Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2025)


W. Cor. Main and Htnman. IHfU. Monday, October 15, 1951 Part 4 Page 6 GRILL New fixtures nr.

nigh school and shopping district. Best offer. 2206 trait. Owner has otner interests. Must an Aa vifctauua lAvract-ST, KIMBALL FACTORY CLEARANCE SALE juiaare 0-703 1.

sell; best otter, wrguington 5-6421 s. caiuornia. ACCOUNTING SERVICE Annual voL $25,000 or will buy your practice. ADDRESSM CN 370. TRIBUNE.

AMBULANCE and Armored Car Service, only one in city of more than 60,000, with City and County contracts and CENTURY HOTEL ROOMS. SB WEEKLY. Dally maid service and linens. 1447 E. 55th.

BUtterneid JW316. 3 BACHELORS WILL SHARE 3 BDRM 10 FT. meat counter and block Reas. PIZZA LUNCH ROOM Western suburb. GRTLL-oda bar-confectionery Estab Good buys In spinets and grand pianos, MIHH LOAN OOMPANIES 'YES' to 4 Out of 5 AT tlvely furnished hotel ma.

$90 single), rms. $105 double rms. Tile batha IS99 s. ivoiin. susnop 7-1H60 FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS- Only one In town of 25,000.

Long lished business: reas. W. Addlson-st. both new and. used.

Cash or terms. established. Elmhurst 6732. COOLER 6' 8', walk-in, with unit. Ibvr.

fimnl hnt.l FOR SALE- Have other Interests. AVenue 3-9702 Will also rent. Don't miss this sale. contract with all local funeral direc EXCLUSIVE SECTION BEVERLY POOL ROOM In rood town of 2.000 steaa. xaras 7-1292.

can UNlverslty 4-8800. GRILL and fountain on W. Madlson-st. living quarters In bldg. Or will sell tors.

Requires $20,000.00. Address 41 'Tribune. BUSINESS SERVICE WILL ssctifiea for bal. due Complete reposs. group, dinette llv.

television, gas stove, wash, ma- HOTEL NORTH PARK HILLS. WITH REFINED GENTLEMAN. CAIX Hilltop 8-0596. WOODLN. GIRLS' CLUB S6-S10 WK.

Good business, fcateproox 0-7 bb. bldg. Write E. W. Courtney.

Morroco, APARTMENT house 16 unit FHA brick: quick for best buys. W. W. KIMBALL FACTORY 2611 S. Caliiornia-av.

Open dally 9:15 a. to 6 p. m. Thursday nights until 9 p. m.

Ind. Ph. 53. BONDED) COLLECTING SERVICE 311 Flrst-st. Mounds.

Illinois GROCERY S. W. Well stocked. Urge cnine, ou beater, etc. $239.

120 down. small equity. For details write Utley A Attr. rooms, kitchen, parlor. Idry.

U. POULTRY store Retail cut-up, excellent cooler, meat machine, and Ice cream; Terms, see dally till 9:30 p. Sunday 10 to 5. 4440 W. Madison.

company, yayettevme, art I. c. bus. Midway 3-3346. PERSONAL coin business, finest modem fixtures; 2 rm.

idL. hath, heated: rent. $55. 13 yrs. collecting service with the Security National Bank.

Claire. Illinois and 3 years as the Bonded Colleet- SOlTd mahogany Buffet server Excef Price. $1,700 or best offer. Illness. located Northwest In center of shopping area.

In new building: lease avail 5 RMS. EmpL adults; nr. 69th and mo. Hudson 3-1820. LARGS dble.

splg. rm. Pvt. bath: LAwndale 2-1623, able. Must aacrifice for immediate sale, sent condition.

Reasonable. Michigan 3-9593. FOB THl JUVENILES' GROCERY and mkt. Completely stocked. APPLIANCE Radio.

TV. washers, sales parts, service shop; established 20 years; good location; low rent; leaving town: $25,000 or best offer; long lease; comer, 1.900 sq. ft. 400 S. Pulaskl-rd.

BAKERY Mod. store, mod. 6 nn. apt. terms.

Call Mon. 12 to 6. Tues. thru Overlook Lincoln 10 mln. to Loop.

1H. 3i. and 3 rm. kitchenette newly carpeted and refurnished: new refrigerators: dally maid service: also beautifully furnished transient rooms. 19 3 Llneotn Pk.West-MOhawk 4-3200 PARKWAY HOTELT OVER LOO KTNO PARK AND LAKE Permanent rates weekly, morthlv.

Good ana porta Uon. Dlversey 8-5000. 2100 N. LINCOLN PARK oik. 1.

station. Butnevara s-s7i. ius ocnriw ua jiuuee cx tne Peace. We can handle all accounts In Pulaski and Alexander Counties you might have. We will appreciate your business, "'in Excellent fixtures: foreign speaking Going Out of Business Sat.

from 9 to 6. Newcastle 1-4121. EXCELLENThome for elderly gentleman STORKLINK stroller 8 yr. chest of drawers, high chair. Also Hollywood trade.

Estab. 50 years. 3 living rooms. Rent $45. Owner will sell or trade.

REAL ESTATE Will sell very reason wig itwymi. t-ensioner welcome. WAienau a-ona. LIGHT cheerful room Chatham Fields, nr. 80th: rets.

STewart 3-8863. Other Interests. 2000 S. Racine. ItANUFAfTrtlBEWB above, brick gar.

Store room, utility oca irame on rollers, rteasonaoie, EUclld 6-7232. able, modem, well established office. Ideal N. W. excellent money mak Salesman covering U.

S. dealing room. jwner retiring. 2101 w. uuron.

MUST VACATE BEFORE NOV. 1ST, LIKE MW Thayer baby carriage $35 322 HARPER Front aleep. room: all er. NAtional 3-9052. BARBER SHOP 3 chairs.

2 men work GROCERY NEW, MODERN semi self-service. Must isxrlnce. SHeldrake 3-9314. trans. Kmn.

man. DOrchester 3-1895. REAL Estate Established on W. 63d-st. SPINETS AND GRANDS.

PRICES SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCED. ing. Established 29 years. Must sell. 4538 N.

WESTERN-AV. COMFORT, sip. rm. Man, ciuaiveiy witn dlst. and Jobbers of bidg.

mat. and bldg. spec Open for 1 good line. Well financed. This should be of Interest to right party.

What can your offer me that will fit into my Long lease. Republic 7-7520. nr. BStn. 1 bik.

1. c. Museum 4-8622 GROCERY-MARKET Old est. N. REST.

OUTSTANDING; N. SIDE: SAME BARBER shop 3 chairs; good loc. SHERIDAN BEACH HOTEL 1-2-3 rm. de luxe kit. apt.

and hotel rms. Attractive weekly or monthly rates, private parking lot, elevator bldg. near lake. 7301 Sheridan. SOUTHWEST SIDE modern eaulpment.

Reas. price. 108 W. LOCATION 25 IN KiAKX Weekly sales over $1,600. Price will finance.

Agent. WEbster Division. HOTEL AND APT. DOING EXC 111,1 111 v.incas9 mini wea. FURNISHED room for girl Kitchen and laundrv fartnti4t: veaa.


CHTCAGO-AV. OPEN MONDAY TO 9 P. M. Southxide's Largest Piano Dealer. SPINETS GRANDS.


NATIONAL PIANO CO. SHeldrake 3-7600. GROCERY-Self service. South Large TURES: PRICED RIGHT. 3451 W.

63d-pl. PRospect 6-9681. SLEEPING room for 1 or 3 gentlemen- stock. Modem fixtures: rood business. ADDRESS 198.

TKIBUSS. CONCESSIONS AND LOCATIONS UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY, largest tee cream volume In town. Foun Hrs. 8-6 p. m.

No Sundays. Will sacri RESTAURANT Chinese American: SK.0Kie 7049. i wantedfurniture; etc. GET HAPPY SELL PAPPY Furn. Rugs Stoves One pc.

or complete home. PAPPY desperately needs small or medium sized PIANOS. Bedroom sets, rugs, stoves. Also cut glass, china, bric-a-brac Call Anytime Go Anywhero ENglewood 4-7373. rEves.I HEmlock 4-9244.

fice. 9533 soutn jenery. side. Excel, loc. Excel, business.

Part convenient Dam. Nr. a3a ana K.eazie. 221 W. REpubUc 7-7371.

EXTRA lge. btd. slog. rm. Man: dbl.

dec plate In rm. SIO. Virginia 7-3867 Pr. $850, rent $40. Call Pullman 5-4992 or Pullman 5-0717.

BEAUTY salon Estab. 30 yrs. tn Austin, beautifully Urge, complete 5 operator booths. Will stay with new owner 1 yr. Cosmetics and gift line, also living quarters.

Call AUstln 7-6967 Sun. and Mon. between 4 tain, ugni iuncn, gnu ior sale. Terrific hamburger volume. Forced to sell, be- ners disaeree: must sacrifice at once, GROCERY store Albany Pk.

vie: going 6657 S. Halsted. WEntworth 0-4200, Full pr. $1,500: reas. rent: gd.

lse. Call business; good location: splendid opportunity; due to ill health. Phone mu iBiiuir irouDies. j-ncea right. Address JJC291.

Tribune? HOHTH 4IDK open sun, 12-5. Thurs. Eves, Sliver. KAvenswooa -U24 Employed men and women welcome. Locals ior any good purpose.

Phone first for 1 trip loan. Nation-wide Cash-Credit Card. No Outsiders involved. Between payday loans. Budget counsel no obligation.

COME IN OR PHONE TODAY LOANS $25 TO $500 on Signature, Furniture, Car PERSONAL FINANCE CO. CHOOSE THE OFFICE NEAR HOME OR WOKS LOOP S3 W. Washington. RAndolph 6-3333 SOUTH SIDE 4 OFFICES 4729 S.Ashland. Virginia 7-7979 841 E.

63d. BYde Park 3-1471 757 W. 79th. RAdcllfie 3-8225 9358 W. 63d.

REpubllc 7-7239 WEST SIDE OFFICES 24 N. Pulaski. NEvada 8-31 34 4005 W. North-av. CApltol 7-0700 6931 W.

North-av. NAtional 3-4747 NORTH SIDE 3 OFFICES 4750 Broadway. LOngbeach 1-4090 4770 Lincoln. LOngbeach 1-1321 PARK ROYALE HOTEL Spacious 3 and 3 rm. apt.

AU new furniture, carpeting and equipment. Concenient to shopping, trans, and Lincoln Park. 451 Wrlghtwood-av. Lincoln 9-6780. PLAZA HOTEL" Rooms, suites and apartments.

Dally, weekly, monthly rates. 1553 N. Clark. PIANO VAMTF.A juniper o-cju RESTAURANT Air elec. dish r.D(VTRV MEATS LIQUORS p.

m. and 7 p. m. tor appointment washer; ahort order and meal piz jtwtLKr store has 700 sq. ft.

available. Will accept concessions tn optometry, elec. appliances, radios, crockery, anything suitable. Devon-Western Self Service. Doing $150,000.

Colored za; all new fixtures; a neat money Chgo's. Best Buys New-Used Spinets. Kimball. Cable, Con over. Kranich A Bach.

Shoninger, Jenssen. Winter, etc. PIANOS RENTED. $5 PER MONTH. trad Priced rieht.

Will finance. maker: will give 5 or 10 yr. lease. GREENLEAF MANOR APTS. 1 rm.

kitchenette: good transportation: 1 block to beach. 1358 Greenleaf. LAKESIDE GIRLS' CLUB. Single, double home kit and ldry. prtv.

Reas. rates: exc. trans. 815 Le.and-av. EDgewater 4-8948.

BEAUTY shop Sell or sublease. Well est. Over 10 yrs. In excel. Hyde Park loc.

Good oppor. for right party. Small down oavment. Midway 3-3517. Enough for 2 partners.

LIvlngton 1219 Lake-st Melrose Parkv. B-9300, 7-5 ATLAS PIANO 2934 Milwaukee. RESTAURANT No Sundays: hours GROCERY and meat department Adl OPEN EVES. TIL 9:30, TO settle estate business BEAUTY Shop 4 rm. apt In rear; good CALL KEdzie 3-8127 ANY TIME p.

