the gills with Empura shipping activity. It’s heavily patrolled. We’ll have to be keeping an eye open, and when the time be right, make ourrrr move. EMMET What’s our move? NECKBEARD I’m sorry, did the Captain say you could finish swabbing the deck? INT. THE SEA COW - VITRUVIUS’ CABIN - DUSK The boat rocks back and forth. Emmet, LITERALLY GREEN, approaches Vitruvius who’s MEDITATING while building a crazy mecha bird. Like those adorable creatures in *Batteries Not Included. Lucy.


It’s Emmet.


VITRUVIUS Ah. You got your sea legs, yet? Yes.

EMMET What are you doing?



EMMET What’s it for?

49. VITRUVIUS What is anything for? It’s what we were all meant to do. What the Maker has fated us to do. EMMET Okay, here’s what I don’t get. If our lives really are predetermined by some all-controlling dude, what is the point of doing anything? Vitruvius punches Emmet in the face. EMMET OW! Why did you do that?! VITRUVIUS The Maker fated me to. EMMET Or you did it yourself because you’re a crazy person. Ah.

VITRUVIUS Now, you’re learning.

Emmet stares at him for a minute, confused. Then he looks at the mecha-bird, impressed. EMMET I could just never make something like that. How did you even get the idea? VITRUVIUS I didn’t. I just opened a window for it to fly through. Emmet pets the mechabird with a real sense of wonder. VITRUVIUS Birds are, incidentally, one of the most creative of all the animals. They build nests. Create elaborate courtship rituals, make gifts for one another. And of course, their beautiful songs. It emits a PIERCING ALARM CLOCK NOISE. Teach me.


50. VITRUVIUS Open your throat and make a sound. No.

EMMET Teach me to do what you do.

Vitruvius smiles.

But it’s bittersweet.

VITRUVIUS How can I teach you something you already know? It’s already inside you. You’ve walled it up, but it still shines through. That terrific disaster you caused at the instruction site? That was no accident. EMMET I’m not sure I follow... Vitruvius points up to the night sky. VITRUVIUS They say every night the Maker puts a blanket over the world, a blanket with tiny holes. Some call them stars, but I call them MakerPeepers. MakerPeepers?


VITRUVIUS MakerPeepers. Emmet, there was a time, before you were born, when making new things came as naturally to everyone as breathing. The world was messy and wild, and that made it beautiful. But then, everything became rigid and prefabricated, so everyone just stopped thinking of new things. Making has been outsourced to Empura. The Black Falcon has paved over the world that was. Vitruvius indicates the sky. VITRUVIUS And yet, somehow, light still shines through the cracks. The mechabird flies out a porthole.

Emmet runs after it.


Oh no! Wait! (then) It got out...


VITRUVIUS Isn’t that marvelous? You have an idea, and then off it goes! EXT. THE SIX SEAS - NIGHT WE FOLLOW the mechabird soaring over the moonlit waves, and finally, past a VIKING SHIP manned by ROBOVIKINGS. INT. VIKING SHIP, LOOKOUT TOWER - CONTINUOUS It’s more high-tech than a normal Viking Ship. Lots of Empura Logos. Bad Cop stands next to a RoboViking Sentry. BAD COP That’s them. Man your weapons. Full steam ahead. ROBOVIKING We don’t use steam. We row. BAD COP Fine. Full row ahead. INT. THE SEA COW, BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS Neckbeard looks through a SPYGLASS at the enemy ship. NECKBEARD They’re a-comin’! Dive! Vitruvius and Emmet come up from below decks. Neckbeard begin to meditate together.

Lucy and

We go into LUCY’S MIND’S EYE: She is conceiving of new instructions. She can see every piece at once and is reforming them in her mind into something new. NECKBEARD’S MINDS EYE looks the same. Their two visions of the pieces combine! EMMET What are they doing? VITRUVIUS Collaborating.

52. Their eyes open! LUCY Vitruvius, follow my lead. NECKBEARD Mateys! Be me hands and legs! Start taking the ship apart! Neckbeard’s pirate crewmembers, including Chewbacca, enthusiastically oblige. EMMET But we’ll sink! LUCY That’s the idea. NECKBEARD Put the four-piece over there. No! The skinny one. Come on! EMMET I don’t get it-- What do I do? LUCY Build a hatch. EMMET Like for an attic? LUCY Like for a submarine. Lucy, Neckbeard, Vitruvius, all start rebuilding the ship into a BADASS SUBMARINE. This looks awesome as hell. Emmet, exasperated, does his best to build a hatch. INTERCUT the others building quick and cool with Emmet unable to act creatively at all. Finally, in SLOW MOTION: Emmet puts two bricks together. At the last second, Lucy runs up to Emmet. is two pieces attached in a cross-bar.

All he’s got

LUCY That’s as far as you got?! Well...


She quick-builds a hatch, attaches his cross-bar, drags him inside, and spins the hatch shut, just as they DIVE below the waves.

53. INT. PIRATE SUBMARINE - NIGHT Like a classic sub interior, but manned by pirates. Neckbeard perches himself at the periscope, plugging into it using his head peg. Heading? Arrrrrrrr.


NECKBEARD Get deeper. If we’re too high their sensorrrs will detect us. INT. VIKING SHIP, LOOKOUT TOWER - CONTINUOUS A ROBOVIKING among SOPHISTICATED EQUIPMENT sees nothing. BAD COP Nothing? But they were right here. ROBOVIKING Wait. There’s something on the scanner. EXT. THE SIX SEAS - CONTINUOUS OVERHEAD SHOT: We watch the sub go underneath the ship. INT. PIRATE SUBMARINE - CONTINUOUS Dive!



INT. VIKING SHIP, LOOKOUT TOWER - CONTINUOUS PUSH IN as the radar scanner spins around slowly. it show a blip or not?


EXT. VIKING SHIP - CONTINUOUS A bunch of RoboVikings stand at the ready, prepared to fire extensive weaponry any second.

54. INT. LEGOCEAN - CONTINUOUS UNDER THE SUB LOOKING UP: we can see the carrier far overhead in the moonlight, the sub in the foreground. INT. PIRATE SUBMARINE - CONTINUOUS Our guys huddle, worried about being caught. A LONG BEAT. INT. VIKING SHIP, LOOKOUT TOWER - CONTINUOUS Nothing.

ROBOVIKING There’s nothing.

BAD COP Let me see that... DAMMIT! He hits the equipment, breaking some pieces off. ROBOVIKING Hey, watch it man, I built that. INT. PIRATE SUBMARINE - CONTINUOUS They did it! Emmet cheers with everyone, excited to be one of the guys. Lucy puts a hand on his shoulder. It’s the first time anyone has really touched him since his mom was kidnapped. He smiles and looks out a porthole. EXT. UNDERWATER - CONTINUOUS Emmet looks out at the water. He sees many beautiful LEGO fish, dolphins, and whales. It’s just WONDEROUS. INT. PIRATE SUBMARINE - CONTINUOUS Emmet turns back to the group. EMMET Hey Lucy, you gotta see-He sees Lucy and Neckbeard making out again. back to Emmet, he’s GREEN again.

When we cut

EXT. THE SIX SEAS - MORNING FOG. The sub surfaces. The hatch opens. Emmet runs out and WRETCHES into the ocean. Until he looks up to find:

55. A TREASURE CHEST floating by. He hauls it onto the deck. Opens it to find what you and I would call a KEYRING with a LASER POINTER. Emmet touches the ring. EMMET’S VISION: It’s a little clearer now. Imagine human beings but made out of thousands of LEGO bricks, shot through a shower door covered in soap scum. GROWN UP Where are my dang keys? Finn, have you been playing in here? No.


GROWN UP You sound like you are lying. you lying? No.



GROWN UP Okay, this is my very special area, where I play with something very not-able-to-be-touched-byanyone, because it is the most awesome thing I have ever made. KID Uncle Ted, why don’t you have a girlfriend? GROWN UP Because you need money for girlfriends. Although they refuse to admit that. Although they admit it implicitly when they leave you for a banker. KID Why don’t you have a job? GROWN UP Look, you can do anything you want with this big bin of parts, okay? Just promise me you aren’t going to play in my special areas anymore. Okay.


