Bee Swarm Simulator Soft Wax (2025)

1. Soft Wax - Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki - Fandom

  • Puffshroom · Honeysuckle · Pumpkin Patch

  • Soft Wax is an inventory item and a type of wax added in the 12/26/2021 update that can be used on a Beequip to boost its stats. Upon usage, it has a 100% chance to slightly improve the Beequip's stats. It also can be used for crafting items and tools, such as Planters, and other types of wax, such as, Hard Wax, Swirled Wax, and Caustic Wax. These can all be made in the Blender. When giving soft wax to a bee's beequip, the message says “The Wax has Improved the Beequip!”. Crafting via Blender fo

Soft Wax - Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki - Fandom

2. Waxes - Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki - Fandom

  • Finishing The Festive Planter (#10) requires the player to collect 10 Soft Waxes. Upgrading The Honeydays (#13) requires the player to use 5 Soft Waxes. Cogs ...

  • Waxes are Inventory Items that were added in the 12/26/2021 Update. They are used by players to modify the stats and abilities of Beequips. There are currently 4 different Waxes, and each Wax can affect a Beequip differently. The player can only use up to 5 Waxes on a Beequip, so if the Player would like to use more Waxes on a Beequip, they must use a Turpentine on the Beequip to remove the waxes. Doing this will change the stats back to the original ones the Beequip had. Waxes can also be used

Waxes - Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki - Fandom

3. How do I collect Soft Wax? | Fandom - Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki

How do I collect Soft Wax? | Fandom - Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki

4. User blog:RolledOut34/Soft Wax - Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki

  • Soft Wax is an inventory item that can be used on a beequip to alter its stats. Upon usage, it will always slightly improve the beequip's stats.

  • Soft Wax is an inventory item that can be used on a beequip to alter its stats. Upon usage, it will always slightly improve the beequip's stats. Crafting it from the Blender for 5 honeysuckles, 1...

User blog:RolledOut34/Soft Wax - Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki

5. Where Can I Get Soft Waxes ? | Fandom - Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki

Where Can I Get Soft Waxes ? | Fandom - Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki

6. How to Get Soft Wax in Bee Swarm Simulator | The Nerd Stash

  • 31 jan 2023 · How to Get Soft Wax in Bee Swarm Simulator · You can get Soft Wax by defeating Puffshrooms. · As a reward for completing quests such as Bee ...

  • While playing Bee Swarm Simulator, you can find various resources, so read on to find out how to get Soft Wax.

How to Get Soft Wax in Bee Swarm Simulator | The Nerd Stash

7. Soft wax | Fandom - Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki

  • 29 okt 2023 · Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.

  • I'm currently doing the repair the white drive…

Soft wax | Fandom - Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki

8. Bee Swarm Simulator codes for June 2024 - VG247

  • 8 jun 2024 · Bee Swarm Simulator is the Roblox game that allows you to collect flowers and to get the best bees you can to build up strong hives.

  • Find all working Bee Swarm Simulator codes each month right here, for new bees, buffs and more.

Bee Swarm Simulator codes for June 2024 - VG247

9. Soft wax - Urban Dictionary

  • A type of wax that is soft.also from bee swarm simulator.

  • A type of wax that is soft.also from bee swarm simulator

Bee Swarm Simulator Soft Wax (2025)


What planter gives the most soft wax? ›

The Red Clay Planter and The Planter Of Plenty drops Soft Waxes as a bonus drop. The Festive Planter can also drop Soft Waxes. Planters in the Pumpkin Patch grant extra Waxes, including Soft Wax. A fully grown Red Clay Planter in Pumpkin Patch guarantees 2 Soft Waxes, along with other stuff.

What's the difference between soft wax and hard wax? ›

When compared to soft wax, hard wax is a lot gentler on the skin. This is because hard wax adheres directly to the hairs, rather than to the skin. So when it's removed, it doesn't pull as much on the skin, leaving behind less irritation and causing less discomfort.

Is candy planter reusable? ›

The Candy Planter is a reusable planter added in 12/26/21 update. It fully grows in about 4 in-game hours, but it can be boosted by using Glitter and by the player's bees taking a sip from it.

Which plants provide wax? ›

Typical plant waxes include candelilla wax, carnauba wax, rice bran wax as well as sunflower wax, etc. Candelilla wax is mainly obtained from the leaves of plant E. antisyphilitica Zuccarini native to northern Mexican and south-west Texax (Arato et al., 2014).

Are planters permanent bee swarms? ›

One-time Use Planters are planters that can't be reused and requires the player to acquire more of them in order for them to be used again. Permanent Planters are planters that can be indefinitely reused after acquiring them.

Which wax is softer? ›

Hard wax is gentler on your skin. It's better suited for sensitive areas, and is less painful to remove. Soft wax is better suited for large areas, like your legs or back. If you're new to waxing, you may want to start off with a waxing session from a licensed esthetician or dermatologist.

How is soft wax removed? ›

Soak a clean washcloth in hot water, and place it on the wax or wax residue to soften the wax. Let it sit in the area for around 1-2 minutes. Once wax is loosened, remove it with your washcloth. Mineral oil can also be used to remove small areas of wax or wax residue from the body.

What is true of soft wax? ›

Soft wax is excellent for grabbing fine hairs, like those on the face; however, it shouldn't be applied to the same area twice, as this may leave your skin red and irritated afterward. Benefits of Soft Wax: Adheres easily to fine hair. Removes layers of dead skin.

How can I get pollen fast in BSS? ›

Level up your bees.

Leveling up your bees improve their stats, meaning you can earn pollen faster. Keep in mind that other bees like strawberries more than the other, and other bees like blueberries more than the other, so you can boost them faster than your other bees.

What is the fastest way to get gumdrops in bss? ›

Ways to Obtain
  1. Crafting via Blender for: 3 Blueberries. ...
  2. Spending. ...
  3. As a drop from certain mobs. ...
  4. As a drop from leaves in the Stump Field.
  5. Popping a gummy sprout or a festive sprout.
  6. As a reward for completing certain Black Bear and Brown Bear quests. ...
  7. As a gift from a festive gift.
  8. As a Cub Buddy gift.

What is the fastest way to get treats in bee swarm simulator? ›

Completing all of Onett's quests, Mother Bear's quests, and Panda Bear's quests. Completing 750 Brown Bear quests rewards a star treat. Every 500 quests after the 750th Brown Bear quest also rewards a star treat.


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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.