5 days; lo mo: yrs. No competition. Apply 5:30 p. m. 5321 Cicero.

cwuci-eiuir; a 9-room apartments; cent to business Intersection. Between stop and street car transfer. For In Evangeline house Rooms for young going business; make own oner. EVerglade 4-5752, Mon. SPINET PIANOS AT BARGAIN PRICES.


926 Superior-st- restaurant Fully equipped: tor usm ess women; iary. pnv. 91 wk. 433 Wisconsin. MQhawk 4-0634.

BEAUTY shop Austin: ultra modern TIQUES. CUT GLASS. AND BRIC-A- GLADSTONE HOTEL 7 6200 S. KENWOOD-AV. Comfortable sleeping rooms without bath J8 75 per week, with private bath from $12.

Full hotel service. All trans. Congenial and friendly surroundings. SAVNER tc SON. 117 N.

WABASH. GROCER Y-De 11c. Llv. good lease: Aurora. 111.

sale at bargain account illness; north BRAC. WE GO ANYWHERE. oper. stay: good estattf. bus.

NINA PARKER Lincoln 9-3383. fine volume; stock and fixtures priced side. Arthur G. Levy. STate 2-8366 HAMBURGER Shop to lease Completely SPINETS, GRANDS, Up WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES FOR art objects, fine furniture, antiques.

or Mrs. McGuire. sunnysioe 4-auuo modem, hot comer. Bus. ele- $7 PER WEEK Men: dean rooms; showers: near Loop.

OLYMPIA HOTEL. 613 N. Wells. BEAUTY Shop In western suburb 5 rm. far under replacement cost.

Due illness. Can finance. REoubllc 7-7773. turn 1- riAiMus 9441 s. Asniana.

Open MONDAYS AND THURS. TUX 9 RESTAURANT Short orders. In a town apt. in rear, snown Dy appi. cnuy.

APPiy 12-1 and 3-5. Coffee Cup. S. W. comer Crawford WOODMERE HOTEL ONE PIECE OR AN ENTIRE ESTATE, rmrifin art galleries.

f. M. SUNDAY TlU. 6 P. M.

Grocery and Fruit Market Excellent lo- 40 mi. pop. 5.ourt. ni.uuu itiversiae v-ua4. mau.

tiarrison. see Mr. Mitchell, owner. new, eauon. over $100,000 annual, esse SACRIFICE Grand piano, like BKAUTY SALON Vie.

Madison and 8230 N. Broadway. LOngbeach 1-725T. yr. net Inc.

Living quarters avail. Address 34. Tribune. HARBOR HOUSE GIRLS CLUB. 3118 N.

Sheridan: kltch. maid sve: auto, wash. Dlversey 8-8434. repair rnvrrccinv used s. Ashland.

$12,500. $225; large selection new and solnets. Also tmrlehu. $4 5 nn. CALL HAvmarket 1-6198 In well estab.

trucking gaage for me- Cicero. Must sacr. Leav. city. Good perm, clientele.

EStebrook 8-5236. A limited number of newly furnished and decorated rooms. Tub cr shower bath. Rates from $11.25 per week. Also dally rates.

ATlantlc 5-5409. 46th-Woodlawn. Alb. gd. live, bus.

CROC, and market Big store; self-serv ONTAlliO HOTEL Northwest Piano Co. 6242 W. Grand, noon iicft fttrniture WANTED! S8 PERMANENT. WEEKLY RATS. siiaa wveniory cost.

Mr. Marfise. VTrTlnIa TJlOBa Partners disagree; forced to sell: barg, F. Reese. Lincoln 9-6234 BEAUTY Shop Mod.

with llv. no ice; good going will sacrifice. 828 W. 31st-st. KRANICH A BACH Studio Grand, COMPLETE APTS.

OR SINGLE PCS. Quick response and sensible prices. 620 N. STATE. 1nr good oner rezuseo; will iinance.

Better Business AUstln 7-3 27T. REST. Nr. Madison-Cicero. Gd.

bust- $395. Perfect condition. BEverly lease- uLi-namourger place GROCERY-DELICATESSEN NEAR NORTH SIDE 4707 Irving Park-Id. FAUsade 5-0989 Good opportunity. 3614Vi W.

EDGEWATER BEACH GIRLS'CLUB. TV. hair dryer: fac J6.50. IMMEDIATE cash Fine Furniture. Orien Owner sac.

ai.eoo, Wen La wr- OAK PARK. BEAUTY Modern: good deal: exc 4 rms. In rear heated, xood loc. established. Lincoln 9-8155.

164 N. Marion ence or 353 S. Pulaskl-rd. ARmltage 6-3J8B. BABY GRAND ExcJ.

cond. Barg. Must terms. Agent. AUstln 7-3277.

tal Rugs, Art uoiects, jjieinway kiuku, linens. Jewelry, Mink Coats, Antiques. otui snenaan-ra. uptown 8-1134. WILL lease dining facilities in de luxe sell, see It Oct.

16. at Stump RESTAURANT 100t; nr. N. loc: exc GROCERY and delicatessen Same owner GIRLS RESIDENCE CLUB 10 mln. to BEAUTY shop 4 rm.

llv. child Ttie Mover, 11146 vincennes. nigm ciuo see sam alter p. m. at seats 3 5.

Must see xo appreciate, SHERIDAN ART OA I IiKHira. ARdmore 1-8800. 26 years; wants to retire; best oner. a a a n. welcome: low rent.

LOngbeacn 1-7163. Delaware y-wuu loop. Bendix. own key: S7. 357 W.

Fullerton-pkwy. GRaceland 7-0858. SPINET returned from 3 months rental. EUclld 3-1600. CICERO.

Bishop 2-3644. ELMWOOD PARS. TUxedo 9-3573. EVANSTON. SHeldrake 3-28S4 AUstln 7-2121 8944 W.

Cermak-rd. OLyrapIc 2-3666 7215 W.Grand. CLadstone 3-1050 State Bank Bldg. CReenleat 5-3200 BILLIARD PARLOR Woodlawn: best SPACE in dept. store for shoes RESTAURANT-Tavern Business dlst, LAwndale 2-0333 Like new; $425.

Guaranteed. Terms. Est. 15 $55,000 3662 LAKE SHORE-DRIVE. oer.

BUtterf leid 8-9140. after 3. r-Aiisaae 3-1357. Mr. stlchler.

yr. business, illness reas. ror selling. Beautiful rooms with kitchen nrivtlerea. Sun.

or holidays, illness forces 833 W. Fulton. CAnal 6-9554. Need dining nn. sets.

rugs, parlor sets heiirm. nets, stoves, sewing machines. BOWLING ALLEY Sac. due to Illness. LUNCH, fountain Busy N.

W. drug store, $10,000. Address Ttr Beautifully furnished kitchenette apt. in north side's finest apartment hotel. Reasonable rate: full hotel service.

443 Wrtghtwoed. Lincoln 9-4600. 2 AND 3 room apts. Exceptional! large and modem: beautlfullv furnished. Also CHATHAM APT.

HOTEL 753 E. 79th-t. RAdcUffe S-71S0. Sundays jphoneTRIangle 4-9889. PINEWOOD HOTEL .2744 N.

PINE GROVE-AV. "ff. Dlversey and lake front. mora convenient location. Bus at the door.

Weekly at S9. Gulbransen Factory. 8 1 6 N. Kedzle. MASON A Hamlin Grand Style A Mahogany.

5' like new: $1,550. 5665 W. MADISON-ST. Men only. 0 Dlversey 8-88 8 5, REST.

Good loc. Good deal for family, ALSO DESPERATELY NEED PIANOS. N. side location; terms. Darre.

STate 2-14 3 2. GROCERY-meat market Colored trade uvua oppty. ior right party. ALbany Kuuia nitcnen privileges. Young busi H.

.1 1 I nn.iiE imfnna OJ11. $500 down. Balance mortgage, us s. WILL PAY YOUR PRICE on S. side: doing good bus.

illness; reas, Vincennes 6-6973. BOWLING ALLEYS Oak Fark-av. ness women or students, call alter 6 p. m. DElaware 7-9313.

HAMMOND organ Home model: exc, FOR SALE Brynn W. karber shop For rent. In fw fumitnre. stoves, rues, etc. imtei.

HDiu irvinr s-u-nniee fir RESTAURANT Exc. loc, gd. must cond. Call after 5 p. m.

Bensenvllle 639 GROCER Y-Meat mkt business and Bros. Apply 5223 Chicago 41. 111. Call NEvada 8-8497 or ROckwell 3100 N. Large adj.

bath; gentleman. Buckingham 1-5344. loc. Also rm. nat avail.

57is SPINETS. Sac New. $445: Used. $265, ccau 1 1 operator xo rent booth: nr. sen quick; win nnance.

Better Business AUstln 7-3277. BOWLING ALLEY 8 lanes with Income 87th. Oaklawn. OAklawn 9303. 27 5 8 2f or fast, courteous service.

vav. KV.v.n USED PIANOS ALL STYLES, a 3 au pi. cacero. wemer. n.

aiae snop. uciaware 7-8896. HOUSEKEEPING rooms slpg. GROCERY-DELICATESSEN Frog, foods: STEINWAY Baldwin grand or studio up- DISTRIBUTORS enrol, adults. 864 W.

Irvine Pk. RESTAURANT HAMBURGER, Small. Selling, account of illness. call; N. W.

side location. AddressTC 4 1 lTrlbune. CANDY AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES. ALL MAKES. WE 'PAY EXTRA FOR ice cream: 2A rm.

flat, steam heat ngnts. koss fiano 1Z4 uevon, A DE GRACE HOTEL MNCH. CRawford 7-5751. 61 E. SgT.

slpg. rms. umAn witn onset printing or naiOhb Madison. FOrest 6-9808 CHICK ERING mah. grd.

Ex. $750 adv. For $1,200: 3 lze. partly furn. cap.

can maxe atr. com. connec- bath. $65 rent. Owner.

JUniper 8-8800 GROCERY-Llquors Estab. goodTloc. WAbash 2-9707. DAYS TO 5 P- M. 19.50.

31 0. 50. 13. 5pweekly restaurant umce oiog. Kent Sen rood er A Sons.

3409 N. Ashland. tlon with real amine possibilities and 2616 W. Cortes. ARmltage 6-7026.

Sllnnvmlde 4-6000. SLEEPING ROOM-IT Owner 111. 7100 cottaee throve. Stony Island and 67th-pL 1 rm. kltch-rtte- equipped.

Also sleeping m- UD' Fun service. BUtterneid 8-1200. LYON A Healy Sheraton grand Like earn opportunity for Chicago franchise nrirea for fine furniture. TUgS, 3 yr. lease inc.

$90 day; pr. Exc fix; clean. Agent. HUdson 3-4612 2928 N. PTNS I1HOVE.

cheese lactorv verv modem nuiiaings. GROCERY-meat market Time payment. new. Sacrif. Victor.

4809 Lake-It. pianos, sewing machines, bric-a-brac. ifu new proauci. single sale earns $125, Unique rental plan, with leads furnished. REST.

10 yrs. at 43d Archer. Gross ROOMS Tub or shwr. Wkly. rates, also dallv.

Good trans. MOhawk 4-tnxo. Good business. LAwndale 1-U4B3 MUST MOVE All Grands. Spinets and good equipment, territory nas plenty 01 milk.

Main building glazed tile interior, red tile exterior: making Ameri ALDEN HOTEL $50,000 yr. Price $11,000. HUdson Est. cash trade. Re ups at spec, prices.

1848 w. 95tn. places 3 to 4 machines per week of which better than 50 buy. Prompt In lRLS Club exc. mis.

18 3-604 1 "WANTED rugs, PIANOS, stoves, retrif. Top dollar paid; go anywhere, dayor night. NEvada 2-2 633. BEST prices 'paid for bedrm. sets and tire.

New lease. Owner. 5353 Belmont. can cheese now. 90 nu.

from Chicago, CHICKERING Grand Piano, good 4526 N. SHERIDAN-ROAD. Attractive rooms and kitchenette apts. now available at weeklv mrA mnntKi. RESTAURANT Near N.

side; reas. price. serview. Address 65. Tribune.