56. GROWN UP Is that a real okay or a fake one? Real.


GROWN UP Okay. That’s my man. The grown-up EXITS. After a beat, we see a giant HAND coming towards the camera. EMMET WAKES UP! He drops the ring in shock. Then he puts it in his purse-backpack. He looks at the ocean water and watches its composition change as RANDOM COLORED PARTS begin to intermingle with the water, like the confluence of two rivers. He looks out to the horizon and sees he has just entered a SEA OF UNUSED PARTS. At its center is an ISLAND covered in fog. EXT. LEGOTOPIA - CONTINUOUS The others have come on deck to take in the sight. The fog clears, revealing an island with huge cliffs and a KRAZY KASTLE with a fantastically fortified WALL. VITRUVIUS Legotopia. The last free kingdom in the universe. Vitruvius is looking the wrong way. the right direction. Thank you.

Lucy turns him in


EXT. KRAZY KASTLE GATE - DAY It’s so creative - different from the other architecture we’ve seen. Our heroes knock on the big wacky door. EMMET Does the Black Falcon know about this place? VITRUVIUS It’s been hidden for ages by the fog and its remote location. Plus they have elaborate security measures.

57. From the door emerges a silly LEGO face. DOOR FACE Who goes there? EMMET Oh, uh, I’m Emmet. This is my exgirlfriend Lucy, also a blind man, a pirate head, and a loud dog. We’re here to save the world. DOOR FACE Well, I’ve never heard of you, but come on in! The door opens. LUCY That’s the security? They stroll easily into a FANTASTICAL WONDERLAND... EXT. KRAZY KASTLE KOURTYARD - CONTINUOUS It’s a cross between The Point, Yellow Submarine, Terry Gilliam’s sketchbook, and a medieval castle. All manner of bizarre creatures roam about. It’s like looking into a child’s brain: wonderous and fluid and nonsensical. KRAZY KING KARL, a weird combination of disparate minifigs arrives, riding a DINO-ROCKET. KING KARL Hi! I’m Karl, and Welcome to my Krazy Kastle. Krazy with a K! EMMET For Kreativity... Exaktly!


EMMET Why did you build all this stuff? KING KARL Well...Why not? MUSIC: An original song called “Why Not?” in which KING KARL explains that when your kreativity is truly free, anything can happen. Yep, we’re doing a Willy Wonka-style MUSICAL NUMBER!

58. KING KARL shows them around his krazy kingdom! Each wacky environment is packed with Krazy Kreatures. KING KARL If you can conceive it, we will achieve it. Build anything whenever you feel it. EMMET You know we really don’t have time-KING KARL Invent a game, like Roller Cricket. Or buy Bullfighting Tennis tickets... EXT. CASTLE LYONDOR, BULLFIGHTING TENNIS COURT A bunch of bulls chase tennis players as they hit back and forth. They watch from a box as a bull knocks down one of the players. Just wide!


NECKBEARD This is me favorite sport. RESUME SONG! INT. KRAZY SKOOL Filled with nonsensical charts and weird animals misspelling basic words on oddly-shaped chalkboards. KING KARL We only teach art and music in school so kids feel unencumbered. No spelling, reading, science or math, we just make up all the numbers! INT. KRAZY MAZE It looks like an M.C. Escher drawing come to life. KING KARL Make any idea thought or spoken. Rules were meant to be broken!

59. EMMET No, rules were meant to be followed. EXT. KRAZY KOURTYARD Happy artsy citizens and animals and weird morphy rocks and trees all gather for a BIG FINALE! CHORUS We have everything and nothing and something’s all we’ve got. Why, you ask? What you should ask is... Why not?!!!! The finish.

Emmet is pretty overwhelmed.

EMMET You guys are really weird. KING KARL Cool, man, thank you. EMMET This is crazy. You can’t have a society without rules. I mean, your castle doesn’t look very structurally sound at all! He gestures to the structurally unsound Kastle, which is is built on a single swirly stilt and looks like a giant teetering Mobius Strip with turrets. KING KARL Who is this guy? LUCY Emmet. He doesn’t get out much. Vitruvius pulls a frustrated Emmet aside. VITRUVIUS Emmet, these people are not MasterBuilders. They do not create with purpose, they create just to create. But they can also be very inspiring, because the only way to accomplish the impossible is to break the rules of what is possible. EMMET I wish that made sense to me.

60. VITRUVIUS It will if you let it. (turning to Karl) King Karl, I wish we came to you with better news. KING KARL As do I. The others arrived just before you, which gave us a chance to rehearse the song. Follow me. INT. KRAZY KASTLE MEAD HALL - DAY The King leads them into a LOTR-style room, with a long table filled with a bounty of food. NECKBEARD Ar! What a bounty! I be starrrving! Neckbeard hops onto the table and gorges himself. Also, we should mention that everything Neckbeard eats or drinks goes right down his throat and onto the floor. Yuck. Emmet gives Lucy a look. After a beat: KING KARL Meet your team. At the other end of the hall stand BATMAN, a famous masked crime-fighter; DUPLO, an old-school Duplo figure; and BENNY, a spaceman. BATMAN Hey, I’m Batman. Got the email. On my Batphone. Which I invented. Gets emails. On a phone. He waits for them to be impressed, then steps back. Hello. DUPLO!


LUCY And where do you come from? DUPLO!


LUCY Okay. Um, he’s a MasterBuilder?

61. KING KARL No. But he wants to help. DUPLO HELP!


BATMAN I’m a MasterBuilder. I built a lot of gadgets. Want to see my gadgets? No thank you.


BENNY I’m also a MasterBuilder. Cool!


BENNY I’m Benny. Benny “Blue” Chu. Where are you from? I’m from space. There’s not a lot of oxygen up there. One time I was fixing my ship in space and there was a crack in my helmet. They say I should’ve died or gotten Space Madness but I didn’t die. I’m here, right? Ha ha! Have you seen my spaceship? I rebuilt it but it doesn’t fly for some reason. He points out the window to an odd, unstable-looking SPACESHIP, which is parked outside. EMMET Um, maybe if it didn’t have two fronts and no back, and it didn’t have five wings. BENNY I love wings. Wings are great, right? NECKBEARD He seems a little distracted. What? Where?


LUCY Is this everyone?

62. BENNY Oh, no. There’s one more. My copilot Moppy. He’s really organized. Benny holds a Mop. BENNY Hi Moppy. (moppy voice) Hi everybody. Did you meet my friend Benny? He’s the best. (regular voice) That’s too nice of you, Mopper. (moppy voice) He can really help you with your quest. (regular voice) Well, I don’t know. (moppy voice) He gets real lonely sometimes. (regular voice) Moppy! (moppy voice) It’s true. He was all alone in space. He tried to look for his space friends but couldn’t find them. No one is left but me. Him. BEAT.

He looks so sad and lonely. EMMET What did you say you do again? BENNY Oh, I’m a Space Cadet. First Class. Ah.


VITRUVIUS We are all that remain of the once proud society of MasterBuilders. Except for Duplo. And Emmet. He’s not a MasterBuilder, he’s just the son of one. And Lucy, who is still an intern. BATMAN (intrigued) Hello.

63. VITRUVIUS Along with a blind man, a pirate head, a crazy spaceman, and Batman... Emmet pulls out the MasterPiece. They all marvel at it. VITRUVIUS Together, we form a fellowship of the MasterPiece. A shining beacon of possibility, and the only thing that can counteract the power of the Kragle. If we can get this into the hands of the Chosen One-Freeze!


REVEAL Bad Cop and his men!

Guns trained.

BAD COP Or didn’t you know that as a former student of MasterBuilder academy, the Black Falcon was cc’d on your mass email? He takes the MasterPiece and cuffs everyone else. Behind the cops and vikings stands a sheepish King Karl. KING KARL I’m sorry, I had to let them in. LUCY King Karl! You betrayed us! You betrayed everything you stand for! KING KARL Tsk, I know. Turns out Legotopia had run up like a bunch of debt. Something about lots of spending and no revenue. Empura promised to fund the whole place. Honestly, I’m super sorry. They all struggle but the Ninjavikes are too much. EMMET This guy is supposed to be inspiring? More like conspiring... with a bunch of mean jerks who have my mom! You’re just as bad as them, you big mean jerk!


Come on.


Everyone looks at him real angry. Karl feels really guilty, and watches them get led out at gunpoint. KING KARL Where are you taking them? Not to the dungeon, right? You said-BAD COP Do I look like a medieval constable? No, they’re going someplace much worse. Take them to... the conference room! INT. KRAZY KASTLE, CONFERENCE ROOM A medieval, dungeon-like conference room. Outside its glass walls, there are fruity creatures walking around. Everyone is there but King Karl. ASSISTANT (O.S.) I have the Black Falcon for you... BAD COP Okay we’re good to teleconference. He turns on a TELECONFERENCING DEVICE. It doesn’t work very well. To start, the image is a closeup of BF’s neck. THE BLACK FALCON (O.C.) Well, well, well. Looks like I have you right-- All I’m seeing is a wall. Should I turn it? You turn it. Turn it around. Is this the volume? WELL WHICH ONE IS THE VOLUME? IT’S NOT WORKING!

OH THERE IT GOES! Can you hear me? How about now? How about now? How about NOW? Everyone jumps out of their seats.

Yow that’s loud.

BAD COP Just, point the camera at you. THE BLACK FALCON I can’t see anything.

65. BAD COP No, the other way. There. That’s close enough. THE BLACK FALCON Oh I see you! I see your hand. Wave your hand. Ha ha! This is amazing! Do you hear a weird echo on your end? I can hear myself but like two seconds later. Echo. Echo. This is my voiceeeeeoooooo aaaaayyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeee... Sir.


THE BLACK FALCON Okay. Well well well, it looks like I have you all right where I want you. Good morning Vitruvius. Black Falcon! Maker!

VITRUVIUS Prepare to meet the

Vitruvius lunges with his staff at the screen. LUCY No no he’s just on teleconference. What?


LUCY It’s like a phone. A telegram. He’s not actually in the room. VITRUVIUS Like a crystal ball? Sure.


THE BLACK FALCON Still being schooled by your students, I see. This hurts. THE BLACK FALCON I thought you might want to know that my good friend Doris here is safe and sound, so you don’t have anything to worry about.

66. He pushes a button, switching cameras to Doris, who is tied in a big machine with a tube strapped to her head. She looks tired. Some of the life drained out of her. Emmet!


EMMET Mom! I’m coming! I won’t let you down. Any more than I already have! THE BLACK FALCON You’ve done enough, haven’t you sonny? After all, your mother is now a distinguished member of my THINK TANK! Reveal the THINK TANK - an enormous aquarium of MasterBuilders hooked up to brain squeezers which suck the ideas right out of their heads. Including Doris. THE BLACK FALCON Every MasterBuilder in the world is in this tank, having their ideas extracted. Now, with the ideas of the Chosen One, I can finally build the best Kraglethingy in the world, freeze everything, and make the universe exactly how I like it forever. Mom!



THE BLACK FALCON There’s nothing you can do, dude. I already have the ideas. My builders are putting the finishing touches right now. What are you going to show up here in the next twenty four hours and stop me? You just gave me the only hope you had! You see this? He gestures to a mini-model of all his lands. up substantial floor space. BLACK FALCON These are all the lands I control! They are perfect! And they are going to be that way forever! Now that you can’t mess any of them up! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

It takes

67. LUCY So wait. What was the purpose of this call then? THE BLACK FALCON To gloat. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha PEACE. INT. KRAZY KASTLE PARKING LOT - MOMENTS LATER Bad Cop and his support team are marching our guys through an underground parking lot. They open a door to a squad car, but guess who’s inside? King Karl! He kicks open the door and smashes Bad Cop’s hand in it. He does some creative building and kicks everyone’s butts. He frees our heroes. EMMET You’re a MasterBuilder, too? KING KARL I dabble. You were right. I’d rather be poor and free than comfortable and stuck. They grab the MasterPiece and run away. BAD COP (into CB) Back up! Repeat. I need back up. Bring it on.


They run up the stairs. EXT. KRAZY KASTLE WALL - MOMENTS LATER Sirens. Dozens of cop cars pull up, along with RoboVikings, Skeletons, EVIL MERMEN emerging out of the sea, and the VIKING SHIP FROM BEFORE. EXT. KRAZY KASTLE, KOURTYARD - CONTINUOUS King Karl and the others burst in from the stairwell. KING KARL Prepare for battle!

68. All the whimsical creatures and citizens go steely and man battle stations. All manner of fantastical weapons, formidable looking creatures. Knights, cool-ass cars, every crazy looking thing a kid would think of for a war. Tension mounts on both sides of the wall. On my mark.




OUTSIDE THE WALL: The bad guys rush to the wall. OVERHEAD: The two armies rush towards one another. Cannonballs and flames emerge from the bad guy’s weapons, and from the good guys: Puppies. And flowers. Anything but an effective ballistic. And it’s a MASSACRE. The fruity forces of King Karl are just no match. Their vehicles don’t drive. The bows and arrows shoot in curly cues. They are just impossibly overmatched. It’s an instant rout. Retreat!


Chaos invades the kingdom. Our heroes scramble to find a way out as cop cars and RoboVikings burst through the Kastle walls. KING KARL You have to go. EMMET We can’t leave you here. KING KARL It’s my place to be here.


Bad Cop bursts out the stairwell into the Kourtyard and chases after our guys.

69. BENNY Everyone get in my spaceship! Just then, Bad Cop pulls the bottom piece out of the Unstable Kastle and the whole Kastle tips over, and CRUSHES Benny’s spaceship to pieces. KABOOM! Beat. Over there!


He points to a huge CATAPULT. They all grab pieces of Benny’s demolished ship and the Kastle, put them into the catapult and jump inside of it. They watch as King Karl tries to trip up Bad Cop, but falls to an attack of Skeletons. We watch him fall in SLOW MO... It’s super sad, you guys. LUCY We have to go now! DUPLO HELP!


Duplo jumps up and just as Bad Cop arrives, STOMPS on the other end of the lever, FLINGING our heroes into the air along with all the remains of Benny’s spaceship. IN MID AIR quickbuild remains of be getting

all the MasterBuilders mind-meld and a ROCKET-COPTER around themselves with the the spaceship. Emmet actually helps. He may the hang of this. As they chopper-rocket off: EMMET I built that chair! Check it out. That’s my chair. Pretty good. LUCY That’s far more impressive than this entire Rocket-Copter. EMMET Well, it was my idea to get in the catapult. LUCY A credit hog. Great. BATMAN Where’d this thing come from?

We see R2D2 in the backseat.



No idea.

NECKBEARD Bogey on our six! FIGHTER JETS PILOTED BY SKELETONS bear down on them! A really awesome DOGFIGHT ensues. Benny pilots, with Batman backseat driving, and Emmet manning the turrets. BENNY Hey look at that over there-Benny! Focus!


They manage to stay ahead of the bad guy planes and fly through another TROMPE L’OEIL WALL. EXT. THE SPACE BETWEEN WORLDS The planes follow!



Neckbeard eyes the MAP.


Benny evades the planes and goes through a portal!


EXT. OLD WEST GHOST TOWN - NIGHT The Rocket-Copter crashes into the ground and breaks apart. My chair!!!!


Our crew staggers out and looks at a haunting Old West Town. A LEGO tumbleweed passes by. In the distance we see the Volcano with Empura Tower inside. It’s eerie. BATMAN I say we camp here for the night in this creepy Old West Ghost Town. All agree: “Sounds good to me,” “Can’t think of a better spot” etc.

71. EXT. OLD WEST GHOST TOWN - LATER They’ve made a fire out of Moppy. Neckbeard SNORES. Loud.

Everyone sleeps.

But Emmet can’t sleep. He stares off at the volcanotower where his mom is being held. Lucy approaches. What’s up?


EMMET Can’t sleep. Kind of still upset about everything, you know? LUCY Upset about what? EMMET Well, I got in a fight with my mom that caused her to get kidnapped and the whole world is about to get frozen, if you must know, unless you were asking that sarcastically, which I now realize you were. Sorry. She takes pity on him.

LUCY Anyone would.

LUCY We’ll find her. I hope so. I know it.

EMMET LUCY I know you.