CROC. 3014 N. Racine: 4 bath. on good hwys. and on rail au yrs.

ea e. cedar. WHitenau 4-8501 BEAU, rum. Homelike. Twin beds.

All ouu. rnone nuckingnam i-vaai. niunroe e-osar to i p. $3,850. Tms- Agt.

BRlargate 4-1181. road. Ashton Cheese Ash ton. 111. MANUFACTURING) hsehld.

furn. ROckwell 2-4640. Cays. FLOOR sample spinets at big savings. trans.

SI 5 wkly. ARdmore 1-0098. rates. LOngbeach 1-0600. GRILL N.

W. Bargain. $3,000. CHILDREN'S WEAR STORE. GROCER Y-dellc.

ivg. low rent. OPEN TIME PLATING SAcramento 2-2624, evenings. aioist mano co. 5509 Broadway, HOUSEKPG.

RM. For 1. airy, re- Exc. loc. Sick.

Agent. IRvlng 8-1236. Long lease. $2 .20 OOrnellaJiy) 041 HAMBURGER GRILL-FOUNTAIN. MISCELLANEOUS Brass, silver, copper, nickel, chrome.

irtg. Nr. Loop. 1635-39 N. La Salle.

"WE NEED at once fine and French furniture, rugs; Singer sewing Ser- Doing excellent business. Must sell Immediately to "settle estate: good opportunity; reasonable. Roosevelt Juvenile drive-ln Truck stop. $300 ACCORDION 120 bass Italian. In good WINTHROP TERRACE HOTEL 5734 N.

WINTHROP. Smart, modemlied, coxy, clean rm. Pullman kitchenette tile baths. elevator building: full maid service. nay, isx.

toe. Agt. iKving b-izjb SHER 4804 Cozy 1 room apartments. Good transnnrtattrm. iMiuizuig, lacquering, ana enameling, SIGOL1 METAL PLATING CO.

vel refiigs. DElaware (-ioi North: Ideal for couple; rent $70; price $750 down and terms. Agent, snoD. 3321 w. Rooseveit-rn.

too. 754 n. 1st fir, ROOMING Hse. 235 remod. 83 "uw mfv" USED FURNITURE.

2849 W. Lake. NEvada 2-2645 Tl38 W. LOYOLA Light, attrac comer CHILDREN'S wear, ladles' lingerie Llv. WANTED MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS superior mas.

units: 11 more 5 rm. aDts. to be cutuo. Bedroom seU. living room sets, pianos.

r. JENSSEN Mfg. Corp. 2529 W. room, lge.

closet. Loyola express. otrs. No offer ret. At.

Austin 7-3277 Inc. $43,000 now a yr. Sell for 3V4. etc. HUmboldt 6-9084.

ALCAZAR HOTEL HAMB. -Grill, S. E. Long est. well sac.

$700 dn. and terms. City Homer. Open time. B.

and S. auto. SLPG. RMS. Sgl.

from $8: dbl. fr. S13. rrop. ana turn, included, tsu.uou an.

WE BUY USED PIANOS ANY STYLES ALL MAKES. EXTRA BONUS FOR SMALL UP Maid nr. tran. LOnebeach I-68OO TOP PRICES for 9x12 or larger carpets In good condition. WElllngton 5-9068.

DRY 3 routes and store. 100 retail. superior 7-OU4Y. crew macnines. capacity 132 to Inches.

Also secondary Dome better than S80.000 yearly gross xiacxett Keaity, exci. agent. HACKETT REALTY, Excl. Agents. BUtterneid 8-7390.

LARGE front rm. Conven. HAMBURGER Cra. Med. sec.

24 hour 30 mln. to downtown, dally from S2.3S weekly from $10.50. Outside rms. 30 W. Washington.

An Buren 6-7500. WANTED Good used bedroom sets and acimont a-4453. Must sacr. for S24.000. Need S18.000 HFC LOANS $20 TO $500 Without Indorsers For money when yon need It, coma to fast, friendly, dependable HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION 33 CONVENIENT OFFICES LOOP 5 S.

Wabash. STate 2-0151 106 W. Madison. Financial 6-4237 174 W. Jackson.

HA-rlsoa 7-7896 SOUTH-SOUTHWEST 6255 S. Ashland. HEmlock 4-4510 2401 W. 63d-st. REpubllc 7-4472 9204 Commerlcal.

SOuth Chgo. 8-0102 11106 S. Michigan. Commodore 4-4133 806 W. 64th-st.

ENglewood 4-1287 6856 S. Halsted. ABerdeen 4-4060 841 E. 63d-st. PLaza 2-8360 4253 Archer-ay.

FRonUer 6-4355 1125 Oak Pk. AUstln 7-6474 Oak Park Phone: EUclld 3-4940 6013 W. Cermak. Bishop 2-1611 Cicero Phone: OLympIc 3-6400 1 N. Pulaski.

NEvada 2-4500 NORTH-NORTHWEST i794 Irvln Park. PEnsacola 6-4570 2800 Milwaukee. CApltol 7-3440 1579 Milwaukee. EVerglade 4-0970 2401 Lawrence. LOngbeach 1-0896 317 Howard-st.

Rogers Park 4-8320 Evanston Phone: GReenleaf 5-2332 4554 Broadway. LOngbeach 1-7163 3175 Lincoln. LAkeview 5-8844 807 Davis. Evanston. GReenleaf 5-1343 4409 N.

Ashland. SUnnyslde 4-3813. air cond. Over $5,000 mo. bus RIGHTS, STEINWAYS AND OTHER FINE MAKES.

WE FAY EXTRA FOR BENCH. cash. Will net investor minimum of OPEN TIME ENAMELING RMG. HOUSE 30 nr. N.

5 vr. FRED A. HUBER CO. Superior 7-3448. BOARD-room Yng.

men and students: household furniture. MUseum 4-9049 TT000 PIANOS WANTED ANY TYPE. Price no oblect. DEarbom 2-5269, 15 yearly gross. DOrchester 3-3271.

lease; good income; new cash Modem conveyorlzed paint ahop for uxe nome; gooa 100a. wmtenau 4-900 0 HAMBURGER-Gril i Net over $500 per CRawford 7-5751 Eves. Sun. CLEANER and furrier Wond. oppy.

for tea. S4.000. 14 nr. N. 56 rms baking enamel on metal.

Job work, BEAU, home on drive Large room: l-'i mo. snort low overnead. no sun. WANTED Used furniture; highest prices near and others, and all with easy BELLE SHORE HOTEL 1062 BRYN MAWR. LOngbeach 1-31 S3 ultra modern kitchenette apt.

Full hotel service. Near lake, all transportation. $90 month and ud. WEbster 9-4860 Days to 5 P. HAymarket 1-6350.

Mr. s. 5011 Lawrence-av. 92,400 or 7 right party or partners. Help will stay on: 45 yrs.

same doing $35,000 students or employed. ARdmore 1-6141 NORTHWEST SIDE terms. Raymond. 741 N. Lasaiie, OPEN time on shaft work for multlcut pa Id.

Pullman 5-9025. "keed Dlano Larze or small, any yr. and up. For quick sale, call BRlar- HAMBURGER and sandwich shop Corner store. New fixtures.

Doing good CASH FOR PIANOS K.MU. hse. 36 rms. 3 yr. lease, stoxer; auto, lathes.

Will deal direct with re- cate 4-0788 or SHeldrake 3-2548 2 EX. LGE. dble. closet Pvt. OLgjandjlanoROckweliaeeoe.

business, cannot handle. 45 E. Garneld. sponsioie party only. S.

Tool HOTEL GUYOM CLEANING PLANT Medium slzei Cen- 6 relrlgs. Clark nr. Dlversey. $4,500 down. CAPPS CO.

61 W. SCHILLER. JUST startea business eea lumimre. bath with or without kit. Ideal for cpl.

Austin dist. MAnsfield 6-9733. worxs. 7936 south Chlcago-av. HAMBURGER-FOUNTAIN GOOD UPRIGHTS.

GRANDS. SPINETS. Best Prices. We Go SOUTH. WEntworth 6-4200.

NORTH. LOngbeach 1-1664. sale, trai Illinois. Priced lor quick OPEN TIME on welding, stamping, PLACE. SELL CHEAP.

2406 Southport TOP PRICES PAID. KEdzie 3-3008. HOME APPLIANCES LARGE, pleasant rm. Nicely gen RMG. HSE.

44 5 yr. lease, srnau lame painting, baking, lerms ir aesirea. ADDRESS 39. TRIBUNE. lAMBURGER-Grlll On Belmont nr.

Cd. bus. LAkeview 5-8211. CALL VAn Buren 6-S00O tleman; vicinity Logan Square; S9 wk. Dickens 2-7588.

structural and assembly work. stoker. Splendid inc $7,500 req. CORCORAN CO. DElaware 7-3316 CLEANING Tailor and Dye Shop.

14 itoii-A-way corp. GRaceland 2-9700, N. lTstools, $1,500 and ROOM With meals nr. and yrs. est.

bus. $2,000. 143S W. Jarvis- 4000 Washington. VAn Buren 6-8900.

Modem, comfortable, kitchenette T- wee.kiT' monthly: complete hotel STYl.celS minutes from Loop. WASHINGTON PINE EAST 5501 Washlngton-bl. MAnsfield 6-1449 Modem, comfortable, kitchenette apts! Permanent and transient. Complete hotel service, 20 minutes from i'n RMG. hies.

2) $17,500. Gross $7,600 OPEN PRODUCTION TIME. before you sell your Steinway, Knabe, Mason Hamlin, Chlckerlng, or Baldwin grand piano. Will pay highest cash prlce rms. city superior 7-4439, C.

N. $10 wk. PAllsade 5-6971. SHeldrake 3-7846. yriy.

nr. w. HAymarxet i-aawi, oei.x, Hand screw machines, drill, tap. Kjell- HAMBURGER-grlU Nr. Loop; short bra.

CLEANING store With press mach. Best FURN. ROOM For man. 3817 Keeler. RMG.

34 3100 North. Price perg. r.uoson 3-3 1 3 aVa gay week. WHitenaii 4-8353. Klldare 5-3829.

oner. Moving to Elgin. 1349 w. cor pianos, all types: NEED furn S10.500. Agent.

Michigan 2-6537. OPEN time Turret lathes by manufac- prices! nella. Bittersweet 8-5546 ROOM-board For emp. men; twin beds; dom. HAMBURGER Grill; factory, truck trade.

LAkeview 5-9764 or Lincoln 9-7050. RUG CLEANING PLANT 1, 3 men turer. jaicnigan gd. nome rets. PAllsade 5-8583.

rugs: sew. macn. Hon us WEntworth 6-7772. SAcramento 2-6418. nanaie.

i.nn maire sau a aav. sacrmce. WISDSnR.UfTT.CrtM OPEN time Milling and drilling by pro- CLEANERS Evanston hotel plenty or repairing; low rent. IRvlng 8-1219. HARDWARE STORE Exc.

stock! MOD. LITE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. HURRY I HURRY I Warehouse sale of Servel. Demonstrators and floor samples. 125 refrigerators to sell.

Save $80 to 1180. Sizes 6 cu. ft. to 11 cu. ft.

1 8 models to choose from. Pay only 15 down. bal. In 18 tnoc Fully guaranteed, delivered and Installed free. These are all genuine Servel rem iterators, the motorless.

silent, everlasting refrigerators with no moving parts In the freezer system. TRI-PAR RADIO CO. 119 N. Wells. ANdover 3-2585.

Sickness. RAndolph 6-0916, before 6. uueuen piant. micmgan aty over $50,000 year gross, 5 year lease; 4403 W. Irving Park.

MUlberry 5-4095 CLEANERS. S. W. Llv. compl.

SANDWICH shop, light lunch Up to RM. KITCHENETTE APTS. Nlcey furnished: complete hotel service- OlS WTf CAU IVW. PRODUCTION machining Open time, $135 rent, htd. Agt.

HUdaon 3-4612. reas. rent PROspect 6-2090. room Vic Nortn-Pulaskl. sober, yg.

Drill, up, hand scr. WEntworth 6-2933, PIANOS WANTED WEntworth 6-8724 date, all stainless steel equip, r.eai spot: alr-condlt. Must sell today at HATTERS-Cleaners Comp. hat CLEANING SHOP Marauette Park dlst. man, emp.

nays, net. CApltol 7ni465. OPEN time on a screw machines. Rt. $40; pr.

$625. Agt. Hudson 3-4612 NEWLY fum. slpg. room Gentleman truck ana route; low rent; reas.

N. side. AUstln 7-2007. Par Screw Prod. Co.

TAvlor fi-5744. any price. See 11-3. 1128 WILSON-AV, BEAU, hotel rms. or dally rateaT Monterey HoteL Bittersweet 8-330oI TO RENT EXCHANGE HOUSES cleaning store Room ana complete OPEN time on castings and sm, WANTED USED PIANOS: ALL MAKES.

HOTEL N. side: 9 yrs. lse. Rt. $1,500 only.

Private entrance. 3517 Belmont. COMFORTABLE rms. Kit. suit.

3 or 3. BElmont 5-3527. Sun. or eves. SANDWICH shop, lunch room, restau bath in rear.

WElllngton 5-ioei. punch press work. Buckingham 1-5153 lUf KICK fAiU. mo. inc.

Approx. sou.uuu yr. a CLEANING store reas. rent: god. loca- rant Your choice.

Greek agt. SHAMBIS. LOngbeach 1-51 60. PRECISION plastic molds made to your MKrrimac i-jbii Location-beaut. Scarsdale.

apts. $20,000 deposit for guar, of rt. $30,000 handle. Hackett Exc. lion.

an tunaerson 4-djoo. SLEEPING rooms MehTSn lovely home. Pvt. ent. SIO.

5139 W. MONTROSE. cipen to wwi nays URGENTLY NEED GD. USED PIANOS. SCHOOL store Grocery 20 same PHONE CLEANING-Tallorlng Good spot: rent agents.

BUtterneid 8-7390. WILL PAY TOP PRICES. PARTNERSHIPS AND INVESTMENTS location. 4 room living quarters witn $4u: make oner, zcoe N. caiiiomia.

NEWLY decorated room Suitable gentltv ATLAS PIANO CO. Dickens 3-3115, HOTELS. I'VE INHERITED a large manufacturing neat. $7.500. Tuxedo CLINICAL laboratory Dissolving part v-ii-iiim on oeaui.

lanasc. lot a Rental i7ig'ni. Sun Homes. 400 W. Northwest-hwy.

MOunt Prospect 1660. MT. PROSPECT 6 lH bath: att" attractively decor. Avail, now to WANTED PIANOS. LARGE OR SMALL.

man, nr. sears, 3-4U. CLN. FURN. slpg.

men. Exc. SCHOOL store Est. bus. Call between ousiues mat snouia gross over 3 nership: full modern equipment.

Address 554. Tribune. useful, beautiful Items, na APARTMENT HOTELS. ROOMING HOUSES.

MORRIS R. DeWOSKIN CO. 105 W. MADISON. STate 2-9891.

BErkshlre 7-4165 TOP DOLLAR PAID. GO ANYWHERE. DAY OR NITE. NEvada 2-2633. trans.

S6-J7 week. 1301 N. Hoyne. SHEET metal shop with property Fine COCKTAIL lounge Northwest: SLPG. rm In clean, quiet home: sgl.

partners location. Klldare 5-3525. tional distribution; overexpanded and under-promoted. Need top managerial talent and financial help to achieve much greater potential. Can you qual- gentleman, neis.

MUioerry 3-713U. oisagree. ntrssnire v-aoao. STEINWAY grand or fine spinet wanted. EDgewater 4-9309.

NEED PIANOS ANY STYLE; WILL PAY SHOE Repair Ivg. qtrs. In rear; CONF. Must sell; priced for quick sale. NICE, light, large sleeping room for ICE CREAM ROUTE rent mo.

siu w. ovtn-si. Living quarters. 5923 W. Dlversey.

YOUR PRICE. CApltol 7-9263. gentleman. PEnsacola 6-5213 WEST SIDE U7 ana on wnaz oasis 7 Address 77. Tribune SNACK SHOP for sale Located In CONF.

N. llv. gd. Ill NEED SMALL UPRIGHT PIANO Will ness; terms. Agent.

AUstln 7-3277. NEW HOME Treatment Kit for Baldness, National brand franchise available this area: company established accounts; will familiarize successful applicant with thriving southern Wisconsin commu-nltv. Doing sood year round business. pay top price. BRrargate 4-4249.

MEN, sing, or doub Kit. priv. Cermak and Hamlin. CRawford 7-2360 or CONFECTIONERY Shop With llv. otrs.


YOU NAME THEM. CONFIDENTIAL. WILL PAY TOP PRICES FOR ALL Attractive, modem equipment. Write or Good bus. EDgewater 4-881 TYPES OF PIANOS.

MOhaWk 4-4670. KQ4B. Sleeping rm call Ivar Seger. Clinton. Wis.

highly profitable merchandising methods: should net over $10,000 first Verv clean: $7. Ladv. N. air cond. Inc.

WE BUY ANY TYPE PIANO AND PAY uanarun, ana Abnormal Falling Hair needs promottonally minded Investor with capital for this very profitable business to stores, barbers, or mall order. 3 years of testing shows excellent acceptance and repeats on Emol SODA Fountain and Sandwich Shop 1 1 1 11 1 VAn nurni EX. FOR BENCHES. DEarbom 2-5269. year with unlimited expansion possibilities.

Experience In Ice cream field not yr. call FLaza 2-7215. COURT 9 unit. $56,250: cash. bal.

seat 100; next aoor to naming we CPLE. Hskpg. rm. and pay unemp. wife PLEASE SELL ME YOUR PIANO.

tter. 20 yrs. same loc. Retiring. sap mo.

pt. time work, village 8-7859 4: at 5 Hot Springs, Ark; essential. Must be financially responsible and ambitious. $10,000 cash re NAME YOUR PRICE. FR an kiln 2-9730.

lient. Address 552. Tribune. UAPilQl Y-tfO CURTAIN cleaning bus. and beaut, brlc km.

kit. apt. moo. fac, airy, 3438 Crenshaw. VAn Buren 6-6992 SPORTING gds.

store Reasonable. Must WANT pianos Any style, any make. WANTED Business Opportunities quired which Is secured. Write fully, Address 58, Tribune. Call us today.

Rogers Park 4-2894. sell due to niness. uirge, newiy deco want one of big 3 New car agency and Light hskpg. rm. refrigerator.

rm. apt. above. Busy location, money maker. Dam en nr.

Roscoe. Asking $19,000 must mil WElllngton 5-4466. rated living quarters in rear. Investment Pronertv. NEED upright, spinet, and grand pianos.

Bonus nrlces. WEntworth 6-7773. SAcramento 3-1718 or NEvada 8-9308 oiag. win pay to ssuu.uuu ior top rate estab. business In Chicago or GLaastone 5-z hob.

for sale. You can retire to do nothing; LARGE furnished room Kit. -laundrv TAILORING Establishment Since 1898; SENSATIONAL DISCOUNTS Used refrigerators at very low prices, freezers, washers, dryers, ranges, lron-ers. vacuum cleaners, heaters, roasters, broilers, toasters, waffle bakers, steam Irons, etc. LATEST MODELS IN ORIGINAL CARTONS A few used refrigerators with year guarantee available at bargain prices.


Wells. WEbster 9-0725. GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES WAREHOUSE SALE Offered To The Public At BIG SAVINGS. Refrigerators Ranges Washers Dryers Irontrs Television CE electric blankets and vacuum cleaners. 30 discount.

All appliances warranted by GENERAL LECTRIC. Warehouse. 1633 N. Halsted. DAILY 9-6.

Michigan 2-2441. VFLOOR MODEL CLEARANCE All '31 MODELS UP TO 75 OFF. REFRIGERATORS Crosley, G. Kelt vlnator, Phllco. Admiral, etc.

WASHERS ABC. Whirlpool. C. Bendix, Thor, Whlteway. RANGES Roper.

Maytag. Magic Chef. G. and L. H.

201 N. Cicero. AUstln 7-3159 Open Tuesday. Friday nite till 9. HOME FREEZERS At a price you can afford New 4 cu.

$149.50. New 8 cu. $189.50. $22.50 down, balance In 18 mot. TRI-PAR RADIO CO.

J19 N. Wells. ANdover 3-2583. no work to ipeak of; In small com GOOD grand, small upright or spinet. suburb.

Address 210. Tribune. Cel. AND groc. Illness forces sale; llv.

prtv, Gooa trans, insane 3-0716 will sell very reasonable; leaving town PHONE OR COME IN muinerry o-a4; AMoassaaor z-iaoa. CARL N. WOLF CO. gooa casn mg. use.

ROOM and Board Large private home. S. SIDE store urgently needs pianos- account or niness. Address 101. Tribune.

$5,500 plus stock. Must see oentieman prei. sjuiumbus 1-9412 SELLS any GOOD BUSINESS quickly. Phone GRaceland 2-3476. munity.

Total Intake $623.00 pet mo, Ask about It. Address 2 0. Tribune. JEWELRY STORE. OPPORTUNITY Grands, spinets, ups.

Hilltop 5-5050 to apprec. 725 Webster. HSKPG. rm. Refrigerator.

Ashland nr, TAVERN Restaurant, N. side, res, DELI CATESSEN-d airy-grocery With 3 STORE FIXTURES WE BUY OR SELL Any type business ooine annually: jackson. CAnal c-8144 ige.t joveiy living new est. FOR CASH. Mr.

Lewis, ANdover 3-5346 tops oppty. for yng. cpl. as we are too girls share with 3d Att, BUS. rm.

ill, win sacrifice. Klldare 5-9347. COMPARE Credit operator or chain should be In advanced. Pays In a year, lease to Ir you must sell or retire. I buy or apt.

norm. Wellington 0-8314. DELICATESSEN-FOOD SHOP. COMF. sleeping room Prtv.

home; girl We have 5 different lines of showcases suit, cash or part. Real estate. Trade, WHltehaU 4-9734, a. m. sen for cash.

Mr. Pollack CAnal 6-8625, LARGE MFG. OPERATION. A. G.

Sebring. ANdover 3-6183. and wall cases one of which Is made or rmpi. epie. i.nesapeaxe d-uovo.

TAVERN and Lounge Established 4 Must sell quickly due to Illness: llv. Otrs. 2531 N. Cicero. DELICATESSEN Food shop.

Excellent location. Good business, jiving quar- terested In this long estao. nne jewelry and optical store. Excellent location and reputation. AddressCH388.Trlbune.

LADIES' READY TO WEAR SHOP. Write P. O. Box 137, Streator, 111. IN AUSTIN Lovely lge.

comer 1st years; week income. om- 11: lora; exc. trans. EStebrook 8-9824 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT nletelv modem. Excellent location: 5 yr, ROOMS 8 run.

gd. ht, ters. Going into serv. EAstgate 7-2573 lease. A real opportunity.

WISHING FOR SALE- DELICATESSEN and food shop No com WELL LOUNGE. 3824 W. MADISON LAUNDREY and dry cleaners Good op SURPLUS LIQUIDATION. nyiir- muuai rroanect 1202. SRM.

FURN. bung. Autorht.7"3bathi! no linen: gd. $150 mo. Vic! Addlson-Clcero.

MUlberry 5-1377. TO RENT APARTMENTS SOUTH YOU CAW RENT A SUBURBAN HOME IN Spacious, Smoke-Free PARK FOREST An established community of 3,000 garden homes for families with children. CONVENIENT MODERN SHOPPINrl CENTER WITHIN THE COMMUNITY. Excellent transportation, schools, churches, and recreational facilities. MONTHLY RENTALS 3i2 ROOMS," $75 5 ROOMS, $92 6 ROOMS, $104 AUTOMATIC GAS FURNACE, STOVE AND REFRIGERATOR IN EACH HOME.

wafthig'ltit belDS accepted for cur PHONE FRanklln 3-0165 or VISIT the Administration Building Rental Offices in Park Forest's Shopping Center. Rental office open week-ends LOCATED ON WESTERN-AV. 1 MI S. OF V. S.


excel, ous. ONE VISIT SERVICE FAMILY LOAN CORPORATION LOOP. 33 W. Monroe-st. Financial 6-4370.