EMMET I thought you said I didn’t have a creative bone in my body. You don’t.


EMMET That’s nice, thank you. LUCY I’m just trying to help.

72. EMMET You know what you are, Lucy? What?


EMMET A real pain in the elbow. Lucy LAUGHS. What?


LUCY You may not have a creative bone in your body, but you have a lot of really really earnest bones. You always did. Thank you?


LUCY I mean, that day when we were kids, and you drew the face in art class, you inspired me. I thought maybe there was more out there in the world, and maybe you felt the same. That’s why I asked you out. But then you ended up like everyone else and broke my heart, you know? That I was going one way and you didn’t go with me. EMMET Think of how I felt. My mom trained me to follow the herd. To lay low. All I ever wanted was to fit in, to have friends. And the funny thing is, maybe I was trying too hard, but, my whole life, I never did have any real friends. LUCY We’re being so dramatic. eighth grade!

It was

EMMET That’s the most dramatic time in anyone’s life, right? It’s what made The Black Falcon such a world class dingaling.

73. LUCY It made a lot of us dingalings. EMMET

Yeah. Emmet looks away, sad.

LUCY You know, whenever I doubt myself, I look into this prism I found long ago... She pulls out a wadded-up metallic GUM WRAPPER. EMMET It’s... beautiful. LUCY I know. It’s a relic of the Maker. When I’m feeling low, I look at it, and it always makes me feel like there still is beauty in the world, and we all have a purpose. You know what I mean? He stares at it, then at her. Yeah. I do.


A long beat as they look at each other... LUCY Well, good night. Yeah.



Emmet sits alone, looking at his sparkly reflection in the gum wrapper. As he puts his hands on it: EMMET’S VISION: SLIGHTLY CLEARER VERSIONS OF A HUMAN MAN AND CHILD IN A BAsem*nT... TED Finn? What did you do to the spaceship? It’s in pieces! I told you not to play with this and you broke it! It took me years to build all this! (MORE)

74. TED (CONT'D) And what’s it doing in the Old West Town? And is that Batman? It doesn’t belong here! FINN I’m sorry, Uncle Ted. I just wanted to play. TED Well, life isn’t all play. Sometimes it’s serious and it gets screwed up and you don’t feel like playing. You just wish for once everything was in the right place.


FINN (disappointed)

Finn goes off.

Ted picks up a tube of Krazy Glue.

EMMET WAKES UP! Emmet looks at the gum wrapper. Confused, he puts the wrapper in his purse/backpack. He is startled by: VITRUVIUS I don’t suppose this is the restroom? EMMET No. Definitely not. (then, stopping him) Hey, Can I ask you something? I keep having these strange dreams about a squishy bumpy giant-Vitruvius stops. VITRUVIUS Visions of the Maker. Quite unusual. EMMET What does it mean? Do I have a fate? VITRUVIUS We all have a fate. But MasterBuilding is about channeling the power of the Maker, and taking that fate into our own hands. I guess it could mean what you choose to make it mean.

75. EMMET Why do you always talk in weird riddles? I just want answers. VITRUVIUS Then why don’t you try building something for yourself? Emmet builds himself a little mecha-bird, like the one that Vitruvius made earlier. It’s adorable. EMMET I’m sorry, that’s lame. MECHA-BIRD (parroting) That’s lame. That’s lame. The bird flies off a few feet and CRASHES into a tree, losing some pieces, then flies off all wobbly. VITRUVIUS Not bad. You’re learning now. EMMET No I’m not. I’m just copying what you did. VITRUVIUS A dilettante borrows. A true artist steals. He pats him on the head and walks away.

After a beat:

EMMET That makes no sense! VITRUVIUS And all this does? EXT. EMPURA TOWER - MORNING Morning is not much different from night at this dark place. HELICOPTER SHOT: Our heroes hike over a hill. At the crest they stop in awe at EMPURA TOWER, rising from the volcano like a midcentury cork. LUCY How the heck are we going to do this?

76. EMMET It’s okay. I have a plan. Really?


EMMET This R2 unit had the plans for Empura Tower stored in its memory bank. LUCY That’s convenient. R2D2 projects the blueprints for the fortress. EMMET Looking over it last night, I noticed the tower follows the same construction principles as the condos I was building back in Legopolis. BEGIN OCEAN’S 11-STYLE PLAN SEQUENCE, in which we see the things actually happening as they are described! EMMET (V.O.) We enter through the base here. Batman, you’ll take out all the guards, while the rest of us change into their uniforms, and, posing as the new guards, determine my mother’s location. What about a passkey, you ask? We won’t need a passkey or whatever security code they have because we’ll sneak up the elevator shaft by building our own elevator, which we then take all the way to-SMASH! The elevator is destroyed by a descending elevator. BACK TO SCENE Wait.


LUCY What about this? She grabs the plans. PLANNING SEQUENCE #2:

77. LUCY (V.O.) We put the guards to sleep with gas. Then build a kickass windowwashing apparatus, which, unbeknownst to the baddies, will have all kinds of cool weapons inside and... EMMET (V.O.) ... be so heavy it will fall under its own weight... SMASH!

The window washing apparatus falls and crashes.



VITRUVIUS How about this? PLANNING SEQUENCE #3: VITRUVIUS (V.O.) We build a second tower right next to the first. The whole thing will be an optical illusion, matching exactly the visual of the landscape behind the tower. I’ll be the foreman, and-CRASH! Because Vitruvius was the foreman, the whole tower falls down. BACK TO SCENE VITRUVIUS What, is it because I’m blind? BATMAN Check this out: PLANNING SEQUENCE #4 BATMAN (V.O.) I’ll take out all the guards with a batarang. Then we’ll bust down the front door with a battering batram, look around corners with a batperiscope. Then I’ll batcharm my way into the lair, and the Joker will be there. (MORE)

78. BATMAN (V.O.) (CONT'D) I’ll be locked in a deep struggle with him that isn’t just physical but psychological. We’ll talk about how he killed my parents, depending on who you talk to, and how his physical disfigurement and my emotional disfigurement are two sides of the same coin. And then Robin will be like “Can I help” and we’ll both be like “NO!” And then-BACK TO SCENE AHOY!


PLANNING SEQUENCE #5 NECKBEARD (V.O.) We attack with the cannons first! Then convince the guards to mutiny. But then: Mermaids! A curse upon their wicked kind! BACK TO SCENE Stop it!

LUCY Everyone!

VITRUVIUS Creativity in groups is hard. Unless...


PLANNING SEQUENCE #6 EMMET (V.O.) We get a bunch of snacks and a conference room filled with toys and funny posters, and discuss the plan in a group. We’ll have rules of play, such as ’Yes and,’ not ‘No, but’ so we can keep criticism constructive and keep the process moving forward, and slowly over many iterations of the process we’ll add the best thoughts from everyone until we have a plan that’s more robust and creative than anything any of us could have come up with on his or her own!

79. BACK TO SCENE LUCY We don’t have time for that. EMMET Or we can just wing it. Everyone AGREES to wing it. EXT. EMPURA TOWER, SERVICE ENTRACE - LATER A suspicious-looking DELIVERY TRUCK shows up. one guard back there, talking on his phone.


SERVICE NINJA Well, I don’t know, I’ve lived alone a long time, and sharing space with you is a new thing for me...no it’s not like that... (realizing) Hey, we didn’t order any-Lucy appears behind him, grabs him and GAGS him. LUCY (man voice, into phone) I love you please move in with me. Our gang quickbuilds the truck into an awesome TOWER CLIMBING DEVICE with suction cups. It begins its climb. INSIDE the device, our guys rapidly move bricks so that the side facing the building is an 8-bit image of the landscape behind it, making it nearly invisible. INT. EMPURA TOWER - CONTINUOUS Some skeletons are in a board meeting. One looks outside and squints. He sees an 8-bit LEGO version of the landscape slowly pass by. Rubs his eyes, and it’s GONE. EXT. EMPURA TOWER - CONTINUOUS The machine cuts through the window of an empty room. Our guys crawl inside, nervously... INT. BLACK FALCON’S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS The office we saw earlier.