LOGAN SQUARE. 3147 W. Logan-blvd. EVerglade 4-8330. NORTH SIDE.

6355 N. Western. BRlargate 4-4131. WEST SIDE 4806 W. Madison.

MAnsfield 6-4211. SOUTH SIDE. 6901 Halsted. RAdcUffe 3-6500. 9113 Commercial.

REgent 4-6330. BLUE ISLAND. 13018 S. Western. BLue Island 86.

HARVEY 193 E. 15th-t. HArvey4090. HAMMOND. 5404 Hohman.

SHeffield 4650. TAVERN and package goods Estab. 20 oouwasnington.VAnBuren 0-2215 LGE. slpg. nn.

for work cpl. Kit. Prtv, VAn Buren 6-6748. LARGE housekeeping room $9 a week, portunity; owner retiring, ssox izo, Fairmont. Minn.

Address sj 31a. Tribune. yrs. Doing line Job. Retiring, lowest DELICATESSEN Best offer.

rent In S. Chicago. Long lease. 100 LAUNDERETTE GOOD OPPORTUNITY. 00 Ser.

2791, Cut 00 EAS HS; 5,000 R.P.M. 00 BAS HS. 6,000 R.P.M. OG BAS Ser. 2870 $1,700 53 National Acme; 4 Spindle.

$475 up by Columbus Showcase Co.) for drug stores, bakeries, men's wear, ladies' ready-to-wear. Jewelry, novelty stores, etc. After 24 years of experience we know we can fill your needs. One of the largest showcase companies In the U. S.

Designer or Salesman will call. Nn Oligatlon. GET THE LOWEST PRICES THEM TAKE PLENTY OF TIME TO PAY. Visit Our Trade-in Dept. Town Showcase Co.

6455 N. Ridge. ROgers Park 1-0800. ion w. Adams-st.

location on commercial avenue. Longlease. SOuth Shore 8-9890. Launderette Gross $1,500 mo. SUBURBAN REgent 4-9419 alter 1 p.

tn. TAVERN and Restaurant Will sacrifice. 315 National Acme: 4 $475 HOTEL Balbo. 1343 S. Clccro-av.

Sip, kitchenette ants. S18.UUU. Agent Museum 4-2541. 50 yr. old establishment.

Industrial LAUNDROMAT Terrific S. E. side loc 4 9 11 Belle Plalne. SPring 7-2090. Llv.

stm. heat. Ideal loc. Reas. Hudson 3-6045.

DELIC N. W. Inc. $1,800 sell low; dn. Call PLaza 2-7215.

DEL. Nr. school, church. Well stocked. Best offer.

Rt. $60. 1549 K. 83d-pl. DENTAL Office Modem, Including St ROOMS kitchen privilege.

Gentlemen All new equip. Agt. ANdover 3-3323 section. 1250 N. Sedgwick.

See owner. 8 a. m. to 2 p. m.

dally and Sun. oniy. my. cntr. surest 0-2023, Open 9 to 5: 30 weekdays.

LINGERIE and sportswear In most de Manvllle 3-16" header; O.D S.S.S1.800 Nut Tapper; 3-8" Nat. Auto Oil Separator Nat'l Bu. Cap. 1 1-8" Hand Screw Mach. 7-8" Hand Screw Mch.

Broach No. 1 Points $350 16" Niles Shaper $900 OAK PK. Refined man; lge. beau, TAVERN Equip, for restaurant. 3 story sirable location on north side.

Must BIG DISCOUNT NATL, ADV. 2-8 rm. nats. win sell Dusiness nome; pvt. Village 8-4245 sacrlnee on account of other business.

all or part. Reas. JUnlper 8-8737. ray; TO RENT APTS RMS. TO SHARE Terms can be arranged.

For ppolnt- with or without building. Northwest side. BRunswlck 8-1422. DIAPER LAUNDRY. cau Avenue d-wibi WOULD you like to share a 3 rm.

So. uowei Tannewltz. new USE Common Sense TAVERNS caj Well located; estab. 15 LINGERIE AND CHILDREN'S SHOP? side apt. with unconventional, congen RANGES.



HARVARD ELEC, 3620 Flournoy. Business established. Reasonable. Liv Make money while enjoying the Florida sun this winter. Due to death In family will sell thriving $8,500.

Address 363. Tribune; yrs. 3943 Lincoln, 3570 Milwaukee. On has fully equip, kltch. and din.

ial young Dullness man, u. or vie. Will share with same. HYde Park niAUAKA no. aaa, io gauge.

52 in. ing, quarters. ENglewood WE SET THE PACE Largest display of bar outfits, refrlg. display cases, walk-In, reach-in, florist beverage coolers, direct draws, registers, pizza ovens, cooking fans, showcases, etc. Restaurants, super markets, taverns, liquor stores, completety equipped.


elect, refrlg. thruout LIQUOR PACKAGE STORE AND BAR alter or week-ena. 2 BACHELORS WILL SHARE 3 RDRM TAVERN 4158 Lawrence; fully overdriven sq. shear. 1-64 in.

graduated screw type back gage with 3 n. p. Westlnghouse motor. Niagara geared rotary shear. 20 in.

throat, 5 In. dla. knives. Steel tables. 10 3'x BIG SAVINGS chattel barg.

small price ana EXCLUSIVE SECTION BEVERLY will finance, insp. CEntral on active highway in western suburb shopping area. Incl. 41 room 2 car yard, 40 ft. horseshoe bar, walk-in and bottle rollers, d.

d. taps. VAnderbllt 4-4277. DEarbom 2-7223. HILLS, WITH REFINED GENTLEMAN.

CALL EVES. Hlllton 5-50BA. rAVERN Live spot; Ideal for family or 10X35" h. with wheels: 3 3'x5'x35 Radio. TV, Washers, Rangers, and electrical appliances.

UP TO 40 SAVINGS. Open Monday Thru Friday 'Tfl 9:30. RADIOLECTRIC SB24 W. North-av. HUmboldt 9-4441.

GENTLEMAN wants share your apt. with h. with wheels. Argus Mfg. 1134 partners.

Must sell quick, win finance. Brokers. AUstln 7-3277. LIQUOR and bar comb. Must be sold same; or rani apt.

snare Dasis, 11 AllDUUrUMV, Address 49, Tribune. TAVERN complete; excellent HEAVY duty Industrial furnace. Number DINING ROOM AND MOTEL FOR SALE In Florida direct from owner. Year around business. Completely equipped.

Price $42,500. Address 33, Tribune DRESS Shop Evanston. Living qtrs. Stock at cost. Low rent.

HUmboldt 9-28 40. after 6 p. m. WANT 2 young men to share unique SEE Commonwealth S35 to $500 on furniture, auto, signature. No delay.

Common sense counsel. Friendly neighborly attitude. RESERVE-A-LOAN by phona or come In. Making Commonsense Loans Since 1887. COMMONWEALTH LOAN CO.

10 LOAN OFFICES 10. 4013 Milwaukee. AVenue 3-0443. 4803 Lincoln. LOngbeach 1-3456.

3166 Lincoln. Bittersweet 8-3360. 6352 Cottage Grove. HYde Park 3-3675. 6254 S.

Ashland. GRovehlU 6-9000. 1 N. Pulaski. VAn Buren 6-5040.

OAK PARK. this week. Doing $140,000 year business. Only need $5,000 cash down. Easy terms for stock.

Fast trans, cor. CoL 400 E. eist-st. nicest in area. $1,500 down, call 10 a.

p. m. SHeldrake 3-9563. nr. N.

aupiex siuaio apt. witn same. uo4i u. u. v.

H. supernn heater, Number 2 Lammert and Mann burner gas Ignition, modulating flame control, 15.000 C. F. M. air circulating blower.

WHltehaU 4-3224 after 6 or week-end. TAVERN good nr. Milwau LIQUOR store-comb. Suitable for' or ONE sober man to share 4 rm. fum.


W. McGRATH 1663 W. Ogden fat Adams. SEeiev 3-3472. SPECIAL LOW "PRICE on 22 case size of America's finest beverage cooler.

year warranty; pay only $1.25 dally. Phone direct. General Electric Supply Corp. Mr. Shine.

WAbash 2-5636. CLEARANCE SALE Trade-in machines from $30 up. Floor models up to 20t off. Perfect cond. Guaranteed.

Sewing course included. SINGER SEWING CENTER. .122 S. STATE. RAndolph 6-3681.

kee-Ashland. Right price. Other Interests. Address 278. Tribune.

Number 236 S. National oil burning boiler equipped with Number 1 Lammert apt. witn ci. congenia1. yng.

man AVenue 3-8522. TAVERN Good going business; long est. 2 partners; good going business; rent $150 long lease. Price reasonable. Vic E.

47th and Calumet. For Info. Call KEnwnnd 6-0346. ana Mann oil burner. 2460 S.

Pamen woman to sh. apt. with same Located near Beimont-Shemeid-av. Bittersweet 8-4650 12-6 p. m.

MOVE right In on or before Nov. 15 COMPLETE machinery for packaging nr. exc. trans. DElaware 7-0988 DRUG store No lunch: good drug bus.

LIQUOR store Comb, bar arid pack- 2 Stoke-Smlth auger fillers. 1 Dough- TAVERN LOUNGE Streamliner Club, COUPLE share their lge. apt. with 3 RENT A WASHING MACHINE FREE SERVICE. FREE DELIVERY.

Just $4 per mo. MErrlmac 7-7007. oya w. i-awnqaie. aa ji.

653 N. State-st. Must see to apprec Tms. Huber Co. superior 7-3448.

joveiy 9 rm. apt. nr. ogen nr. all transp.

and shopping; newly furnishings for sale; children welcume; nothing additional. Lease. Rent under S100. Adrtreu 1A1 T.ih.,n. Boy sealer.

2 bag openers, 15' conveyor. 1 Miller sealer. Sell all or part. WAbash 2-5954. NEW AND tTKEri: age.

old established, in busy north aide shopping district. Doing $150,000 year business. WElllnirton 5-1714. TAVERN package Comer comp. refrlg.

1103 Westgate at Marlon. EUclld 3-3640 2 GIRLS will ahare 6 rm. beaut, apt. with same. AVenue 3-8435.


1300 N. WESTERN. BElmont 5-1933. Est. bus.

Liv. low rent, jsest oizer Livingston 8-9514. TS29 eSsex-AV. imme. occupTue luxa LIQUOR store-tavern comb.

Exc. bupf Chicago phone: AUstln 7-1614. good net: short clean stock; $5,000 plus inventory: private party. Turner Pharmacy, 1958 Humboldt. BElmont 5-8285.

DRUG STORE 2 r. ph. class. Easy tms. AdddessM CA301, Tribune.

DRUGS 1-2-3 man operation. Call Mr. Halpem. BUcklnham 1-4611. DRY GOODS Nice stock; money making concern: good loc.

and town; will lease bldg. Dodd's. Martin. Tenm TAVERN Comer; old lndust. and sKia-monnted with 10 n.

p. gas engine. Starter and generator used 35 hours. Reasonable. Bishop 7-4400 or Riverside 7-4 077.

BURTON HOTEL 1429 N. CLARK. a warn, apts. in 60. Shore-Rentals Also 2V, $100, HArrison 7-5879.

ness location, au modern equipment. Best offer takes It. Shown by appt. only. Call owner at Vincennes A-5Ufi2.

resid. area. Moaera equipment, witn or without bldg. 957 N. Cicero.

Newly carpeted and dec. rooms. Rates BERWYN. 6346 W. Cermak.

GUnderson 4-5371 Chicago phone: Bishop 3-1 8 8 1 EVANSTON. 634'A Davis. GRaceland 5-5133 6923 CRAN DON Exceptionally spacious Liquor store and bar comb B. A S. No.

1 auto. scr. mach. Motor- siq.oo waiy. up.

complete hotel serv. TAVERN and restaurant. Busy uptown COMMONWEALTH HOTEL j-rs oearin. apis, in ae luxe so. Shore bldg.

Open dally and 10-5. Rental. S194-149 fKim location: long lease; 11 in ess lorces saie. Address 380. Tribune.

lzed; many collets, tools and cams. 4" cap. Immed. delivery. $1,500.

UPtown 8-3771. Transr. N. direct draw; walk-In cooler. Very low rent.

Illness forces sale. Klldare 5-7918. BUILDING SOLD Complete tavern equipment. Including rash register, cooler, and bar. UPtown 8-6604.

EDgewater 4-8394. FLORIST EQUIPMENT COMPLETE for flower and gift shops. Easy terms. CHAS. BENDER CO.

608 N. Wells. superior 7-2361. Chicago phone: Rogers Park 4-0754. HAMMOND.

5361 Hohman-st. SHeffield 7350. FISH STORE RETAIL TAVERN Good N. W. neighborhood.


Pine Grove. Lincoln 9-5700. WOODWORKING MACHINERY for sash. LlQUOR-BAR Llncoln-av. In Busy bus intersection.

Addreaa 107. Tribune. REFRIGERATORS $2 5 up. guar. CHICAGO'S LARGEST DISPLAY.

New gas stvs. In crates, $39.35 up. Globe. 2769 Lincoln. LAKevlew 5-5758.

45 OFF" ON luxe Servel refrigerators. F. o. b. warehouse while they last.

Roy Baumann Appliance. 4002W. MUlberry 5-7700. REBUILT Hoover vacuum cleaner 19.95. Aldens Dept.

Store, 3601 W. rvtng Park-rd. Rent a washing machine $1 per week. Also coin meter wash.HUdson 3-5200. STOVE Moore: kitchen all white.

Very food condKIldare 5-8192. Eervels New. used: real' barg. Union. 40 1 3 Llncoln-av.

Bittersweet 8-2202. glNGER ELECTRIC CON 5 9. CEdarcrest3-3l 3 SLIGHTLY used refrigerators Big sav Making commonsense Loans since 1887 rm. apt. New 1 bedrm.

$11S mo. Museum 4-1555 for further details. PINECREST come proven ao.auu montn: exc nx. yr. lease: hours 1 0 a.

m. to 1 2 Pr. S7.O00. A pent. Htldinn 3-4612 TAVERN Established business; good lo- DE LUXE 44 rm.

2 bdrms. 2d fir. Veu LOCAL SELF SERVICE DAIRV rASR Best Hollywood Pk. no competition: easily Increase sales: owner Has other business. Mr.

Stone. HArrison 7-3 7 8 7. FISH market, dellc Jollet; well equip, for wholesale and retail; no competition: good buy. Must sac due to Illness. Call JOliet 4902.

ct-tion; moaem sutures. vu iis Grove. RAdcUffe 3-9848. LIQUOR Store No. West corner location Refrigerated.

Slightly used. Will sell oam. imm. poss. Adults.

After 3:30 d. lnoig Aro.i.n 1 room attractive: excellent transportation. Complete hotel service. 3 94 1 Pine Grove. Bittersweet 8-64 00.

BARRY BROADWAY HOTEL cneap. una H. weils-st. TAVERN Must sell. -Good lease.

Tunnel aoors, caoinets, ana furniture, un line of knives and cutters. WOODWORKERS. 222 S. Jefferson. Chicago.

DfLTA SKILSAW ATLAS SAWS. SANDERS. DRILLS. AAA Saw Tool Service A Supply Co. OlWashlngtonHAymarket 1-7137.


ETC. 4 rm. apt2diiT' 54 Long lease. Low rent. Suitable for 3 partners.

Will sacrifice before new license. Call BErkshlre 7-9889. BAKERY SHOP FIYTimve LOAN CO. Tap, N. w.

comer etn-uorcnester. vie. eutn-Harper. Must sell compl. fum.

Reas. HYde Park 3-4293. evea. TAVERN N. TV, good bus.

Will sao 8033 Broadway. Bittersweet 8-1800. Blonde finish. 1665 W. Ogden.

USED drug store fixtures. Bargain. LIQUOR-Tavern $12,000 month busir lbs FIXIT rent. BEVERLY HILLS NEW CHOICE4ir and resale shop Good Must sell. IRvlng 8-1219.

ness. must sell, win finance. rlnce, bestoner.Lpany a- at TAVERN-Liquor comb. Fully equipped. newiy carpeted rms.

with comp. hotel exs. tr. $10.50 wk. up.

ruiiman 0-4020. Better Business Broker. AUstln 7.3277 RMS. IMM. BEST LOCATION; $135.

BEverl a-4447 staDiisnea traae. jusvaaa o-zu. Universal, 1120 Jackson. TAylor 9-1120 Liquor store southwest side. witE METROPOLE HOTEL ings.

IRvlng B-4000. $25 TO $500 QUICK. 'CONFIDENTIAL SIGNATURE ONLY 17 CHICAGO OFFICES. TAVERN Schlltz: well good loc AIR paint gun. sander, steam IM.

ROOMS. "pvt. bath. tioTTiTT IT 83d. Call tilrf attractive living quarters, established 17 vears.

Verv rem REmihltr 7-5518. 1009 63d, GKOveniU O-tf clnr. Bear scuff gauge, wheel bal. TAVERN GOOD CORNER LOCATION. FLORIST shop Estao.

6 years. Fully equipped. $1,000. Bittersweet 8-8556. FLOWER SHOP excelTTocaUon: Must sell, will finance.

BetterJBuslness Brokers. AUstln 7-3 277. FOOD MART Modem self-service, doing $4,000 per week. Selling because of draft. Will take best reasonable offer.

LIQUOR and bar comb. South Shore; 3751 Ogden-av. CRawford 7-3361. Open Thurs. til 9.

Sun til 3. 3325 utvinii rami. 3300 S. Michigan; beautifully newly decorated; large, airy $14 per wk. and up.

$3.25 per day arid up. LIVE DOWNTOWN. Clean, comfortable rooms as low as $7 per week twin beds as low as $6 per week each. 544 S. state-st estao.

17 yrs. call between 7-1 p. m. VXneennes A-Kl TAVERN N. W.

Mod. fixtures. Beaut. BUSINESS LOANS 5J3.i1iv.,'rrT a 4" rooms;" private bath: $125. See Janitor.

CHOICE 3W. rm. HSd." 7220 Ssuth Shore. Magnuason. 6 RMS.

Unhtd $69.50 ehliarepj welcome Aitreu lai VAPOR degreaser 30x36x43 In. high with pump. 320 3 nhase. Excellent 4 rm. apt.

$3. sou. Aitmitage o-jjbb. LIQUOR store N. W.

sld bar and LOWEST RATES condition. Mr. Lang, GRaceland 3-7800. TAVERN 16 yrs. same owner: 43d-Ellls; package: clean stock; mod.

fixtures. 3200 s. Grove. 6850 w. $7,500 Dlua lnv.

Art S-Ml bargain, soutn t-nicago -e ja o. p. m. EUCLID HOTEL 1 AND 3 RM. KrfCHT iutLLtK power 4 in.

lomer-cnopper. FOOD mart Super, beaut, store and Newly rebuilt with 2 h. t. single Dhasa LIQUOR Bar comb. Est.

nghbrhd. bus. Jo 12 HARPER Llv. all. TAVERN 2 apts.

Stock yds. dist. Inc equtpmt. ga. lease; see to motor.

$750. SEeley 8-3343. Pvt. ba S85. FAlrfax 4.2RK S300 mo.

Make oner. IKving b-izjo. reas. IRvlng 8-8215. pouring.

Low rent. Small Invent- ODnortunitv for cnunle 9Rni s-l--rn TAVERN Going Business: good lease. 6" LATHE, drill press, grinder. Watt 3 ROOMS 1st fl newlv decor US qtrs. FOOD SHOP Going bus.

Llv. Clean. Make offer. 6703 N. Clark-.

meters. Strobotag. gauge. free eaa. elert KRIev l.f(tlo LIQUOR Store, No.

Exc. "loc. Est. 14 1624 LAWRENCE. other tools.

MOnroe 6-3 519. yrs. huso. died. Will sacrifice.

FRED A. "SsMT. apt. $13.50 healed: na TAVERN and-restaurant Will sacrifice $500 TO $300,000 FOR ANY BUSINESS PURPOSE. ON MACHINE TOOLS.



KANES. CEntral 6-5533. Ill W. Monroe, Chgo. FOUNTAIN and ahort order Must sell.


NEWLY fum. and decorated 1 room kitchenette, $31 week: 3 room. $24.50 week; room and bath, $2 up. 164 8 Lunbv. ROgers Park 4-0900.

CLEVELAND APT. HOTEL STpf. rm. 1 rm. kltnt.

apts. $34.50 wk. Fireproof maid service. 2343 N. Cleveland.

Dlversey 8-7348. HUBER CO. superior 7-3448. AIR compressor to 15 h. p.

and children or dors. 6314 8. very reasonaoiy. rte.gem vij. spray buy, sell, trd.

Ideal Pump, is yrs. gas. ooo mo. TO RENT APARTMENTS SO. W.

TAVERN Grand piano; TV. Sac $4,500. Owner 111. 3800 N. Clark.

oui w. Washington. Monroe d-25i. bus. BUtterBeld 8-1144.

ROOMS stove, refrte.r ins BERG Dortable electric concrete finish LIQUOR Tavern Busy gd. will sac erExcellent condition. $90. S. side.

Mr. Clupke. GRovehlU 6-9831. due to illness. Avenue 3-667 FRUIT STORE Over 20 yrs.

good low rent. Sac. ac Illness. INdependence 3-2663. GARAGE New built to Fori plans! Lincoln and Mercury franchise for counties: low rent: Illness.

L. O. Engedal, Marinette. Wis. School age child accepted.

Imm. occup. Portsmouth 7-7115 before 9 a. m. SEeiev M-laft? REgent 4-4876 LIQUOR STORE-TAVERN Excel, bus.

TAVERN. 5 rm, apt. H. W. nelgl DRUM sander 36 In.

table. Call 2 NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS- 2 37 jnahs271 9 W. Lawrence. BARBER, beauty shoe stands New and used. Paldar.

1120 Wells-st. WANTED STORE FIXTURES-WANTED to buy Blonde finish floor and wall cases. HAymarket 1-2778. MOVING AND STORAGE NEW LOW RATES Automobiles and household goods to and West Coast On pool car shipments. With special storage facilities.

Your possessions are hanlled with proper care by experienced movers. COAST TO COAST PHONE FOR FREE ESTIMATES. REgent 4-5900 WORLD WIDE SHIPPERS. INC. LOOP OFFICES i 100 W.

MONROE. CEntral 6-6453. LOW RATES TO CALIFORNIA and All Intermediate Points COMPLETE SERVICE. Fast Thru Service or 30 Days Free. Storage on Pool Car Shipments.



illness. Address 228. Tribune LOBBY STAND LOOP BLDG. NETS $130 WKLY, 5 DAYS. PRICE $13,000.

COX Cfl nr.rhn 5.1nS7. Permanent rooms available. $13.33 tip. 29 W. QU1NCY borhood trade.

Everg i aae4-9 7 35. TAVERN Sell, lease or trade: fully eqpdT 2 mo. 1702 N. Whipple. TAVERN Attractive setup.

Near Law IOOO JONQUIL-TERRACE 3 and 3" CIRCLE, shear Nlagra 180 and acces- SPECIAL LOAN SERVICE FOR Retail Factories. Service stores. Jobbers. Fixture mch. equip.

Distributors sorles. EVerglade 4-0438. CROYDON HOTEL. large 1 rooan kitchenette and Lunchroom n. w.

16 stools. 3 MACHINE tools and production machy. boueht-sold. ACME. ANdover 3-3430.

rence and western, sunnysioe 4-2659. liv. dinette, new tile bath, tile nnora; nr. lake, ahopplng: very des lmn. occ; adults: no pets: $100 to $115 mo.

SHeldrake a.25a. tables: COOd bus. VAnderhilt 4-1 3S8. Cars, trucks, boats. Wholesalers reasonable monthly rates, minutes to TAVERN FOR SALE 2451 N.

CICERO-AV. SHOEMAKER stitcher arid machine Needing a loan or to buy a business LUNCH room Well good location. uooo. tun, Kusn. Quick sale.