80. EMMET The Black Falcon’s office! BATMAN My office is bigger. LUCY


She motions to an “IDEAS” notebook. There is nothing in there. There’s also a picture of the BF’s middle school class photo with Doris in it. The BF has drawn a funny moustache on her. Emmet smashes the picture in anger. NECKBEARD Arr, his appointment book be saying he be scheduled for a massage at four. BATMAN He’ll get a flipping massage alright. Language!

DAD There are kids here.

BATMAN Who are these nerds? It’s the diorama family from earlier. Still frozen. family members are separated, unable to touch.


SON We, uh, can’t move. Lucy tries to lift the daughter but she’s stuck to her chair which is stuck to the floor. LUCY They won’t budge. DAUGHTER The bad guy is going to freeze everyone. Kids?

MOM Are you okay?

DAD They’re alright, baby. SON I miss you, mom.

81. Emmet’s heart breaks. EMMET Me too. (then) This is really sad. How can you keep living like this? DAD Well, yeah, we can’t be together. We can’t touch or see each other. But in here-- and if I could, I’d be pointing to my head-- I’m not stuck. In my brain we’re sharing a delicious meal together. MOM Thank you sweetie. DAUGHTER Pass the mustard. They all play along. LUCY That’s pretty elaborate. DAD They can freeze you. They can tell you what to do. But they can’t stop our secret weapon. Ideas. (then) Now go give ‘em hell. Lucy starts to exit. EMMET Wait. Batman, give me your Batperiscope. Emmet grabs some nearby tubes and goes to work. He’s not a quickbuilder, he’s more methodical. What’s he up to? INT. BLACK FALCON’S OFFICE - MOMENTS LATER Emmet places a FOUR-WAY PERISCOPE in front of their faces. EMMET Now at least you can see each other.

82. They smile at one another. Emmet smiles. him. That’s the guy she used to love.

Lucy looks at

INT. HALLWAY - LATER The Black Falcon stomps down the hallway. People tremble in his wake. A flank of baddies stops and salutes. You there.

“THE BLACK FALCON” Listen to me.

REVEAL it’s not the The Black Falcon at all, but rather, Neckbeard’s head on top of a black-Sharpied R2D2. NINJA You have grown a beard. “THE BLACK FALCON” I be trying it out. What do ye think? NINJA It’s very nice. “THE BLACK FALCON” Thank you. Arr. NINJA Is there something in your throat, sir? “THE BLACK FALCON” Yes. It be a new throat something I’m trying out. Do ye like it? Very much.


“THE BLACK FALCON” Say, I beed wondering if you could do me a favor. NINJA At your service, commander. “THE BLACK FALCON” Take off your ninja clothes. Sir?


“THE BLACK FALCON” I be the boss, ain’t I be?


Yes, sir.


They do as instructed. Into their skivvies. “THE BLACK FALCON” Now pull each other’s heads off and kick them way down the hallway where you can’t see them anymore. NINJA Yes, sir-- ow! Very good. thousand.

“THE BLACK FALCON” Now count to one

NINJA (O.S.) (in the distance) Yes sir. Suddenly our heroes jump out from the shadows and put on the ninja clothes. “THE BLACK FALCON” This be awesome. INT. THINK TANK - MOMENTS LATER Guards hear the door open and stand at attention. In walk NECKBEARD and the GANG, all dressed up as ninjas. They stare up at the THINK TANK. All kinds of MasterBuilders hooked up to tubes. Awful. You can’t help but be upset at the inhumanity of the whole thing. ROBOSKELETON Black Falcon? You’re supposed to be at your massage. I uh...


Neckbeard’s head falls off R2D2. FIGHT! Our guys kick the crap out of the guards, who try and fail to sound an alarm. It’s a bar brawl, and Batman really shines. Emmet rushes up into the Think Tank and finds his MOM. Everything else slows down. The sounds of the fighting fall away. He’s so glad to see her. Wouldn’t you be? Mom...






EMMET It’s me, Mom. I’ve here to save you, so you can save the world. He pulls out the MASTERPIECE. BLACK FALCON (O.S.) I don’t think she’ll be doing that. The Black Falcon has entered, flanked by Bad Cop and a legion of robo-soldiers! VITRUVIUS Rodrigo Falcone. My old student. It’s time you went back to SCHOOL! (to others) RUN! Our heroes make a break for the exit, as Vitruvius squares off with the Black Falcon. Vitruvius spins, grabs some pieces of the Think Tank and uses his staff to guide an ELECTRICAL BOLT at him. The Black Falcon deflects. BLACK FALCON The old dog still has a few tricks. But I guess your friends didn’t tell you that I was flanked by like a hundred soldiers. Now! RoboNinjas fling a RUBBER BAND from a PAPERCLIP (like when they got Doris in Act I) and it binds him instantly. BLACK FALCON Get the rest of them! INT. EMPURA TOWER, HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS Our heroes book it.

Emmet helps Doris.

LUCY Why won’t anything in this hallway break off?! BATMAN It’s Kragle-frozen! Batcrap! Reveal Bad Cop and the RoboNinjas closing in on them.


Lucy. Yes?


NECKBEARD I want you to know, I love you. Me too...


NECKBEARD And even if the world be ending, and we all get frozen, I’d feel better about the whole situation if I could get frozen with you as my bride. LUCY Are you really doing this? NECKBEARD Lucy. Will you take me hand in marriage? Metaphorically. Lucy stops, frozen...with INDECISION! She looks at Emmet. Emmet smiles bravely at her as he runs. Um...


Lucy’s indecision made her fall behind and a RUBBER BAND flings and wraps her up! Neckbeard tries to change direction but winds up rolling down the hall. Lucy!


Bad Cop et al reload. Mom! Hurry!


Fling! Doris is wrapped up. No!


Fling! Emmet is wrapped up, with the MasterPiece still in his hands.




Neckbeard tries to go back and rescue them, but Batman grabs his head. Well, all of him, really. BATMAN We can’t win this. We’ve got to hide and make a new plan.


NECKBEARD (knows he’s right)

Batman, Benny, Neckbeard and R2D2 run around the corner. Bad Cop has rounded up Lucy, Emmet, and Doris. BAD COP (to robo-soldiers) Take these perps to the Black Falcon’s office. The rest of you, follow me. Looks like we’ll be playing a little game of hide and seek. He puts on his LEGO sunglasses, tough cop-style. INT. EMPURA TOWER, BLACK FALCON’S OFFICE - MOMENTS LATER Now Emmet, Doris, Lucy and Vitruvius are all tied up in a row facing the window. The Black Falcon inspects his prisoners. THE BLACK FALCON Aw how cute. Mother and son... together at last. And what’s this? He takes the MasterPiece out of Emmet’s hands. THE BLACK FALCON I’ve been looking for a paperweight. (to Emmet) Did you really think you were going to come up here and save the day? You’re a follower, my friend. You don’t have the stuff. (to Doris) And you. You must be real proud of this one, huh? He’s a credit to the family. Just like his talentless father.

87. This stings.

He is not nice.

EMMET Mom, I’m so sorry. DORIS I know sweetie. EMMET Just- tell me everything’s going to be okay. DORIS I wish I could, son. EMMET Mom... Why didn’t you -- why didn’t you teach me what you knew? DORIS I wanted you to be safe. I thought you would be happier. When I saw you with that funny drawing, it was so marvelous. And then I thought of what your life would be, how everyone would treat you. I just couldn’t let that happen. EMMET I know you’re the Chosen One, but-I just wish you had let me choose for myself. Ouch.

Doris feels awful.

The fighting’s stopped.

DORIS I...I don’t know what to say. THE BLACK FALCON You guys want to see it? Let me take you up to the construction site! Things are about to get a little sticky down here. He pushes a big red button and the ground begins to shake. The Black Falcon smiles. EXT. EMPURA TOWER - CONTINUOUS The tower begins transforming. Wings come out. Rockets fire, and the volcano ERUPTS! The tower BLASTS OFF like a rocketship with thunderous power. It climbs high into the air and SMASHES THROUGH THE LEGO SKY!