644 N. Ridgeway. EDgewater 4-9128. or to cut present payments. Compare our low rates with any bank.

Phone J2-2V2 RM. KIT. UP TAVERN Best spot on Madison. Inquire NR. WABASH Complete mod.


MANUFACTURING Assembling, and WANTED Machinery and Equipment after 6 m. 1132 w. Maoison. All transp. LOngbeach 1-4724.

LAKELAND 4341 fiKrmniv SURFACE grinder power feed: cylin dls- TAVERN and liquor: South Shore today. Mr. Seymour. Financial 6-O100. MERCHANTS ACCEPTANCE CO.

8th Floor. 100 W. Monroe. trlet. REgent 4-9527.

alter 4. TIGHT, airy rms. New. decorated." pvC drical grinder Norton or Land at least 43" between centers. Small TAVERN S.

side. Full price $650, la- NEEDING A LOAN? anercnanauung or electrical units, presently doing $90,000 a year gross, nation-wide, potential unlimited. Because of IU health, must sell all accounts, tie-ins. and good will to party with promotional foresight. Address ITS Trlbnne.

broaching mach- cutter acaroener: autre. 1707 w. Division. S500 and ud. For any purpose.

In shadow graph; power shear 13 gauge capacity; brake at least TAVERN Well good loc. 3957 apts. lVr-2li rms. hew kitchens, baths, wood fireplaces. 1ST REALTY.

9 S. La Salle. CEntral 6-5131. RM. TOWN house Nr.No7r'br.

Lincoln Pk. gas new ktch. Excel, cond. Adults only. Rental $135.

Can be seen 1-7 p. m. Loc, 404 Webster. 2 EEDROOMS, 42-5 BMS, New $160 up; Tlx. lake; nice kit-, laundry, storage, ttr Trtcll, 7425 Kherldan or STale 3Ut31 stallment paper financed.

Capitol Trading 28 E. Jacsaon. w. Lawrence, independence 5-9574. bath: 312 and op.

Rex HoteL 3120 N. Ashland. Bittersweet 3-8800, CHATEAU HOTEL Ota Pk. Newly dec and fum. 3'4-S'4 rm.

apt. Comp. htl. serv. EUclld 3-2507.

CLARENDON Beach Hotel Attractive rooms with bath. Also soma with cooking facilities LOnrbeaeh 1-402O Has s. carpenter. Well estab rood location. TAVERN- MANUFACTURING-Plant Modesn.

with WEDSter W-34TT NAME YOUR PRICE. ANY TYPE MACHINERY. 2207 w. ciilcago-av. GUARANTEED recond.

E. $39. $2 wk. City. 6403 SHalsted BENDIX guaranteed gas and electric driers.

Big discount. Mulberry 5-8199. 5lL HEATER 4-5 rm. Evans: excell. 1 vr.

old. LAfavette 3-3595. WANTED HOME APPLIANCES REFRIGERATORS WANTED Any cond. 1937 models and up. Want T.

T. stoves, late wash, machines. On roe 6-1746. CFFICE FURNITURE AND DEVICES METAL FILING CABINETS New 3 drawer letter, colors. New 3 drawer combtn.

colors. New 8 drawer 3x5 or 4x6 card files. New 5 drawer 5x8 card flies. New 4 drawer files, susp. New 4 drawer letter and legal filet.

New 4 drawer combination. Hew 4 drawer fireproof files. WEINSHANK CO. NOrmal 7-8292. 6140 Wentworth.


$4 UP. $20 UP. STEEL LOCKERS AND SAFES. 826 S. Dearborn-st.

WAbash 0956 ADD. mach. R. C. Allen Port.

Reran. Royal $45; Und. TW, $40; Late Fold. Mach. $170; elec.

Dick Mtmeo. $145: file (6 drs I. $12: mah. fin. desk.

$25. I'prt. Swivel chr match. arm dir. $115.

Mon. at 10. 305 W. Lake-it. Financial 6-1275.

SS" AND 60" roahog. quality 54" mahog. linoleum top 60" mahog. dews 4 5 12x15x72 steel lockers KD $16 50 Steel tiles, star, cab Leather sofas and club chairs 50 Business Furniture Co. 200W.

Monroe. Large selection new and used steel and wood office furn. and equipment, lowest prices in town. T23 Mtlwtukee-av. HAvmarket 1-4265.


TABLES. GEISER OFFICE FURNITURE CO 1 34-26 W. Lake. DEarborn2-S788. USED steel blue cabs.

DesksT chairs, sates. William Gclser. 173 l-aSeDEarborn 2-7003 rlTNEY-BOWES model A postage meter Hand operated: practically new. $125iRAndolpn 6-5149. WIDE carriage, late' model.

Royal tvpS writer. Also Victor adding machine. NAtional 2-4424, TAt moaeTRoyal typewriter Magic margin: exc. cond. CApltcl 7-0142 STEEL LOCKERS-SHELVLVGCABINFTS 2 0W.JiUB3ARD:DE!lvjrtJ4 734 DESKS, tables files, etc.

New. used' DALj61 W. Hubbard. WHltehaU 4-3637 VSED Greatly reduced prices. CEntral 6-2090.

TYPFWR1TERS. adders 319 Star. W. Madison ANdover -tt TAVERN 2003 W. Cermak, good loca- PLEASE CALL HAvmarket tool room and tamping equip, n.

aide. Good location. Bldg. 1 year old. Inventory of equip, avail, upon request.

Address 576, Tribune. tion. gstapiisnea pusmess. $503 AND UV. CAR.


1S9 Wabash, DEarbom 2-2581. No. 3L GORDON Pantograph, witn cut- WYNDON. 826-28 Windsor 1 and3 grinder. ter GASOLINE SERVICE STATION Major oil company will leas modern 2 bay service station with 50 car parking lot to an-rgresslve Individual.

High gallonage unit. Investment 11m- Ited to Inventory and equipment. See representative at northwest corner of Sheridan and Catalpa (5500 N. Sher-Man to the morning or call SUnnyslde TAVES Ov. qtrs.

1334 N. Ashland. HUmboldt 6-9346 after 4. TAVERN CorneFTocatlon. "Estab.

busi MEAT MARKET N. side: up-to-date fix- Address If 23, Tribune. NO. 3 PLAIN MILL. "Bob.

elev. VldT! YOTTnEED $500 to 25006? tures; good location; retiring from business. S03S N. Lincoln. EDgewater 4-7700.

ness. B33 w. 79tn-st. aiier p. m.

Prompt serv ica for any type business K.naare 5-4646. "TAVERN REASON ABLE. room. Cooking faelutlea. Hotel aerrtca.

$1.80 per day pp. SUnnyslde 4-9636. SFO? N. KZNMORE Attractive 1-3 sleeping rooms at krtchv enetta LOngbeactt 1-9330, DEVON HOTEL. Rms.

and bath. $3 up daily, $14 wkly. 1314 Devon-av. SHeldrake 3-6QOU. IJ5 mo, utilities compl.

furn. Must see to appreciate. Virginia 7-6631 wk. days: Dlversey S-3936 eves, and week -en da. WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR SUR PLUS MACH, HAvmarket 1-4STS.

man Factories stores 2d Mtgs. FIRST FINANCE FRanklln 2-6904 MEAT and Grocery Good loc and In 1023 MADISON-ST. $500 TO $23,660 on EQUIPMENT TAVERN SPECIAL PRICE. PETS AND EQUIPMENT 1UBI.EASC 2 bedrm. apt.

Ultra-modern Hit, Club. 1150 E. 55th-st- Ere. moesx estaoiisnea in Chicago. TOM POWELL.

boxer puppy su, mo. old. male, golden GAS STATION Modern: tn best Downers Grove location: avg. 19.000 gal. handling major ou Co.

products. $9,000 invest- TAVERN W7 Fullerton: fuL eqpd. $500 SPECIAL RATES CALIFORNIA AND WEST COAST. FAST SERVICE TO EAST COAST. 4013 Broadway.


INC. GRaceland 7-01 85. 7-0 186. LOW freight rate on household goodsT personal effects to all Pacific Coast points. Empire Freight Co, 800 Sherman.

HArrison 7-3161. CARLINi. HOTEL rievaior nov. in occupancy. Rent $212.

including utilities. LOngbeach 1-2663 for appointment. 9 W. Washington. FRanklln 3-1966.

casn req. owner, tiumooiat 0-1535. vnnaie. peaigrvea: nae. oroaen; pnv.

party. Call RAndolph 6-7879, a. 5 o. weekdan. TRAILER Park Near Grand Rapids.

irn. aarm a i5i. Tribune. $500 AND UP. BU9TNESS AUTO MORTGAGE.

3P ARTICULAR Ladles Beau. lge. 14 1313 N. La Salle. MOhawk 4-6660.

Weekly rates. Priv. bath-shower. UPTOWN DISTRICT WEEKLY RATtS. Clean pvt.

baths, showers: radius. BOXER puppies 6 weeks: A. K. C. reg- GAS STATION Michigan.

Capacity 113 trailers. 5 in park at present. Will net $18,000 per Lew rates. Prompt. LOngbeach 1-7444.

come. LOngbeach 1 -023 8. MTLLWORK. Woodwork Oconocnowoc. Wis.

A fell equipped profitable going shoo doing custom residential and commercial work. Boor cement block building 60x73 feet. Automatic hot water heat. Power sawdust removal system. Equipped office and year old stake truck Included.

Top quality equipment and tools. men and owner operating shop. JOHNSON-NAVINE AGENCY 134 E. Wlsconsln-av. Phone 215.

Oononoeor. Wis. ssterea: sis to ioo. Dr. w.

L. Etit- riRANMAU xei, v.rawiora-av.. mxon. IU. Lawrence Hotel.

4737 N. Maiden. year. $40. 000 win nanoie.

j. uoane. Broker. GRand Rapids 730036 or Wen loc. S.

good teas, for selling below inventory: Ideal for mechanic. Phone STewart 3-9363. old: ned SCOTTY Male. 1 yr. SURF SHORE HOTElT house- Trt.

apt. In lovely residence, 7 wind. Must ae to appreciate. $10 ea. 4516 N.

Hermitage. SUnnyslde 4-7819. Vs RM, apt Sub-lease. Il50mo. In, 3 yr.

old blk. from lake: 1mm. occup. 7423 fibertdan-rd. AMbassadot 3-5723.

write Belmont, Michigan. CALL HArrison 7-5898 AT ONCE. AVOrr WAGE AND PAY TTlVtTPS. broken: accustomed to chll lid. Call HUd- 1H and 2hi rm.

apts. Desirbala log. Fl'RN. van return to VARIETY store at cost Good volume. son 3-4370.

426 Surf -sL Bittersweet 8-4630 ALL CREDIT ADJUSTMENT BUREAU. Ill JtrktMl Pnrim ill use toad cr part load. Tuxedo 9-8371 Price of $6,500 tnci. approx. ss.500 RED Fawa Boxers A.

K. C. registered. rrVJi P-M. KIT." apts.

CompL hotel inventory. Agent. NAtional 3-4910 gas station Super-triangle, busy cor- Wholesale Oil Co. 1511 N.Brincri, Well estab. 2 busiest cor.

$50 mo. Sublet 'V RJEcosTlTlf A T525 DEBTS COST $3 80 PER "MS- FURNITURE van ret. to Florida Can use load or Pt load. 7-7303. 4 months dd.

Phone cm write M. W. Donaldson. Polo. Illinois.

Dial 6-447 FOR QUCKTRAiaTbefore Oct. 25 No JiIONUMENT business Retail established MORGAN CREDIT AD JUSTMENT CO 20 K. Jackson. WAteah 4-K4T coon, semrtty. UII.

I urn. ew bulidlci. UPtown 8-5811. Lockman. INSTRUCTION "SnG.

Setter Female; aTmTpL oner rexuseo. tooa going Dosineas. Complete record glassware CElRSCaih for estate and trust shareiT i'A P. it.H IT 5 9 0 0 Ko. bathrrilrir; r4itaae 3-JiU reg housebroken; raised with child; some hunting.

RAvenswood 8-4890. TV and appliance; good for 3 young. sxrrvM-e. 20 minutes irom Loop. COPELT PLAZA.