88. INT. EMPURA TOWER, BLACK FALCON’S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS They stare agape out of the picture window as the world falls away. They are now in... EXT. OUTER SPACE - CONTINUOUS When we look below, we see all the lands we have visited, each walled silos apart from one another. Like the neurons in Emmet’s brain at the start of the movie. PAN UP to find a scary, gray, HUGE FOUR-PEG LEGO BRICK, made out of millions of smaller LEGO bricks. The tower docks with it, a perfect tetris piece that makes it finally whole. This is the SpaceStation SUPERBRICK. INT. SUPERBRICK - CONTINUOUS Inside it’s an enormous indoor INSTRUCTION SITE filled with instruction workers working on something big. The Black Falcon’s office penthouse is one of the top pegs, looking over everything like a control tower. Emmet notices his instruction worker pals from Act I. EMMET They got promoted... THE BLACK FALCON Behold: The SuperKragleThingy Part II. Reveal a huge ROBOTIC MONSTER, a hundred men tall, like a mechanical Godzilla-raptor. It has a name plate reading “Brought to you by Empura”. THE BLACK FALCON It’s my best work. EMMET But you didn’t do anything. THE BLACK FALCON Are you kidding? You think the MasterBuilders just up and forced themselves to think of this? Did those guys force themselves to build it? No. I did. Ergo, it’s mine. (then) Look down there.

89. The Black Falcon looks down upon all his dominions, separated by walls, like LEGO sets lined up together. THE BLACK FALCON Magnificent, isn’t it? And now it will be just the way I want. A worker puts the last piece on. Another flips a switch. The SuperKragleThingy Part II (”SKT2”) lights up! THE BLACK FALCON Release the Kragle! They watch below as HUNDREDS of Bad guys in helmets stream into HUNDREDS of co*ckpits all over the SKT2. They put in ignition keys in unison. The SKT2 thunders to life as the hangar door opens and it rockets out of the Superbrick... INT. SUPERBRICK, KRAGLETHINGY INSTRUCTION SITE CONTINUOUS Hiding inside a supply closet, watching through a crack, are Benny, Neckbeard, Batman and R2D2. Guards looking for them. BATMAN That does not look good. NECKBEARD When do we get to the part about coming up with a plan? BENNY I’ve got a plan. Uh-oh.


He points across the hangar: There are a bunch of spaceships. NECKBEARD What about Lucy and the others? BENNY We’ll come back for them. After we stop that Kragle. He’s right. They make a break for it, as the huge hangar door starts closing. They run up to a black spaceship.

90. BENNY Can we go in the blue one? Bad Cop spots them, flanked by RoboNinjas. BAD COP There they are! Bad Cop and the RoboNinjas run after them. NECKBEARD What does it matter? BENNY I fly better in blue. They run over to the blue spaceship and pile in just in time to BLAST OFF just as the hangar door closes! BAD COP No! Re-open the door! Everyone in ships! Go! ROBONINJA Dude, you don’t have to yell. The RoboNinjas pop off their ninja veils and pop on space helmets, climb in the remaining ships and take off! EXT. LEGOPIA - CONTINUOUS The SKT2 lands with an earth-shattering THOOM! Animals scurry! It’s the most impressive thing in the universe. INT. SUPERBRICK - CONTINUOUS BF’s Executive Window has become a huge monitor. The Black Falcon watches SKT2 on it and barks orders into a microphone. THE BLACK FALCON Left. Right. Straight. Now stand up super tall and scary! EXT. LEGOPIA - CONTINUOUS The operators of the SKT2 follow his every command, until it stops at a tiny house. A hobbit comes out, pissed. Every time!--


91. The hobbit’s jaw drops as he looks up and takes in the sight of the SKT2 belching a fine mist of glue all over him and the rest of the hobbit huts. He freezes! INT. THINK TANK - CONTINUOUS BLACK FALCON Bahahahahahahaha!! EXT. LEGOPIA - CONTINUOUS The SKT2 LAUGHS the same way, then belches glue-mist over the entire land. Leaping deer freeze mid-leap. The waterfall stops mid-flow. When it’s done, the SKT2 LEAPS into the air like the Hulk, landing in... EXT. LEGOPOLIS - CONTINUOUS Emmet’s house. SMASH! The SKT2’s foot smashes down. Pan up to show it about to freeze Emmet’s hometown. INT. SUPERBRICK - CONTINUOUS Strapped in rubber bands, all our heroes can do is watch the horror on the monitors. Doris turns away. DORIS It’s too horrible to bear. VITRUVIUS What is? Describe it to me. feel really really left out!


EMMET The world is ending. Emmet looks around, and eyes the MasterPiece, sitting on the console as a paperweight. Next to it is the MAGNIFYING GLASS on the Black Falcon’s desk that he used like 70 pages ago. Emmet gets an idea. EXT. OUTER SPACE - SAME TIME Benny flies in crazy curly-cues as he avoids Bad Cop’s army of bad guy spaceships! He also jettisons small pieces along the way.

92. BATMAN Go down to the city! What are you doing? BENNY Calling for help from my space friends! WIDE, we see the jettisoned pieces have formed skywriting: S.O.S. NECKBEARD What, a bunch of mops? There be no space friends! Just go! BENNY Alright, you don’t have to be mean about it. He heads for the city way down below. EXT. LEGOPOLIS - SAME TIME The SKT2 belches a gluey mist around the city! EXT. KRAZY KOFFEE - CONTINUOUS Larry, the Barrista, steps out and does a full-on Laura Dern holy-flip-it’s-a-dinosaur jaw drop. The SKT2 stomps around belching.

LARRY Of course.

OTHER COFFEE GUY What the heck is happening? LARRY I think a big dinobot is freezing everything with mucusy sneezes. OTHER COFFEE GUY So we’re doomed? What do we do? I don’t know.

LARRY Complain?

The crazy MECHA-BIRD that Emmet built lands nearby. LARRY I mean, it’s not like we can do anything.

93. MECHABIRD (parroting) ...We can do anything! ...We can do anything! The mechabird lands on the other barrista. How annoying.


LARRY Wait a minute... WE ZOOM INTO LARRY’S BRAIN! The same thing that happened to Emmet. Synapses fire. He gets.... An IDEA! Larry puts two pieces together. The 2001 theme plays... ...in our heads, but not in the actual soundtrack, because that would be super cliché. OTHER COFFEE GUY What are you doing? LARRY I don’t know exactly. going with it.

I’m just

His friend follows suit. This catches on, and the citizens of Legopolis start to build all kinds of crazy MECHA-BIRDS! Larry’s is the most fanciful. Larry.


The birds take off and start to flock together. up and get in the way of the robot’s eyeline. INT. SUPERBRICK - CONTINUOUS THE BLACK FALCON What?! This is terrible! I can’t see! (to Vitruvius) No offense. (then) Who the heck did that? The remote camera focuses on Larry the Barrista. That guy?!


They fly

94. THE BLACK FALCON Hey! Guys! Swipe! Swipe! No! You’re doing it wrong! Ugh... This is a disaster! While the Black Falcon is distracted, Emmet slowly hops over to the desk and bumps it, jostling the magnifying glass half over the edge of the desk. He shimmies under it. The magnifying glass lens concentrates the light and starts to BURN away the rubber band binding him up. BLACK FALCON Do I smell something burning? It smells like a tire fire in here. LUCY (covering) Excuse me. The Black Falcon goes back to barking orders. Meanwhile, the rubber band is almost burned through. Emmet struggles to move himself closer and BURNS his hand.




And he’s free! Yes! Behind BF’s back, he frees his mom and hands her the MasterPiece. EMMET (sotto) Mom. Go. Do whatever you’re supposed to do! DORIS I... don’t know what to do. tired...


Doris is super out of it. LUCY She’s too weak. You have to do it. Do what? Emmet unties Lucy.

EMMET What can I do?

95. LUCY I believe in you, Emmet. I was mad because you disappointed me for a while, but since it wasn’t your fault, I’m willing to give you a mulligan on it. A what? A mulligan.

EMMET LUCY It’s from golf.

EMMET You play golf? LUCY The point is, you’ve spent your whole life wanting to fit in and have friends, by pretending to be something you’re not. But now that you’ve let the real you shine through, you’ve made some friends who like you for who you are. And even if they’re just a crazy spaceman and a pirate head and a blind man and an intern-You like me? I do.


EMMET Neckbeard likes me? ...Sure.


EMMET But... I’m not the Chosen One. LUCY You wanted to make your own choices, right? So choose yourself. Emmet looks down on it. Then down on his arm. The BURN MARK from just a minute a go is in the shape of a STAR. Nuh uh.


96. Emmet’s eyes roll back. He can suddenly “see” the pieces, like we’ve seen other MasterBuilders do. But in a way that’s even cooler than how they did. He smiles. The Black Falcon turns around, finally noticing. THE BLACK FALCON Wait, what’s going on?! What the hell are you smiling about?! This.


He uses the MasterPiece, the loose pieces on the desk, and the Maker relics he’d been collecting the whole movie to build something strange. It’s a large circle with the laser pointer bouncing off the reflecting gum wrapper with the MasterPiece on top, forming a badass looking LASER PORTAL TO INFINITY. DORIS What is it, Emmet? I don’t know.

EMMET It just came to me.

VITRUVIUS You have channeled the Maker and chosen your fate. You have chosen to be the Chosen One. THE BLACK FALCON You are going to defeat me by making some kind of art? Ha ha ha! Oh let me put on my Pink Floyd album so I can totally zone out! Ha ha ha this is so lame! Emmet slowly walks towards it, and light from the portal swells, enveloping Emmet completely. He DISAPPEARS! And the portal with it! BLACK FALCON Whoa. That was weird. EXT. LEGOPOLIS - CONTINUOUS The SKT2 is swatting away birds and staggering around. THE BLACK FALCON (O.S.) (in co*ckpit headsets) Crush them! Stomp on them before they get any more ideas!

97. The SKT2 lifts a giant mecha-leg above a crowd of barristas and cityfolk, who run in panic under the huge shadow, about to be crushed, when... LARRY What the heck is that?! In comes Benny, Neckbeard and Batman in their spaceship! It shoots at the SKT2’s foot, and it pulls its foot away! Yeah! But their little pea-shooter can do little damage to this Goliath overall. BENNY Wow, that thing is really big. Uh, Benny...


Hot on their tail is Bad Cop and the other spaceships, who pursue Benny’s ship through the skyscrapers all around LEGOPOLIS! SO BEGINS THE MOST AWESOME AERIAL LEGO BATTLE OF ALL TIME! INT. SUPERBRICK - CONTINUOUS The Black Falcon rocks the mic. THE BLACK FALCON Get that spaceship out of there! I don’t want to freeze space stuff in the city--OOF! Vitruvius just suckerpunched him! The Black Falcon stares at Vitruvius, Lucy, and Doris, ready to fight. Beat, then: The Black Falcon runs away! He opens his closet door, pulls an ESCAPE HATCH, and shoots off. LUCY What do we do? Go after him.


They grab parts around the office and quickbuild their own spaceship out of a desk and whatever they can find.

98. EXT. LEGOPOLIS - CONTINUOUS The sky battle continues as the Black Falcon zooms down to the city, docks his ESCAPE HATCH SPACESHIP into the central co*ckpit of the SKT2, and assumes command. THE BLACK FALCON If you want to get something done, you have to do it yourself!!! He pushes a button marked “TURBO” and sends a nuclear bomb of Kragle Belch out of the SKT2’s mouth. LARRY Quick, everyone! Run behind it! Get away from the mist! The army of citizens runs as fast as it can towards the SKT2 to avoid getting in the line of glue, but the Kragle blast arrives, and many of them are FROZEN! MORE VIGNETTES AROUND LEGOPOLIS: - A person is about to vote. FROZEN! - Two teens with braces are about to have their first kiss on the prom dance floor. FROZEN! - A baby is delivered to his father. It’s a b--


FROZEN! - A street performer pretending to be a robot FREEZES! INT. INTER-DIMENSIONAL LIGHT TUNNEL - SAME TIME Surrounded by laserbeams, Emmet is levitated through the universe. He is split into pieces - like he is becoming one with the fabric of the universe. He is traveling between the seams. Eventually rising straight towards the brightest star in the sky. The closer we get, we realize that it is not a star at all, but a HOLE in the fabric of the universe. A hole just barely big enough for Emmet to fit through. Well, not quite big enough. He is stuck.

99. EXT. BAsem*nT - CONTINUOUS Emmet finally wiggles through a hole in a black piece of FELT FABRIC. He rubs his eyes and sees an entire humansized basem*nt in a LIVE ACTION WORLD. It’s like nothing Emmet has ever seen before. He marvels at a coffee cup with pencils in it. his reflection in a snowglobe.

Stares at

EMMET So...not square. Something catches his eye.

He turns around and sees

AN ENTIRE LEGO UNIVERSE laid out below. It’s a more mundane version of Emmet’s world: the lands are not as vast, towers not as tall, but it’s all there: representations of the city, waterfall, space cube, etc. Each area separated by walls - backdrops laid down by a collector. It’s pretty much the coolest collection of LEGO sets anyone could ever hope to build. He looks at his feet and sees tons of loose LEGO parts. He realizes he’s standing in the middle of a bin of LEFTOVER LEGO pieces. The Maker.

EMMET It’s all real...

He looks up to see TED, a human being, staring at him. EMMET TED DAHHH!!!! DAHHH!!!! Emmet runs! Ted tries to brush Emmet away, causing a pen knife to fall on Ted’s hand. EMMET TED It just tried to kill me! It just tried to kill me! BEGIN FUNNY CHASE SEQUENCE: - Emmet grabs a co*cktail toothpick and parries Ted’s flyswatter. - Emmet jumps on Ted and Ted tries to get him off. clings to Ted’s Ear, screaming into it.


- Emmet punches Ted in the face while Ted swings and misses Emmet because he is so small. TED What the heck are you?!

100. EMMET What the heck are you?! I’m a person.


EMMET I’m a person. You on the other hand are a giant squishy beast. TED You’re a talking toy. This is considerably less cute than I have been led to believe. Ted touches Emmet’s face. Emmet touches Ted’s face. They do a version of the mirror bit from Duck Soup. So ugly...


Emmet puts his hand up Ted’s nose. EMMET What are these?! Ted sneezes all over Emmet. AHHHHHH!!! Calm down! from?

EMMET TED Where did you come

Emmet looks back towards the LEGO set. up from the fighting.

It’s all messed

EMMET Did you build that? TED Yeah, but it’s seriously messed up. EMMET Are you the Maker? The what? (then) FINN!!!


Finn comes bounding downstairs.

101. FINN


Finn stops in his tracks. TED Are you seeing this? FINN

Yeah. Two Makers?


TED How did this-- what is-- my sets, they’re all-The guys.

FINN They needed my help.

Against what?


FINN Against the Kragle. The what?


EMMET The Kragle. The thing that is freezing everything together. Oh.

TED Krazy Glue?

He gestures to a big box of Krazy Glue tubes. GASPS in horror. Good Lord.


TED What? I’m using this to glue my set together. So it won’t get messed up by the kid. EMMET But then-- it can never change. TED Exactly. It’s the only thing in my life that’s perfect. (MORE)


102. TED (CONT'D) I can’t find a job that doesn’t make me hate myself. My girlfriend dumped me for a rich trustafarian... dingaling, is what he is, and I’m watching my sister’s kid while she has a fun time partying in the Hamptons with her annoying brood of hot girlfriends who won’t have a thing to do with me, and the only thing I have in my life that makes any sense, that I have any control over is that perfect world right there. EMMET But... nothing is perfect unless it can change. You can make something, you know, and it can be great, for a while, but then... then someone maybe adds to it, makes something new out of it. And that keeps happening until it becomes something that a single person could never envision. Truth is, creating alone is never as good as creating with others. TED See. No. That’s not truebecause with others, they don’t see things the same way, so-EMMET I know. You want to control everything. I get it. But if you succeed, in the end, all you’ll ever have is what you’ve got. TED What else could I have? Who knows?

EMMET That’s the best part.

Ted looks at Finn. Then at Emmet. Then at his glue. He gets something and hands it to Emmet. It’s a GLUE CAP. Use this. What is it?



What is it?

TED It’s the ca--

FINN Cone of Power. It’s called the Cone of Power. Okay.

TED The Cone of Power.

FINN Put it on the Kragle to stop it. Yeah.

TED Try that.