639 Demlng-Pl. LGE. airy rms-Perm. rates; pvt. batnsT $13 and bp.

SHEFFIELD Manor Hotel. 3208 N. Sheffield. Bittersweet 8 8000. PERM.

rms. avail Newly pvt. baths: $13 per week. PLaza 3-6010. STATELY HOTEL.

6150 8. Greenwood. rrooata Ftnance. 108 m. Dearborn.

steam neat, i aauru, i aao. aggressive men. Liietime opportunity. 83 yrs. In growing, prosperous community of 7.000.

loc. 120 mile from Chicago. Excellent opportunity for right person or persons. Inventory, equipment, good wllL $25000. Write Bos 91, Princeton.

Tl'lnota. BOXER puppies 1 0 weeks old; beauties? Address MCH 264. Tribune. Other Interests compel ma to sell Im OOATS, MARIRE SUPPLIES paper oroaen. zvisiewater 4-133S.

i ROOMS-6300 N. lake. mediately. EUrtld 6-7709. WANTED CRUISER GERMAN Shepherd puppies C.

rum. for saw. rtentai so. Ad Oils BUSINESS EQUIPMENT 614 8 5. lAngiey.

FAlrtax 4-1874. only, prion BKiarg.i -tst3. IF YOU ARK INTERESTED IN A FU MOTEL and home for sale Approved I4WEST ELM APARTMENT HOTEL. OmDletelr dally maid service. lata mode! only.

34-43 twin engine: good shape; priced for quick saic. Addreaa If 911 Trlhnn. TURE WITH SECURITY. THEN READ PLUTO DOG HOUSE rm. Kat Nr.

steam hot water: walking distance to Laos. Tri ROOM kit. apU. Perm, or trans' GRAND OPENING "AMERICA'S Largest Boat $135. Address 5S2, Tribune, Corkers.

Collies. Springers. a I aaa motet on mam nignway 53. just two blocks south of the city limits of Chippewa Falls. Wis.

A beautiful moteL Modern. Hot water heat. Open year round Contact the Roe-Ett Motel. Route Cne. Chlooewa Falls.

Wis. Beiiereve Apt. Hotel. 733 stes. ELLIS HOTEL 1 room full hotel service: $3 ap.

4651 Magnolia. Chris-Craft Boat Sales. Inc. hounds. German Shepherds.

Dachshunds. 0319 II. RUMOKS HKW ELECT. TL1 BATH. $125.

'ai. Pumps 25.000 mo. Cor. loc. Full pr.

$2,700. Will finance Agent. AUstln 7-3277. GENERAL Store. Grocery." Bus StopS hrs.

from Chicago; has 2 flats and store. Small village on Rt. 14. Terms. C.

H. Amdt. Rt. l. JanervUle.

Wis. GREENHOUSE-AND NURSERY Apprcx. 4 acres of land: 3 bedroom home attached to greenhouse. Owner and wife are unable to handle business Greenhouse now greases $20 000 per year and could be built to much larger figure with more help. All Inquiries will Total selling price S60.O0O, Joel Taylor.

1601 Raetne, Wis. Office, phone 4-6431. hoaaea-0626. GRILL Track stop; low rent. Ideal for Toy pos Terriers, and Tiny Manches 3S0O S.


PHONK. VISIT. OR WRITE Gl Appro. FREIGHT TRAFFIC TNPTTTUTE -ITSW- DepJL T.STte 3-2330 LEARN IY DRIVE Easy Method agio Driving School North. ARdmore 8-780O; MEN-WOMEN Be "radio announcers.

Phone foe audition. WAbash 2-OT12. NURSERY SCHOOLS CHILD CARE LOVING Care anf hnerd for child. 2-5 years Pvt. home.

SUnnyslde 4-6618. MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC POP. PIANO BY RADIO PIANISTS. Jesse Ccman Studios, 64 E. Jackson.

MUSIC acta, downs, comedians, dancers, ate Any affair. DEatborn 2-37J4. fROOM lobby apt Furn. or BEA'UTTum. apts.

Chlcaro Beach HoteL" Ti-TT. 60 IN. beam" Lyman P.un- ter puppies. Priced very reasonable this week. 10 a.

p. m. MOTEL $35,006 gives you possession 3 pvt. patn. 4741 Maiden.

5100 Cornell. DOrchester 3-3400 Many have already fosmd financial ecurlty tn the nation's fastest growing, most profitable automatic merchandising business, serving COCA COLA AND OTHER MULTIPLE FLAVORS. No sell-lng. No soliciting. No experience required.

Start part or full tune according to your means. Car necessary. 3 ROOM apartment Sleeping loocaa. CLEAN sleeping rms. $5 per week, sp." aboat and 23 h.

p. Mercury Thunderbolt with trailer; fully $850. 3700 K. Westem-av. Uacoln 9-6474.

PXINTINQ MACHINERY SUPPLIES of 18 anlt Lannon Stone Motel. rm. borne: nr. Milwaukee. Charlton.

3223 Armitage. ALbany 3-3303. LOngbeacn 1-8144. 3108 W. Melrose Park.

AIRPLANES-AVIATIf PLACE Srinsoa ATI 9 Recently re- 1810 S. Wabash, victory i-iiBmgr. COVENTGARDESt-HOTEL FOR MEKT 527 DEMING 3 rooms; $90: lse. llvj FOOT Matthew. 3 cabin rrtiiu.

NEWS STAND. ADAMS "AND WABASH. room, niq, porrn. peqrm. sisj.

S3.560-S6.00O cash FMulre-d ttr arart MUST SELL. ASK FOR CHRIS. licensed, fully equipped, night or day Insturments, spare engine, radio equip azXT-T SPECIAL "RIAL 6117. AVAILABLE INtMEDIATELY. 3648 Fullertnn.

BElmont 5-0228. I06 AND" 296 MUtTTUTHS Good snane. Giea Print. nilbfn.Kin, Sun deck: snaay extras. Call PLaza 2-9686.

Asa for club steward. 263 if Clara. uneoin -v did. WINDALE HOTEL Rm. with bath." $13 awubTo 614 (C A at A 1 Cfe Bff U'tvt Vt avMa For personal Interview and to learn h.

gd. 2332 Ltaeeln. ment. Owner going overseas. Will bar anhtd.

Adam, ses PACKAGE-BAR COMBINATION, win sail. Good lease. Reasonable rent. CHRIS-CRAFT BOAT KITS, W. I- UltTFm A.

C-YHI 1HC ter or exchange. SOuth Shore 8-6513. N. DA MEN 3 11 30: la 6413 MAPLE MANOR 3-3 rm. apts.

Nicely leaving city. J30s 87th -St. CKinTHMOde12066rpra-cLiw" SIO W. Oilaa-av. Kl 'n.

V. T946-jEr'CO'UPB 360 hours; radio! facts about this buamess. write, stating business background and phone number, sensible financial arrangements ta Stnsil or large amounts. Address MCA 311. Tribune, Immediate poss.

AMbassador 2-1591. iv nuned. nr. Loop, superior t-joso. IU-a SMWsfiTeidciiFS: Bjaic 2-ioto.

LAKE Ot iur i-io M. p. 1S1 SCOTT Atwater rr right. Walworta county Airport. Eia-kora, Wisconsin.

S950. motor IlIANDRU' fiOTC5fUi7afly and A-2297. weealy rates. e-7 E. ChiSk.

rui. iio-i ws. a-24ja. wna ncut. and rev.

lJUenrw many cioseu; sep. gucnaa; $1B. i aaA. a. a..

Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2025)


What is the most widely read newspaper in Chicago? ›

Newspapers. Two major daily newspapers are published in Chicago, the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun-Times. The former has the larger circulation.

Is Chicago Tribune Republican or Democrat? ›

The paper retained its Republican and conservative perspective in its editorials, but it began to publish perspectives in wider commentary that represented a spectrum of diverse opinions, while its news reporting no longer had the conservative slant it had in the McCormick years.

Where will Chicago Tribune move to? ›

Freedom Center is being demolished to make way for a planned Bally's Chicago Casino complex. Tribune Publishing is moving its printing operations to the northwest suburban Daily Herald plant, a smaller but newer facility it purchased in May 2023 for an undisclosed price.

What kind of newspaper is the Chicago Tribune? ›

Chicago Tribune, daily newspaper published in Chicago, one of the leading American newspapers and long the dominant, sometimes strident, voice of the Midwest. The newspaper—as well as its parent company and later media conglomerate, the Tribune Company—was founded in 1847 by three Chicagoans.

What newspaper has the most readers? ›

The newspaper with the highest print circulation in the United States in the six months running to September 2023 was The Wall Street Journal, with an average weekday print circulation of 555.2 thousand. Ranking second was The New York Times, followed by The New York Post.

What is the most sold newspaper USA? ›

The following is a list of the largest daily US newspapers in order of circulation.
  1. The Wall Street Journal. ...
  2. The New York Times. ...
  3. USA Today. ...
  4. The Washington Post. ...
  5. Los Angeles Times. ...
  6. New York Post. ...
  7. Tampa Bay Times. ...
  8. Chicago Tribune.

Is Chicago more Democratic or Republican? ›

Traditionally, Chicago, East Saint Louis, and the Quad Cities region have tended to vote heavily Democratic, along with the Central Illinois population centers of Peoria, Champaign-Urbana and Decatur.

How many people read the Chicago Tribune? ›

Chicago Tribune overview

The Pulitzer Prize-winning newspaper has a daily readership of 1.7 million and 2.7 million on Sunday.

Is the Chicago Tribune closing? ›

On Saturday, the Freedom Center printed its final edition of the Chicago Tribune before facing a demolition deadline and planned redevelopment into a casino. Tribune Publishing is shifting printing operations to the northwest suburban Daily Herald plant, which it purchased in May 2023.

Who is leaving the Chicago Tribune? ›

Other notable writers walking away from the Tribune are John Kass, Steve Chapman, Phil Rosenthal, Steve Johnson, Mary Ellen Podmolik and Susanna Homan, who is the publisher of Chicago magazine.

Who took over Chicago Tribune? ›

May 24, 2021. Alden Global Capital completes its $633 million purchase of Tribune Publishing, taking the Chicago-based newspaper chain private.

How much does it cost to live in the Chicago Tribune building? ›

Browse Recently Sold & Rented Condos in Tribune Tower Residences12 Properties
AddressBedsSold Price
435 N Michigan Ave #1012 Chicago, IL 606113$3,080,000
435 N Michigan Ave #318 Chicago, IL 606111$6,000 / month
435 N Michigan Ave #616 Chicago, IL 606111$6,500 / month
435 N Michigan Ave #709 Chicago, IL 606112$1,375,000
8 more rows

Can you read the Chicago Tribune for free? ›

What if I don't want to pay? You are welcome to read some stories for free. The amount of stories may vary based on the news cycle and time of year. Unlimited access to is part of all subscription packages.

What is the oldest newspaper in the United States? ›

Founded prior to American independence, The Hartford Courant is the country's oldest newspaper in continuous publication. On October 29, 1764, New Haven printer Thomas Green began publishing The Hartford Courant (then known as The Connecticut Courant) out of the Heart and Crown Tavern in Hartford, Connecticut.

Where is the headquarters of the Chicago Tribune? ›

Freedom Center is currently used as the headquarters and office location of the Chicago Tribune.

What is the most widely read daily newspaper? ›

Dainik Jagran

Dainik Jagran is the most widely read newspaper in India with a total readership of over 55 million. Established in 1942, it covers national and international news along with extensive local coverage. It is known for its city-centric supplements and local cartoons.

What is the most watched news channel in Chicago? ›

ABC7/WLS-TV Chicago is the No. 1 local news source and most-watched television station in Chicago.

What is the largest newspaper in Illinois? ›

Founded in 1847, the Chicago Tribune, is the top source of news and information in the Chicago area and the largest news organization in the Midwest.

What is the most widely circulated newspaper today? ›

25 largest newspapers in America
1Wall Street JournalNews Corp
2New York TimesNew York Times Company
3New York PostNews Corp
4Washington PostWashington Post
21 more rows
Feb 19, 2024


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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

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Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.