EMMET Thank you. It was nice to meet you both, disgusting squishy giant Maker creature and smaller, messier giant Maker creature. FINN Nice to meet you. EMMET I should go save the world now. Emmet turns and goes back through the makerpeeper hole, back through the portal. Ted picks up a bottle of Krazy Glue-dissolving MINERAL SPIRITS and turns to Finn. Let’s play.


EXT. INTER-DIMENSIONAL TUNNEL - MOMENTS LATER Emmet careens through the laser tunnel towards LEGOPOLIS. Like a meteor reentering the Earth’s atmosphere. EXT. LEGOPOLIS - CONTINUOUS Emmet hits the ground, making a LEGO crater. He raises the Cone of Power and dashes toward the SKT2. THE BLACK FALCON Detach and mobilize! Stop that loser! Remember how I said there were hundreds of baddies in LEGO co*ckPITS all over the SKT2?

104. Well, those guys jump out and form a ground army of ROBOVIKINGS and SKELETONS and such! Emmet charges for them, seriously outmanned. Leading the charge is Bad Cop in his Police-Spaceship. He has Emmet in his sights... He closes in, firing his blasters, when he looks up for a minute to see... Hello!


Benny’s ship, headed straight for him! Benny, Neckbeard, Batman and R2D2 dive out just before their ship CRASHES into Bad Cop’s, BREAKING HIM AND HIS SHIP TO PIECES! Benny et al land safely, right next to Emmet. EMMET Thanks for dropping in. BATMAN I hope we’re not imposing. Emmet and the gang quickbuild-fight against the army. Neckbeard headbutts a row of skeletons- they fall like dominoes. Batman uses his Batarang to pop off the heads of a row of Robo-Vikings. But the badguy spaceships are still circling and shooting. BATMAN There’s too many of them! NECKBEARD They’re coming at us from all sides! BENNY Guy! Look up! My space friends! They got my message! A FLEET OF SPACESHIPS arrives, filled with assorted characters. For example, Harry Potter and Indiana Jones and Han Solo are all in the Millennium Falcon. HAN SOLO Anything for you, Benny! INDY (to Han) Hey, you look familiar. Also, there is a spaceship driven by a bunch of MOPS. Lucy, Doris and Vitruvius are in their office desk-shaped spaceship. Neckbeard shouts up from below!



LUCY We need to talk...


Looking at the the desk ship. LARRY I could build such a better ship than that. Why don’t we?


They do! Other people looking around follow suit, but in their own unique way. They all shoot off, until collectively, they have formed an ARMADA OF SILLY SHIPS! Even King Karl flies in on his dino-rocket and joins the air battle as the land battle wages on. ON EMMET Amid the massive battle on air and land, Emmet makes his way through the armies to the SuperKragleThingy2... ON THE BLACK FALCON Inside the SKT2. THE BLACK FALCON Didn’t your mom tell you? She designed this thing with a missile launcher! He flips a switch and the SKT2 extends a mecha-arm, launching a huge MISSILE right towards Emmet! INT. LUCY’S DESK-SPACESHIP - CONTINUOUS Amidst the air battle, Doris looks out the window to see Emmet on the ground, about to be hit by the missile. Emmet! She steels herself.

DORIS Gets some of her energy back.

LUCY Doris, are you okay back there?

106. But Doris is gone. Doris?!

She’s free-falling to the ground. LUCY Why did she do that?

VITRUVIUS The connection between a mother and son is a powerful thing. LUCY But it’s certain death. VITRUVIUS On the contrary. It’s connections like those that give the best chance to survive... Lucy looks out to the Larry’s fanciful armada.


EXT. LEGOPOLIS - CONTINUOUS Doris gathers her strength in mid-air. Starts building a protective shield to cover her and Emmet. Can she do it? YES! She lands with confidence. Poise. STRENGTH. A shield around her son, as well as her loving embrace. BOOM! The missile explodes, but they stand firm. DORIS Get your hands off my flipping son. Doris attacks the baddies with heretofore unseen ferocity. She breaks apart streetlamps and makes weapons. A mother protecting her son. She’s like a whirling, quickbuilding kung-fu superstar. She is the best fighter in the universe. EMMET Mom... Wow. Just... wow. DORIS I’m the Chosen One, remember? EMMET I guess that makes two of us. They start to fight TOGETHER. Kicking much butt. It’s superbadass and incredibly heartwarming to see them finally working as a team.

107. DORIS I was wrong, Emmet. (BAM!) All this time I was trying to keep you from getting hurt, so I told you not to make waves. (POW!) I’m just so glad that I get to see the beautiful waves you finally get to make.(SOCKO!) EMMET (WHAM!) I love you, Mom. (CRACK!) They make their way to the SKT2, but the Black Falcon sees them coming! THE BLACK FALCON Aw. That’s sweet. I want to take a picture so I can remember you like this FOREVER! The SKT2 takes in a big inhale, about to freeze them... When in lands the most colorful and whimsical SUPERROBOT ever. Exactly opposite of the SKT2. It’s made up of all the ships that the citizens of LEGOPOLIS have built. This is WHIMSYBOT, and LUCY’s is in the center. Lucy?

EMMET How did you do that?

LUCY I used a few connections. LEGO ROBOT FIGHT! WhimsyBot clocks SKT2! They knock over buildings! WHAMO! It’s awesome! The WhimsyBot gains the upper hand, knocks the SKT2 on its BUTT! This gives Emmet and Doris a clear pathway to climb on to the SKT2 and scramble up to the co*ckpit where the Black Falcon is. Doris rips open the co*ckpit with her bare hands. She jumps in and kicks the Black Falcon’s ass. DORIS Emmet, now’s your chance! Emmet scrambles to the SKT2’s mouth, holding the Cone of Power at the Kragle. But at the last second, his route is cut off by the BLACK FALCON, holding Doris hostage. THE BLACK FALCON Nuh-uh-uh. One step closer, and bye-bye mommy. Now go away, you freak, you weirdo, you loser. You don’t belong here. You don’t belong anywhere.

108. EMMET GETS AN IDEA - we see this as we have before. EMMET You’re right. I don’t belong here... And he runs away... or does he? No! He runs around the back of the SKT2 and tunnels in through the back of its head! He lifts the CONE OF POWER! EMMET I belong here! No!


EMMET Rest in pieces. And he caps the Kragle. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A beat. Then the whole SKT2 EXPLODES into a million LEGO pieces! Emmet and Doris and The Black Falcon are thrown high into the air. OVER AT THE VOLCANO across the world: The Black Falcon falls into the Volcano lava lamely. PLOP. DOWN IN LEGOPOLOIS, everyone GASPS. explosion killed Emmet and Doris.

It seems the SKT2

That’s when two enormous five-fingered LEGO clouds shaped like hands, one grown up one, one kid one, enter the frame from above. THE HANDS OF THE MAKER(s). They catch Emmet and Doris in midair, and put them together safely on the ground. Emmet holds the original Kragle tube, and gives it back to the Cloud Hands, which take it up in the sky in a marvelous light show. Think the Abyss, or Close Encounters. Everyone stares at it, admiring the artistry. The lights shines in their faces. INT. BAsem*nT - CONTINUOUS We see Finn and Ted playing together. Being silly. They “flip” the Krazy Glue end over end into the GARBAGE. FINN AND TED

109. EXT. LEGOPOLIS - CONTINUOUS The lands begin to UNFREEZE! - A person votes! - Two teens with braces finally Kiss! - A baby is delivered to his father. --oy! Thank God!


- the robot performer unfreezes!

But doesn’t move.


INT. SUPERBRICK - SAME TIME The frozen diorama family UNFREEZES, and wraps each other in a big family hug. EXT. ALL AROUND THE LEGOVERSE - CONTINUOUS The walls of the different worlds come CRUMBLING DOWN. Knights hug cops; Wizards hug robots; everyone CHEERS. Batman hugs Princess Leia, who is creeped out. EXT. LEGOPOLIS, BATTLEFIELD - SAME TIME Lucy emerges from the wreckage.

She looks around.

LUCY What the heck just happened? EMMET Something totally foofy. Emmet hugs Lucy and they KISS as well as a minifig can. Meanwhile, Neckbeard and Doris check each other out a little. NECKBEARD (winking) Ahoy there. SMASH TO BLACK.



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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.